29 research outputs found

    Coherent States and a Path Integral for the Relativistic Linear Singular Oscillator

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    The SU(1,1) coherent states for a relativistic model of the linear singular oscillator are considered. The corresponding partition function is evaluated. The path integral for the transition amplitude between SU(1,1) coherent states is given. Classical equations of the motion in the generalized curved phase space are obtained. It is shown that the use of quasiclassical Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule yields the exact expression for the energy spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, Uses RevTeX4 styl

    Exact solution of the position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equation with the completely positive oscillator-shaped quantum well potential

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    Two exactly-solvable confined models of the completely positive oscillator-shaped quantum well are proposed. Exact solutions of the position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equation corresponding to the proposed quantum well potentials are presented. It is shown that the discrete energy spectrum expressions of both models depend on certain positive confinement parameters. The spectrum exhibits positive equidistant behavior for the model confined only with one infinitely high wall and non-equidistant behavior for the model confined with the infinitely high wall from both sides. Wavefunctions of the stationary states of the models under construction are expressed through the Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials. In general, the Jacobi polynomials appearing in wavefunctions depend on parameters aa and bb, but the Laguerre polynomials depend only on the parameter aa. Some limits and special cases of the constructed models are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    The Wigner function of a q-deformed harmonic oscillator model

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    The phase space representation for a q-deformed model of the quantum harmonic oscillator is constructed. We have found explicit expressions for both the Wigner and Husimi distribution functions for the stationary states of the qq-oscillator model under consideration. The Wigner function is expressed as a basic hypergeometric series, related to the Al-Salam-Chihara polynomials. It is shown that, in the limit case h→0h \to 0 (q→1q \to 1), both the Wigner and Husimi distribution functions reduce correctly to their well-known non-relativistic analogues. Surprisingly, examination of both distribution functions in the q-deformed model shows that, when q≪1q \ll 1, their behaviour in the phase space is similar to the ground state of the ordinary quantum oscillator, but with a displacement towards negative values of the momentum. We have also computed the mean values of the position and momentum using the Wigner function. Unlike the ordinary case, the mean value of the momentum is not zero and it depends on qq and nn. The ground-state like behaviour of the distribution functions for excited states in the q-deformed model opens quite new perspectives for further experimental measurements of quantum systems in the phase space.Comment: 16 pages, 24 EPS figures, uses IOP style LaTeX, some misprints are correctd and journal-reference is adde

    The Husimi function of a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent effective mass

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    The phase space representation for a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent effective mass is constructed. We have found the Husimi distribution function for the stationary states of the oscillator model under consideration for both cases without and with the applied external homogeneous field. The obtained function is expressed through the double sum of the parabolic cylinder function. Different special cases and the limit relations are discussed, too.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    The Wigner function of a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent effective mass

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    We develop a phase-space representation concept in terms of the Wigner function for a quantum harmonic oscillator model that exhibits the semiconfinement effect through its mass varying with the position. The new method is applied for the analytical computation of the Wigner distribution function for such a semiconfinement quantum system. The method allows for suppression of the divergence of the integrand in the definition of the quantum distribution function and leads to the computation of its analytical expressions for the stationary states of the semiconfined oscillator model. Both cases of the presence and absence of the applied external homogeneous field for this quantum system are studied. Obtained exact expressions of the Wigner distribution function are expressed through the Bessel function of the first kind and Laguerre polynomials. Further, some of the special cases and limits are discussed in detail.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    A relativistic model of the NN-dimensional singular oscillator

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    Exactly solvable NN-dimensional model of the quantum isotropic singular oscillator in the relativistic configurational r⃗N\vec r_N-space is proposed. It is shown that through the simple substitutions the finite-difference equation for the NN-dimensional singular oscillator can be reduced to the similar finite-difference equation for the relativistic isotropic three-dimensional singular oscillator. We have found the radial wavefunctions and energy spectrum of the problem and constructed a dynamical symmetry algebra.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    On the Wigner function of the relativistic finite-difference oscillator in an external field

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    The phase-space representation for a relativistic linear oscillator in a homogeneous external field expressed through the finite-difference equation is constructed. Explicit expressions of the relativistic oscillator Wigner quasi-distribution function for the stationary states as well as of states of thermodynamical equilibrium are obtained and their correct limits are shown.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, IOP styled LaTeX, to be published in Journal of Physics

    The Relativistic Linear Singular Oscillator

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    Exactly-solvable model of the linear singular oscillator in the relativistic configurational space is considered. We have found wavefunctions and energy spectrum for the model under study. It is shown that they have correct non-relativistic limits.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures in eps format, IOP style LaTeX file (revised taking into account referees suggestions