58 research outputs found


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    Not AvailableTobacco yield loss due to weed competition is the most important factor that causes yield and quality reduction. Due to the scarcity of human labour, manual weeding is becoming difficult in tobacco. In situations where manual weeding and intercultural operations are not done on time due to adverse soil and weather conditions use of herbicides is the obvious choice in FCV tobacco weed management. Hence, this study was proposed by inclusion of herbicides in weed management in FCV tobacco under irrigated alfisols. The field experiment was conducted in RBD with 10 treatments viz.1. Pre-plant soil incorporation (PPI) of Pendimethalin 3 days before planting + Quizalofop-ethyl 30 DAP 2. PPI of Pendimethalin 3 days before planting + Quizalofop-ethyl 75 days after planting(DAP) 3. Post emergence application (PEA) of Quizalofop-ethyl at 15 DAP 4. PEA of Quizalofop-ethyl at 60 DAP 5. PEA of Quizalofopethyl at 75 DAP 6. PEA of Quizalofop-ethyl at 15 + 75 DAP 7. PEA of Quizalofop-ethyl at 60 + 90 DAP 8. PEA of Quizalofop-ethyl at 75 + 125 DAP 9. Weed free check 10. Un weeded check integrated with inercultural operations and replicated thrice. Statistically lower weed dry matter production was recorded wherever herbicide application was done at 30, 60, 90 days of planting and at harvest in tobacco. Spraying of Quizalofop-ethyl at 15+75 days after planting effectively controlled the grassy weeds and also gave higher yields when compared to weed free check. Leaf Reducing sugars, nicotine and Chlorides were well within the desirable limits. Integrated weed management practices could not influenced the soil chemical properties significantly. Two post emergence sprays of Quizalofop-ethyl @ 60 g a.i./ha at 15 and 75 DAP can be used in integrated weed management along with intercultures to control monocot weeds which are dominant in the irrigated alfisols.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableA field experiment was conducted with FCV tobacco cv. Kanchan during 2007-08 and 2008-09 at ICARCTRI RS, Jeelugumilli, Andhra Pradesh with four nitrogen levels viz. 100, 115, 130 and 145 kg N/ha. The results of the experiment revealed that the green leaf and cured leaf yields and green leaf/ cured leaf significantly increased with increase in N levels from 100 to 130 kg N/ha while grade index increased from 100 to 115 kg N/ha only and this was on a par with 130 and 145 kg N/ha. There was a gradual increase of nicotine and decrease of reducing sugars and reducing sugars: nicotine with increase in N levels. The Total N content and chlorophyll content index (CCI) in 10-12th leaf increased with increase in N level from 100 -145 kg N/ha and decreased as the crop growth period advances from 45–105 days after planting. The total N and K uptake (Lamina+ midrib + stem + root) with 145 kg N/ha being on a par with 130 kg N/ha was significantly higher than that with 100 and 115 kg N/ha. N and K uptake increased with increase in the crop growth from 45 days after planting to harvest. The mean per day nutrient uptake was highest between 75 and 90 days after planting. The N uptake was marginal between 90 days after planting and harvest. It was concluded that application of 115 kg N/ha, would be optimum for getting higher productivity, quality and to sustain soil fertility under irrigated northern light soil conditions (Alfisols) of Andhra Pradesh.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableWeed infested nursery beds results in severe loss of transplants and may host vectors when transplanted result in stunted growth and loss of yield. In general, hand weeding is widely followed in tobacco seed beds which needs more human labour. As labour scarcity is a major concern use of herbicides along with hand weeding was studied to see their effect on tobacco seed germination, in controlling weeds and production of transplantable seedlings. In the first year experiment Pendimethalin, Alachlor, Metribuzin and Oxyfluorfen was tried as pre plant incorporation herbicides. As the germination was affected with doses tried in the first experiment, lower doses were tried in the second year experiment excluding Oxyfluorfen replacing with post emergence herbicide quizalofop-ethyl. The treatments were pre-plant incorporation of Metribuzin @263 g a.i./ ha, @ 394 g a.i./ha, @ 525 g a.i./ha, Alachlor @ 1000 g a.i./ha, 1500 g a.i./ha and 2000 g a.i./ha, Pendimethalin @500 g a.i./ha, 750 g a.i./ ha and 1000 g a.i./ha, post-emergence application of quizalofop-ethyl @ 60 g ai/ha and hand weeding. The pre-plant incorporation (PPI) of herbicides effectively controlled the weeds upto 25 days after sowing as higher dry weight of weeds were observed from hand weeded plots. Pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen had adverse effect on tobacco seed germination. It caused poor and delayed germination. Significantly higher germination count and transplantable seedlings were observed in hand weeding plots followed by post emergence application of quizalofop- ethyl. PPI of herbicides Alachlor @1000 and 1500, Metribuzin at 263 and 394 g ai /ha doses controlled the weeds effectively and gave optimum no.of seedlings compared to other doses at 5 days before sowing.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe FCV tobacco is grown in Northern Light Soil (NLS) region (East Godavari, West Godavari and Khammam districts). The tobacco grown in NLS region is of semi flavourful to flavourful types, which has got international market demand to Europe and UK. The enterprising farmers of the region are not leaving the tobacco crop due to many reasons. In this backdrop, there is a need felt to identify the constraints faced by the farmers in the production of FCV tobacco. A total of 500 farmers were selected equally from both progressive and non progressive villages from NLS area on stratified random sampling procedure. A list of constraints in farming were prepared and categorized into personal constraints, socio-economic constraints, technical constraints, soil and climate constraints and organizational constraints. Data was collected by interviewing and focused group method and by obtaining information through a pre-tested schedule. The results indicated that some of the constraints viz., high cost of inputs, untimely supply of credit, low net returns, less availability of labour, poor farm mechanization, inefficient use of resources forced the farmers to continue to cultivate the crop. Lack of assured income in other crops, non-availability and inadequate supply of critical inputs, lack of proper technical and extension guidance, high pest and disease incidence in other crops were the main constraints coming in way to adopt suitable alternative crops. The study concludes that the tobacco crop acts as a ready reckoner for the farmer in case of bank loans, inputs and other beneficial factors motivating the farmers to continue the crop. The study also suggests Government to implement agricultural policies and to provide sufficient economic support for the farmers to achieve the outcome of nation’s economy.