13 research outputs found

    miR-155 overexpressing monocytes resemble HLA highISG15 + synovial tissue macrophages from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and induce polyfunctional CD4+ T cell activation

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    MicroRNAs (miRs) are known to regulate pro-inflammatory effector functions of myeloid cells, and miR dysregulation is implicated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a condition characterized by inflammation and destruction of the joints. We showed previously that miR-155 is increased in myeloid cells in RA and induces pro-inflammatory activation of monocytes and macrophages; however, its role at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity was not defined. Here, RNA-sequencing revealed that overexpression of miR-155 in healthy donor monocytes conferred a specific gene profile which bears similarities to that of RA synovial fluid-derived CD14+ cells and HLAhighISG15+ synovial tissue macrophages, both of which are characterized by antigen-presenting pathways. In line with this, monocytes in which miR-155 was overexpressed, displayed increased expression of HLA-DR and both co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules, and induced activation of polyfunctional T cells. Together, these data underpin the notion that miR-155-driven myeloid cell activation in the synovium contributes not only to inflammation but may also influence the adaptive immune response

    Optimising psoriatic arthritis therapy with immunological methods to increase standard evaluation: the protocol of an open-label multicentre, parallel-group, two-arm randomised controlled study evaluation precision medicine approach in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis

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    Introduction: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) affects around 150 000 people in the UK of whom around 50% require treatment with biologics. The most used biologics for PsA target tumour necrosis factor (TNF) or interleukin-17A (IL-17A). About 50% of patients respond to each, but it is not currently possible to predict response for individual patients, necessitating sequential treatment steps. A recent proof of concept study in PsA suggested that using peripheral immunophenotype to choose therapy could improve time to treatment response. This study will test the hypothesis, within an open-label parallel-group biomarker-stratified multicentre randomised controlled trial, which the baseline proportion of CD4+T cells with an activated type 17 immunophenotype (Th17 levels) predicts response to IL-17A or TNF inhibitors in PsA. Additional analyses will identify if the model can be refined by combining additional clinical and immunophenotypic factors. Statistical modelling will be used to predict the likely effectiveness of these approaches compared with standard care. Methods and analysis: Patients with PsA eligible to start their first biologic as part of standard care are recruited and baseline blood tests are taken for immunophenotyping. Participants are stratified equally by Th17 levels and randomised 1:1 to receive either TNF (adalimumab) or IL-17A (secukinumab) inhibitors. The primary analysis will establish the interaction between baseline immunophenotype and treatment on the primary outcome (achievement of minimal disease activity criteria at week 24). In secondary analysis, modelling will identify if this prediction model can be optimised further by incorporating clinical phenotypes and additional immunophenotyping techniques. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval for the study was granted by the North West Preston Research Ethics Committee (ref 21/NW/0016). Dissemination will be via conference presentations and peer-reviewed publications, aiming to impact on treatment guidelines. Trial registration number ISRCTN17228602

    Anti-TNF treatment negatively regulates human CD4+ T-cell activation and maturation in vitro, but does not confer an anergic or suppressive phenotype

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    TNF-blockade has shown clear therapeutic value in rheumatoid arthritis and other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, however its mechanism of action is not fully elucidated. We investigated the effects of TNF-blockade on CD4+ T cell activation, maturation, and proliferation, and assessed whether TNF-inhibitors confer regulatory potential to CD4+ T cells. CyTOF and flow cytometry analysis revealed that in vitro treatment of human CD4+ T cells with the anti-TNF monoclonal antibody adalimumab promoted IL-10 expression in CD4+ T cells, whilst decreasing cellular activation. In line with this, analysis of gene expression profiling datasets of anti-TNF-treated IL-17 or IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells revealed changes in multiple pathways associated with cell cycle and proliferation. Kinetics experiments showed that anti-TNF treatment led to delayed, rather than impaired T-cell activation and maturation. Whilst anti-TNF-treated CD4+ T cells displayed some hyporesponsiveness upon restimulation, they did not acquire enhanced capacity to suppress T-cell responses or modulate monocyte phenotype. These cells however displayed a reduced ability to induce IL-6 and IL-8 production by synovial fibroblasts. Together, these data indicate that anti-TNF treatment delays human CD4+ T-cell activation, maturation, and proliferation, and this reduced activation state may impair their ability to activate stromal cells