6 research outputs found
Geoecological validation of mechanisms and parameters of physical-chemical processes facilitating the in-depth processing of complex suphide ores and mining wastes
Abstract. The advisability of processing copper-nickel ore dressing tailings of current production has been substantiated. The optimal parameters of metal leaching with sulphuric acid have been determined. In laboratory experiments the geotechnological extraction of non-ferrous metals from a leaching layer representing a tailing material of fraction +0.063 mm has been studied. When investigating the geotechnological processes of nonferrous metal extraction on the basis of two copper-zinc ore deposits located in the Urals, the authors have come to the conclusion that heap leaching is of little use for the ores of the Letneye deposit. Leaching results for the Yaman-Kasy ore have shown more promise. Аннотация. Показана целесообразность переработки хвостов обогащения медно-никелевых руд текущего производства. Определены оптимальные параметры сернокислотного выщелачивания металлов. В лабораторных условиях исследовано геотехнологическое извлечение цветных металлов из выщелачиваемого слоя, подготовленного из хвостов фракции +0.063 мм. Изучение геотехнологических процессов извлечения цветных металлов из медно-цинковых руд двух месторождений Урала показало, что руды месторождения Летнего малоприемлемы для кучного выщелачивания. Существенно лучшие результаты получены при выщелачивании руды месторождения Яман-Касы
Forming chemical composition of surface waters in the Arctic. Case study of Lake Inari and the River Paz
Questions of studying the formation of surface and ground waters, their interaction with rocks, development of
the basics of their rational use and protection are of great fundamental and practical importance. The influence of
the northern Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield rock composition on forming surface waters' chemical composition
in the border area of Finland – Russia – Norway (Lake Inari, the River Paz) using physical-chemical modeling
(Selector software package) has been evaluated. For the physical-chemical modeling there have been made two
samples of chemical analyses of the most widespread rocks forming the catchment area, with their percentage
ratio taken into consideration. Since the catchment area of the prevailing majority of streams feeding Lake Inari
is composed of rocks of the Lapland granulite belt (LGB) and its framing, it will be the main sample (conditional
influence of their composition on the chemical composition of waters is about 80 %). The second sample
includes gneisses, migmatites, granite-gneisses, granites and quartz diorites typical for Inari terrane
(conventional influence of their composition on the chemical composition of waters is about 20 %). It has been
found that the chemical composition of the surface waters is formed by interaction of precipitation with
intrusive, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of northern Fennoskandia containing Clarke concentrations of S,
C, F, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu. It has been shown that due to interactions in the water – rock system the chemical
composition of Lake Inari waters as well as upper and middle flow of the River Paz is formed by weathering of
granulites of the Lapland granulite belt and Inari terrane granitoids of the northern Fennoscandia. The chemical
composition of waters in the River Paz downstream is formed by weathering of metamorphosed volcanic and
sedimentary rocks of the Pechenga structure and the impact of industrial pollutio
The formation of the chemical composition of groundwater in South Prohibiny using the example of "Predgorny" water intake
Researchers from Russia and foreign countries, studying medical and environmental contamination of drinking water, point to the relationship of public health with chemical composition of groundwater and anthropogenic inclusions. The aim of the work is to detect the change in chemical composition of natural waters formed within the Khibiny massif and its closest framing depending on the composition of rocks in the catchment area and on anthropogenic impact by means of physical and chemical modeling and modern precision methods of analysis. To achieve the goal the sampling has been taken at the "Predgorny" water intake (Koashva, the Kirovsk district). The complete hydrochemical analysis has shown the presence in waters of such elements as uranium, molybdenum, silver, barium, which supplemented the database of groundwater chemical composition. For the physical-chemical modeling, there have been made some samples of chemical analyzes of the most common rocks composing the southeastern part of the Khibiny massif as the main catchment area. The analysis of the obtained results has made it possible to separate the rock influence from anthropogenic, natural chemical composition of waters from filtered mined (anthropogenic). It has been shown that already in natural (pure) waters the ratios of Ca/P and Ca/Sr can lead to bone diseases. It has been determined that the chemical composition of groundwater from the "Predgorny" water intake is affected by the chemical composition of rocks and surface waters containing oxygen, nitrogen nitrates, chlorine, which affect pH (reducing it), the migration patterns of aluminum, manganese, iron and other elements. In the bones of humans and animals, approximately 70 % falls on hydroxyl apatite Ca5(PO4)3OH. OH group can be replaced by F, Cl, O. Calcium can be isomorphically replaced by a number of elements: Sr, U, Ba, etc. that lead to diseases of bones and teeth. The research results can be useful in the fields of geochemistry, hydrology, ecology, and medicine