253 research outputs found

    SU(3) Quantum Interferometry with single-photon input pulses

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    We develop a framework for solving the action of a three-channel passive optical interferometer on single-photon pulse inputs to each channel using SU(3) group-theoretic methods, which can be readily generalized to higher-order photon-coincidence experiments. We show that features of the coincidence plots vs relative time delays of photons yield information about permanents, immanants, and determinants of the interferometer SU(3) matrix

    Apprendre à motiver aux futurs enseignants d’éducation physique

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    Résumé Soutenir la motivation des élèves est un enjeu important pour les (futurs) enseignants d’éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS). Pourtant, le référentiel des compétences professionnelles – profession enseignante (Ministère de l’Éducation, 2020) met de l’avant l’importance d’outiller les enseignants à cet égard. Afin de recueillir la perception des étudiants quant à ce qui est leur est enseigné en formation initiale pour apprendre à soutenir la motivation des élèves, la présente étude vise à identifier les contenus enseignés au regard du soutien de la motivation, décrire les modalités d’enseignement utilisées pour enseigner ces contenus et identifier les points forts et les points à améliorer en formation initiale selon le point de vue des étudiants. Au total, 18 étudiants en enseignement de l’ÉPS (Mâge = 25 ans; É-T = 3,61 ans; femmes = 38,9 %) de cinq universités francophones québécoises ont participé à quatre groupes de discussion. Les résultats des analyses qualitatives réalisées selon l’approche de Boutin (2007) indiquent que les stratégies motivationnelles sont principalement enseignées dans les cours théoriques et orientées vers l’instauration d’un climat de maîtrise. Il y aurait lieu de rendre plus explicites les liens entre le soutien de la motivation et les différentes notions théoriques. De plus, les étudiants perçoivent un manque de continuité et, parfois, de réalisme entre les cours théoriques et les opportunités de pratique. Au cours de la formation, ils souhaiteraient avoir plus de pratiques dans des situations qui se rapprochent de la réalité vécue avec des élèves lors de leur insertion professionnelle. Abstract Supporting student motivation is an important issue for (future) physical education (PE) teachers. However, the Reference framework for professional competencies for teachers (Minister of Education, 2020) emphasize the importance of providing teachers with resources in this regard. In order to collect students’ perceptions of what is taught to them in teacher training to learn how to support student motivation, this study aims to identify the content taught in teacher training about supporting student motivation, describe the teaching methods used to teach this content, and identify the strengths and areas for improvement in pre-service teachers' point of view. A total of 18 pre-service PE teachers (MAge = 25 years; SD = 3.61 years; Female = 38.9%) from five Francophone universities in Quebec participated in four focus groups. The results of the qualitative analyses realized according to Boutin's (2007) indicate that motivational strategies are mainly taught in theory courses and oriented towards creating a mastery climate. Moreover, the links between motivational support and the various theoretical concepts should be made more explicit. In addition, students perceive a lack of continuity and, at times, realism between theory courses and practice opportunities. Finally, they would like to have more opportunities for practice that are closer to the reality experienced with students during their professional insertion

    Changes in physical education teachers’ beliefs regarding motivational strategies: A quasi-experimental study

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    Abstract Physical education teachers use motivational strategies that can (positively or negatively) affect their students’ level of motivation and engagement. Indeed, according to their experiences and beliefs, some teachers may focus on strategies that thwart, rather than support, students’ psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). Effective professional development represents an excellent opportunity to help teachers use research-supported motivational strategies. Therefore, this study aimed to discover if attendance at a 2-day training course could positively affect PE teachers’ beliefs regarding empowering motivational strategies. Specifically, 11 PE teachers (experimental group = 6 [attending the training]; control group = 5 [no training]) from primary school (n = 6) and secondary school (n = 5) expressed their beliefs (effectiveness, feasibility, and normality) regarding 31 empowering motivational strategies proposed during training at the beginning (October) and the end (April) of the school year. Results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for related samples indicated no significant differences for the belief regarding effectiveness in either group. However, some positive significant changes (p ≤ .05) occurred in the experimental group for two motivational strategies supporting students’ need for autonomy and one supporting their need for competence. Given the small sample, positive trends (p ≤ .10) are also considered results of interest. In conclusion, the training appears likely to impact teachers’ beliefs. However, future professional development should provide additional feedback and follow-up time with teachers during experimentation with students to allow teachers to refine their understanding and use of the motivational strategies proposed
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