396 research outputs found

    Declining incidence of esophageal cancer in the Turkmen Plain, eastern part of the Caspian Littoral of Iran: A retrospective cancer surveillance

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that upper gastrointestinal cancers are the most common cancers in Caspian Littoral, and rate of esophageal cancer (EC) in Iranian Turkmens residing in the Eastern part of littoral are among the highest in the world. Our aim was to reassess the rate 30 years later and following socioeconomic changes in the region. Methods: A comprehensive retrospective search was undertaken to find all new cancer cases during the 1996-2000 period. Diagnosis of cancer was based on histopathological reports in 68.2, clinical and/or radiological evidence in 29.7 and death certificate only (DCO) in 2.1 of the cases. Results: A total of 5143 new cancer cases were registered of whom 3063 (59.6) were males. The median (IQR) age was 60 (44-69) years. Age-standardized rates (ASR) for all cancers in males and females were 134.7 and 104.5 per 100,000, respectively. Based on ASR, the top five common cancers in males (excluding skin cancer) were cancers of esophagus (43.4), stomach (27.8), colorectal (10.7), bladder (7.8) and oral cavity (6.3), while in females cancer of esophagus (36.3) was followed by cancers of breast (15.7), stomach (8.3) colorectal (6.6) and cervix (3.6). Conclusion: We conclude that EC incidence rate has decreased to less than half the rate reported 30 years ago, while the incidence rates of colorectal and breast cancers have increased significantly. © 2006 International Society for Preventive Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Massive Schwinger model and its confining aspects on curved space-time

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    Using a covariant method to regularize the composite operators, we obtain the bosonized action of the massive Schwinger model on a classical curved background. Using the solution of the bosonic effective action, the energy of two static external charges with finite and large distance separation on a static curved space-time is obtained. The confining behavior of this model is also explicitly discussed.Comment: A disscussion about the infrared regularization and also two references are added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (2001

    Electrostatic self-energy and Bekenstein entropy bound in the massive Schwinger model

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    We obtain the electrostatic energy of two opposite charges near the horizon of stationary black-holes in the massive Schwinger model. Besides the confining aspects of the model, we discuss the Bekenstein entropy upper bound of a charged object using the generalized second law. We show that despite the massless case, in the massive Schwinger model the entropy of the black hole and consequently the Bekenstein bound are altered by the vacuum polarization.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in "Gen. Rel. Grav. (2005)

    Diffusive transport of light in two-dimensional granular materials

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    We study photon diffusion in a two-dimensional random packing of monodisperse disks as a simple model of granular material. We apply ray optics approximation to set up a persistent random walk for the photons. We employ Fresnel's intensity reflectance with its rich dependence on the incidence angle and polarization state of the light. We present an analytic expression for the transport-mean-free path in terms of the refractive indices of grains and host medium, grain radius, and packing fraction. We perform numerical simulations to examine our analytical result.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Study of Thermodynamic Quantities in Generalized Gravity Theories

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    In this work, we have studied the thermodynamic quantities like temperature of the universe, heat capacity and squared speed of sound in generalized gravity theories like Brans-Dicke, Horˇ\check{\text r}ava-Lifshitz and f(R)f(R) gravities. We have considered the universe filled with dark matter and dark energy. Also we have considered the equation of state parameters for open, closed and flat models. We have observed that in all cases the equation of state behaves like quintessence. The temperature and heat capacity of the universe are found to decrease with the expansion of the universe in all cases. In Brans-Dicke and f(R)f(R) gravity theories the squared speed of sound is found to exhibit increasing behavior for open, closed and flat models and in Horˇ\check{\text r}ava-Lifshitz gravity theory it is found to exhibit decreasing behavior for open and closed models with the evolution of the universe. However, for flat universe, the squared speed of sound remains constant in Horˇ\check{\text r}ava-Lifshitz gravity.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Holographic Dark Energy with Curvature

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    In this paper we consider an holographic model of dark energy, where the length scale is the Hubble radius, in a non flat geometry. The model contains the possibility to alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem, and also incorporate a mechanism to obtain the transition from decelerated to an accelerated expansion regime. We derive an analytic form for the Hubble parameter in a non flat universe, and using it, we perform a Bayesian analysis of this model using SNIa, BAO and CMB data. We find from this analysis that the data favored a small value for Ωk\Omega_k, however high enough to still produce cosmological consequences.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Time Variable Cosmological Constant from Renormalization Group Equations

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    In this paper, a time variable cosmological constant (CC) from renormalization group equations (RGEs) is explored, where the renormalization scale μ2=RCC2=Max(H˙+2H2,H˙)\mu^2=R^{-2}_{CC}=Max(\dot{H}+2H^2,-\dot{H}) is taken. The cosmological parameters, such as dimensionless energy density, deceleration parameter and effective equation of state of CC etc, are derived. Also, the cosmic observational constraints are implemented to test the model's consistence. The results show that it is compatible with cosmic data. So, it would be a viable dark energy model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. the case \mu^2=-\dot{H} and data from CMB shift parameter R are adde

    The impact of social media on marketing using bibliometrics analysis

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    Social media has grown very quickly and has affected all dimensions of the world’s community. The purpose of this article is to review valid articles on the relationship between social media and promotion using manual and bibliometrics analysis methods and identify top themes in these articles. We review the papers published between 2007 and the first month of 2019 in Scopus. 1,840 articles were published in the mentioned period. In this article, we review various charts including word dynamics, the contributions of different countries, country scientific production, corresponding author's country, the frequency distribution of sources, collaboration network and country collaboration map. The study indicates that Canada, Australia and France were the most productive countries in this area

    Asymptotic behavior of w in general quintom model

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    For the quintom models with arbitrary potential V=V(ϕ,σ)V=V(\phi,\sigma), the asymptotic value of equation of state parameter w is obtained by a new method. In this method, w of stable attractors are calculated by using the ratio (d ln V)/(d ln a) in asymptotic region. All the known results, have been obtained by other methods, are reproduced by this method as specific examples.Comment: 8 pages, one example is added, accepted for publication in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Statefinder and Om Diagnostics for Interacting New Holographic Dark Energy Model and Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    In this work, we have considered that the flat FRW universe is filled with the mixture of dark matter and the new holographic dark energy. If there is an interaction, we have investigated the natures of deceleration parameter, statefinder and OmOm diagnostics. We have examined the validity of the first and generalized second laws of thermodynamics under these interactions on the event as well as apparent horizon. It has been observed that the first law is violated on the event horizon. However, the generalized second law is valid throughout the evolution of the universe enveloped by the apparent horizon. When the event horizon is considered as the enveloping horizon, the generalized second law is found to break down excepting at late stage of the universe.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure