42 research outputs found

    Neuronal Chemokines: Versatile Messengers In Central Nervous System Cell Interaction

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    Whereas chemokines are well known for their ability to induce cell migration, only recently it became evident that chemokines also control a variety of other cell functions and are versatile messengers in the interaction between a diversity of cell types. In the central nervous system (CNS), chemokines are generally found under both physiological and pathological conditions. Whereas many reports describe chemokine expression in astrocytes and microglia and their role in the migration of leukocytes into the CNS, only few studies describe chemokine expression in neurons. Nevertheless, the expression of neuronal chemokines and the corresponding chemokine receptors in CNS cells under physiological and pathological conditions indicates that neuronal chemokines contribute to CNS cell interaction. In this study, we review recent studies describing neuronal chemokine expression and discuss potential roles of neuronal chemokines in neuron–astrocyte, neuron–microglia, and neuron–neuron interaction

    A specific screen for oligosaccharyltransferase mutations identifies the 9 kDa OST5 protein required for optimal activity in vivo and in vitro.

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    The central reaction in the process of N-linked protein glycosylation in eukaryotic cells, the transfer of the oligosaccharide Glc(3)Man(9)GlcNAc(2) from the lipid dolicholpyrophosphate to selected asparagine residues, is catalyzed by the oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase). This enzyme consists of multiple subunits; however, purification of the complex has revealed different results with respect to its protein composition. To determine how many different loci are required for OTase activity in vivo, we performed a novel, specific screen for mutants with altered OTase activity. Based on the synthetic lethal phenotype of OTase mutants in combination with a deficiency of dolicholphosphoglucose biosynthesis which results in non-glucosylated lipid-linked oligosaccharide, we identified seven complementation groups with decreased OTase activity. Beside the known OTase loci, STT3, OST1, WBP1, OST3, SWP1 and OST2, a novel locus, OST5, was identified. OST5 is an intron-containing gene encoding a putative membrane protein of 9.5 kDa present in highly purified OTase preparations. OST5 protein is not essential for growth but its depletion results in a reduced OTase activity. Suppression of an ost1 mutation by overexpression of OST5 indicates that this small membrane protein directly interacts with other OTase components, most likely with Ost1p. A strong genetic interaction with a stt3 mutation implies a role in complex assembly