48 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Discretized Light-Cone Quantization

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of the light-front Gross-Neveu model is studied in the framework of the discretized light-cone quantization. Introducing a scalar auxiliary field and adding its kinetic term, we obtain a constraint on the longitudinal zero mode of the scalar field. This zero-mode constraint is solved by using the 1/N1/N expansion. In the leading order, we find a nontrivial solution which gives the fermion nonzero mass and thus breaks the discrete symmetry of the model. It is essential for obtaining the nontrivial solution to treat adequately an infrared divergence which appears in the continuum limit. We also discuss the constituent picture of the model. The Fock vacuum is trivial and an eigenstate of the light-cone Hamiltonian. In the large NN limit, the Hamiltonian consists of the kinetic term of the fermion with dressed mass and the interaction term of these fermions.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, no figures, to be published in Progress of Theoretical Physic

    Light-Front Realization of Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    We discuss a description of chiral symmetry breaking in the light-front (LF) formalism. Based on careful analyses of several models, we give clear answers to the following three fundamental questions: (i) What is the difference between the LF chiral transformation and the ordinary chiral transformation? (ii) How does a gap equation for the chiral condensate emerge? (iii) What is the consequence of the coexistence of a nonzero chiral condensate and the trivial Fock vacuum? The answer to Question (i) is given through a classical analysis of each model. Question (ii) is answered based on our recognition of the importance of characteristic constraints, such as the zero-mode and fermionic constraints. Question (iii) is intimately related to another important problem, reconciliation of the nonzero chiral condensate and the invariance of the vacuum under the LF chiral transformation. This and Question (iii) are understood in terms of the modified chiral transformation laws of the dependent variables. The characteristic ways in which the chiral symmetry breaking is realized are that the chiral charge is no longer conserved and that the transformation of the scalar and pseudoscalar fields is modified. We also discuss other outcomes, such as the light-cone wave function of the pseudoscalar meson in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model.Comment: 26 pages, no figure, REVTEX, Journal versio

    Quantum description for a chiral condensate disoriented in a certain direction in isospace

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    We derive a quantum state of the disoriented chiral condensate dynamically, considering small quantum fluctuations around a classical chiral condensate disoriented in a certain direction n \vec n in isospace. The obtained nonisosinglet quantum state has the characteristic features; (i) it has the form of the squeezed state, (ii) the state contains not only the component of pion quanta in the direction n \vec n but also the component in the perpendicular direction to n \vec n and (iii) the low momentum pions in the state violate the isospin symmetry. With the quantum state, we calculate the probability of the neutral fraction depending on the time and the pion's momentum, and find that the probability has an unfamiliar form. For the low momentum pions, the parametric resonance mechanism works with the result that the probability of the neutral fraction becomes the well known form approximately and that the charge fluctuation is small.Comment: 19 page

    An Almost Perfect Quantum Lattice Action for Low-energy SU(2) Gluodynamics

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    We study various representations of infrared effective theory of SU(2) Gluodynamics as a (quantum) perfect lattice action. In particular we derive a monopole action and a string model of hadrons from SU(2) Gluodynamics. These are lattice actions which give almost cut-off independent physical quantities even on coarse lattices. The monopole action is determined by numerical simulations in the infrared region of SU(2) Gluodynamics. The string model of hadrons is derived from the monopole action by using BKT transformation. We illustrate the method and evaluate physical quantities such as the string tension and the mass of the lowest state of the glueball analytically using the string model of hadrons. It turns out that the classical results in the string model is near to the one in quantum SU(2) Gluodynamics.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figure

    The System of Multi Color-flux-tubes in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    We study the system of multi color-flux-tubes in terms of the dual Ginzburg -Landau theory. We consider two ideal cases, where the directions of all the color-flux-tubes are the same in one case and alternative in the other case for neighboring flux-tubes. We formulate the system of multi color-flux -tubes by regarding it as the system of two color-flux-tubes penetrating through a two dimensional sphere surface. We find the multi flux-tube configuration becomes uniform above some critical flux-tube number density ρc=1.31.7fm2\rho_c = 1.3 \sim 1.7 {\rm fm}^{-2}. On the other hand, the inhomogeneity on the color electric distribution appears when the flux-tube density is smaller than ρc\rho_c. We discuss the relation between the inhomogeneity in the color-electric distribution and the flux-tube number density in the multi-flux-tube system created during the QGP formation process in the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, ( 7 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    QCD Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    We study the pure-gauge QCD phase transition at finite temperatures in the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory, an effective theory of QCD based on the dual Higgs mechanism. We formulate the effective potential at various temperatures by introducing the quadratic source term, which is a new useful method to obtain the effective potential in the negative-curvature region. Thermal effects reduce the QCD-monopole condensate and bring a first-order deconfinement phase transition. We find a large reduction of the self-interaction among QCD-monopoles and the glueball masses near the critical temperature by considering the temperature dependence of the self-interaction. We also calculate the string tension at finite temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, uses PHYZZX ( 5 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    Vector Mesons on the Light Front

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    We apply the light-front quantization to the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with the vector interaction, and compute vector meson's mass and light-cone wavefunction in the large N limit. Following the same procedure as in the previous analyses for scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons, we derive the bound-state equations of a q-qbar system in the vector channel. We include the lowest order effects of the vector interaction. The resulting transverse and longitudinal components of the bound-state equation look different from each other. But eventually after imposing an appropriate cutoff, one finds these two are identical, giving the same mass and the same (spin-independent) light-cone wavefunction. Mass of the vector meson decreases as one increases the strength of the vector interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, discussion on the cutoff scheme changed, Fig.3 replaced, and one reference adde