25 research outputs found

    Experimental Separation of Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Splittings in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    The relative strengths of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms describing the spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor quantum well (QW) structures are extracted from photocurrent measurements on n-type InAs QWs containing a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). This novel technique makes use of the angular distribution of the spin-galvanic effect at certain directions of spin orientation in the plane of a QW. The ratio of the relevant Rashba and Dresselhaus coefficients can be deduced directly from experiment and does not relay on theoretically obtained quantities. Thus our experiments open a new way to determine the different contributions to spin-orbit coupling

    Persistent spin splitting of a two-dimensional electron gas in tilted magnetic fields

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    By varying the orientation of the applied magnetic field with respect to the normal of a two-dimensional electron gas, the chemical potential and the specific heat reveal persistent spin splitting in all field ranges. The corresponding shape of the thermodynamic quantities distinguishes whether the Rashba spin-orbit interaction RSOI, the Zeeman term or both dominate the splitting. The interplay of the tilting of the magnetic field and RSOI resulted to an amplified splitting in weak fields. The effects of changing the RSOI strength and the Landau level broadening are also investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum states and linear response in dc and electromagnetic fields for charge current and spin polarization of electrons at Bi/Si interface with giant spin-orbit coupling

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    An expansion of the nearly free-electron model constructed by Frantzeskakis, Pons and Grioni [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 82}, 085440 (2010)] describing quantum states at Bi/Si(111) interface with giant spin-orbit coupling is developed and applied for the band structure and spin polarization calculation, as well as for the linear response analysis for charge current and induced spin caused by dc field and by electromagnetic radiation. It is found that the large spin-orbit coupling in this system may allow resolving the spin-dependent properties even at room temperature and at realistic collision rate. The geometry of the atomic lattice combined with spin-orbit coupling leads to an anisotropic response both for current and spin components related to the orientation of the external field. The in-plane dc electric field produces only the in-plane components of spin in the sample while both the in-plane and out-of-plane spin components can be excited by normally propagating electromagnetic wave with different polarizations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Magneto-Gyrotropic Photogalvanic Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    We show that free-carrier (Drude) absorption of both polarized and unpolarized terahertz radiation in quantum well (QW) structures causes an electric photocurrent in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. Experimental and theoretical analysis evidences that the observed photocurrents are spin-dependent and related to the gyrotropy of the QWs. Microscopic models for the photogalvanic effects in QWs based on asymmetry of photoexcitation and relaxation processes are proposed. In most of the investigated structures the observed magneto-induced photocurrents are caused by spin-dependent relaxation of non-equilibrium carriers

    Semiconductor Spintronics

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    Spintronics refers commonly to phenomena in which the spin of electrons in a solid state environment plays the determining role. In a more narrow sense spintronics is an emerging research field of electronics: spintronics devices are based on a spin control of electronics, or on an electrical and optical control of spin or magnetism. This review presents selected themes of semiconductor spintronics, introducing important concepts in spin transport, spin injection, Silsbee-Johnson spin-charge coupling, and spindependent tunneling, as well as spin relaxation and spin dynamics. The most fundamental spin-dependent nteraction in nonmagnetic semiconductors is spin-orbit coupling. Depending on the crystal symmetries of the material, as well as on the structural properties of semiconductor based heterostructures, the spin-orbit coupling takes on different functional forms, giving a nice playground of effective spin-orbit Hamiltonians. The effective Hamiltonians for the most relevant classes of materials and heterostructures are derived here from realistic electronic band structure descriptions. Most semiconductor device systems are still theoretical concepts, waiting for experimental demonstrations. A review of selected proposed, and a few demonstrated devices is presented, with detailed description of two important classes: magnetic resonant tunnel structures and bipolar magnetic diodes and transistors. In most cases the presentation is of tutorial style, introducing the essential theoretical formalism at an accessible level, with case-study-like illustrations of actual experimental results, as well as with brief reviews of relevant recent achievements in the field.Comment: tutorial review; 342 pages, 132 figure

    Ground-State hyperfine structure and nuclear magnetic moment of Thulium-169

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    Pure spin currents induced by spin-dependent scattering processes in SiGe quantum well structures

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    We show that spin-dependent electron-phonon interaction in the energy relaxation of a two-dimensional electron gas results in equal and oppositely directed currents in the spin-up and spin-down subbands yielding a pure spin current. In our experiments on SiGe heterostructures the pure spin current is converted into an electric current applying a magnetic field that lifts the cancellation of the two partial charge flows. A microscopic theory of this effect, taking account of the asymmetry of the relaxation process, is developed and is in good agreement with the experimental data