2 research outputs found

    The role of fairness and ambiguity in negotiating marketing alliances

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    This paper provides empirical support for the positive effects of distributive, procedural and interactional fairness on the choice to form a marketing alliance. Furthermore, the results provide some support for the negative impact of ambiguity in respect to the partner’s marketing capabilities on the choice to form a marketing alliance

    The impact of implicit and explicit communications to frontline staff on service delivery

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    Explicit communications, in the form of service direction and service training, have a significance impact on service delivery. Implicit communications, in the form of internal market orientation (IMO), also have significant consequences for service delivery. Affective commitment and customer orientation are identified as mediating the relationship between IMO and service delivery. Thus, organisations should pay particular attention to both implicit and explicit communications. Implicit communications foster employee commitment which will help service companies to retain employees and to foster positive attitudes toward service and consequently service delivery behaviours