1,745 research outputs found

    Feature Based Multi View Image Registration by Detecting the Feature with Fuzzy Logic for Corner Detection

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    This paper aim to Present accurate feature base registration by detecting the feature with Fuzzy logic for corner detection. Image registration is process used to match two or more partially overlapping image taken for example at different times ,from different sensors, or from different viewpoints and stitch these image into one panoramic image comprising whole scene. It is a fundamental image processing technique very useful in integrating information from different sensors, finding changes in image taken at different time, inferring three-dimensional information from stereo images and recognizing model-based objects. The paper presents a corner detection algorithm for feature detection which employs such fuzzy reasoning. The robustness of the proposed algorithm is compared to well-known conventional Harris corner detectors and its performance is also tested over a noise image. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150616


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    Trema orientalis (Ulmaceae) is native to India. This tree species has been of interest to researchers because it is a medicinal plant employed in the Indian indigenous system of medicine. Pharmacognostic standardization, physic-chemical evaluation of the leafs of Trema orientalis was carried out to determine its macro-and micro-scopical characters and also some insoluble ash and sulphated ash values, alcohol-and water-soluble extractive values were determined for phytochemical evaluations. Preliminary phytochemical screening was also done to detect different phytoconstituents. Microscopically, Leaf showed trichomes, Lamina, midrib regions, stomata and calcium oxalate crystals. Powder microscopy showed mesophyll region, abundant xylem vessels with annular thickenings and xylem vessels, Unicellular, multiseriate covering trichomes and glandular trichomes, Rosette and prism shape calcium oxalate crystals, Anomocytic stomata. Total ash was approximately two times and four times more than acid insoluble and water soluble as, respectively Ethanol soluble extractive was approximately two times higher than water soluble extractive. TLC of petroleum ether and ethanol extract showed five spots using Hexane: Ethyl acetate (12:4) and four spot using Choloroform: Ethyl acetate (5:4). Phytochemically, root exhibited phytosterols, Flavanoids, Tannin and phenolic compounds
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