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableWeed infested nursery beds results in severe loss of transplants and may host vectors when transplanted result in stunted growth and loss of yield. In general, hand weeding is widely followed in tobacco seed beds which needs more human labour. As labour scarcity is a major concern use of herbicides along with hand weeding was studied to see their effect on tobacco seed germination, in controlling weeds and production of transplantable seedlings. In the first year experiment Pendimethalin, Alachlor, Metribuzin and Oxyfluorfen was tried as pre plant incorporation herbicides. As the germination was affected with doses tried in the first experiment, lower doses were tried in the second year experiment excluding Oxyfluorfen replacing with post emergence herbicide quizalofop-ethyl. The treatments were pre-plant incorporation of Metribuzin @263 g a.i./ ha, @ 394 g a.i./ha, @ 525 g a.i./ha, Alachlor @ 1000 g a.i./ha, 1500 g a.i./ha and 2000 g a.i./ha, Pendimethalin @500 g a.i./ha, 750 g a.i./ ha and 1000 g a.i./ha, post-emergence application of quizalofop-ethyl @ 60 g ai/ha and hand weeding. The pre-plant incorporation (PPI) of herbicides effectively controlled the weeds upto 25 days after sowing as higher dry weight of weeds were observed from hand weeded plots. Pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen had adverse effect on tobacco seed germination. It caused poor and delayed germination. Significantly higher germination count and transplantable seedlings were observed in hand weeding plots followed by post emergence application of quizalofop- ethyl. PPI of herbicides Alachlor @1000 and 1500, Metribuzin at 263 and 394 g ai /ha doses controlled the weeds effectively and gave optimum no.of seedlings compared to other doses at 5 days before sowing.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableFlue-cured tobacco grown in Northern light soils is semi-flavourful and is essentially graded based on plant position, as the chemical and physical quality characters of leaf depend on the position of leaf on the plant. Particularly, lamina percentage is used as one of the several criteria for commercial release of varieties. The lamina or strip yield of cured leaf of flue-cured tobacco is important to the manufacturer of cigarettes as higher the proportion of lamina, the greater will be the economic value. Absolute values for percentage lamina reported in the literature generally range from 70 to 80% when averaged proportionately over whole plant and is generally higher in upper than lower stalk position leaves. Though the average figures are available for the proportion of lamina and midrib of cured leaf in the literature, the information available on the effect of good agricultural practices, weather conditions etc. on these aspects under irrigated Alfisols is very meagre.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe experiment was conducted at Central Tobacco Research Institute (CTRI), Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, 2013 to investigate the role of soil texture in weed seed germination and eff ect of depth of soil profi le on emergence of weed seeds. The soil samples were collected from 3 places viz. Rajahmundry, Katheru farm under CTRI both belong to East Godavari district and Chainnaigudem village in West Godavari district with sandy, clay and sandy loam in texture respectively. Soil samples were collected from 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm depth of soil profi le using core sampler. Each site represents were approximately 1300 m2 area and 32 samples from 4 depths for every site. So, total 144 samples were collected to conduct the experiment. Germinated weeds identifi ed and counted every week and 10 weeks study was carried out. Sandy, sandy loam and clay soil texture found signifi cant non-linear relationship between weed germination and soil depth. All three places recorded signifi cant interaction between depth and seed germination. Soil depth upto 20 cm recorded maximum weed emergence both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous; however, dicotyledonous weeds recorded more in number than monocotyledon in four consecutive depths. Sandy soil found highest number of germinated weeds than sandy loam and clay texture soilsNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableTobacco is a rich source of phytochemicals having pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial importance like nicotine an alkaloid, solanesol a trisesquiterpene alcohol and organic acids (malic and citric) etc. With the objective of maximizing leaf biomass production for optimum recovery of nicotine, solanesol and proteins in tobacco, a field experiment was conducted during 2013-15 seasons at BSR farm Katheru with five varieties/ breeding lines (HDBRG, GT-7x A-145, TI-163 X A145, RT 46-1, RT 51-1), three spacings (60 X 40 cm, 70 X 40 cm, 80 x 40cm) and two fertiliser levels (100:50:50 and 150:75:75 kg NPK/ha) tested in split- plot design with three replications. After harvesting green leaf analysed for nicotine solanesol and protein content. HDBRG with 60 x 40cm spacing and 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha recorded higher biomass leaf yields of 392.05 q/ha followed by 60 x40cm spacing and 100:50:50 NPK kg/ha with an yield of 370.64 q/ha with same spacing. Line RT 46-1 followed by TI-163 X A-145 recorded higher nicotine yields with 80 x40 cm spacing and 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha. HDBRG followed by TI-163 X A-145 with a spacing of 70 x40cm and 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha gave higher solanesol yield. HDBRG with 70 x 40cm spacing and 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha recorded higher protein yield which was on par with TI-163 X A-145 at same spacing and fertilizer level.Not Availabl
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