165,359 research outputs found

    Uji Efektivitas Dan Tingkat Penerimaan Masyarakat Terhadap Serbuk Lada (Piper Nigrum L.) Untuk Menurunkan Kepadatan Larva Anopheles Spp. (Studi Kasus Di Blok Karangtirta, Dusun Cipari, Desa Sukaresik, Kecamatan Sidamulih, Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    S. Pepper fruit (Piper nigrum L.) is one of several pesticides from plant that can be used as insecticide. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness and public acceptance of pepper fruit powder (Piper nigrum L.) on reducing Anopheles spp. larvae density. The experiment was a quasi-experimental study which includes a pre-post test design with both treatment group and a control group. Pepper powder with a dose of 0.75 g in one litre of water kills 59.91% larvae in average through 24 hours treatment. Wilcoxon test results obtained from the pepper powder treatment was proved effective in decreasing the density of Anopheles spp. larvae since there was significant difference between before and after treatment. The result of public acceptance for pepper powder out of 20 respondents are 75% respondents accepted it well, 15% respondents accepted it fairly well, and 10% respondents accepted it poorly. These results showed pepper fruit powder potency as a good and accepted larvacide

    Implementasi Case Based Reasoning Untuk Sistem Diagnosis Penyakit Anjing

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    Penalaran Berbasis Kasus / Case Based Reasoning (CBR) merupakan metode yang dipergunakan untuk membangun sebuah sistem berbasis pengetahuan. Sumber pengetahuan sistem diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan penanganan kasus-kasus oleh seorang ahli/pakar. Keuntungan dengan penerapan metode ini adalah pembangun pengetahuan tidak perlu melakukan akusisi pengetahuan secara langsung dengan seorang pakar. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengimplementasikan metode CBR untuk membantu pendiagnosisan penyakit anjing. Kasus-kasus yang dipergunakan dalam sistem diperoleh dari catatan penangan kasus diagnosa penyakit anjing dari seorang dokter hewan. Sistem akan memberikan keluaran berupa kemungkinan penyakit dan saran pengobatan yang didasarkan pada kemiripan kasus baru dengan pengetahuan yang dimiliki sistem

    Unique thermodynamic relationships for ΔfHo and ΔfGo for crystalline inorganic salts. I, Predicting the possible existence and synthesis of Na2SO2 and Na2SeO2

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    The concept that equates oxidation and pressure has been successfully utilized in explaining the structural changes observed in the M2S subnets of M2SOx (x = 3, 4) compounds (M = Na, K) when compared with the structures (room- and high-pressure phases) of their parent M2S 'alloy' [Martinez-Cruz et al. (1994), J. Solid State Chem. 110, 397-398; Vegas (2000), Crystallogr. Rev. 7, 189-286; Vegas et al. (2002), Solid State Sci. 4, 1077-1081]. These structural changes suggest that if M2SO2 would exist, its cation array might well have an anti-CaF2 structure. On the other hand, in an analysis of the existing thermodynamic data for M2S, M2SO3 and M2SO4 we have identified, and report, a series of unique linear relationships between the known Delta H-f(o) and Delta(f)G(o) values of the alkali metal (M) sulfide (x = 0) and their oxyanion salts M2SOx (x = 3 and 4), and the similarly between M2S2 disulfide (x = 0) and disulfur oxyanion salts M2S2Ox (x = 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) and the number of O atoms in their anions x. These linear relationships appear to be unique to sulfur compounds and their inherent simplicity permits us to interpolate thermochemical data (Delta H-f(o)) for as yet unprepared compounds, M2SO (x = 1) and M2SO2 (x = 2). The excellent linearity indicates the reliability of the interpolated data. Making use of the volume-based thermodynamics, VBT [Jenkins et al. (1999), Inorg. Chem. 38, 3609-3620], the values of the absolute entropies were estimated and from them, the standard Delta S-f(o) values, and then the Delta(f)G(o) values of the salts. A tentative proposal is made for the synthesis of Na2SO2 which involves bubbling SO2 through a solution of sodium in liquid ammonia. For this attractive thermodynamic route, we estimate Delta G(o) to be approximately -500 kJ mol(-1). However, examination of the stability of Na2SO2 raises doubts and Na2SeO2 emerges as a more attractive target material. Its synthesis is likely to be easier and it is stable to disproportionation into Na2S and Na2SeO4. Like Na2SO2, this compound is predicted to have an anti-CaF2 Na2Se subnet

    Influence of initial and repeated motivation on case holding in North Arcot district

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    Treatment default and premature discontinuation of treatment continue to be major c o n s t r a i n t s f o r t h e s u c c e s s f u l implementation of the National Tuberculosis programme. In order to assess the influence of motivation in overcoming this problem and improving patient compliance, a study was conducted at three of the major centres, namely District Tuberculosis Centre, Vellore, and general hospitals at Gudiattam and Vaniyambadi in Tamil Nadu. All new smear positive patients initiated to treatment between October, 1987 and April; 1989 were admitted to the study. In all, 278 patients were motivated. There was an increase in treatment completion rate among patients who had motivation initially. This was more evident in patients who had repeated motivation

    A Query-Optimal Algorithm for Finding Counterfactuals

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    We design an algorithm for finding counterfactuals with strong theoretical guarantees on its performance. For any monotone model f:Xd{0,1}f : X^d \to \{0,1\} and instance xx^\star, our algorithm makes S(f)O(Δf(x))logd {S(f)^{O(\Delta_f(x^\star))}\cdot \log d} queries to ff and returns {an {\sl optimal}} counterfactual for xx^\star: a nearest instance xx' to xx^\star for which f(x)f(x)f(x')\ne f(x^\star). Here S(f)S(f) is the sensitivity of ff, a discrete analogue of the Lipschitz constant, and Δf(x)\Delta_f(x^\star) is the distance from xx^\star to its nearest counterfactuals. The previous best known query complexity was dO(Δf(x))d^{\,O(\Delta_f(x^\star))}, achievable by brute-force local search. We further prove a lower bound of S(f)Ω(Δf(x))+Ω(logd)S(f)^{\Omega(\Delta_f(x^\star))} + \Omega(\log d) on the query complexity of any algorithm, thereby showing that the guarantees of our algorithm are essentially optimal.Comment: 22 pages, ICML 202

    Comparing Mixed & Integer Programming vs. Constraint Programming by solving Job-Shop Scheduling Problems

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    Scheduling is a key factor for operations management as well as for business success. From industrial Job-shop Scheduling problems (JSSP), many optimization challenges have emerged since de 1960s when improvements have been continuously required such as bottlenecks allocation, lead-time reductions and reducing response time to requests.  With this in perspective, this work aims to discuss 3 different optimization models for minimizing Makespan. Those 3 models were applied on 17 classical problems of examples JSSP and produced different outputs.  The first model resorts on Mixed and Integer Programming (MIP) and it resulted on optimizing 60% of the studied problems. The other models were based on Constraint Programming (CP) and approached the problem in two different ways: a) model CP1 is a standard IBM algorithm whereof restrictions have an interval structure that fail to solve 53% of the proposed instances, b) Model CP-2 approaches the problem with disjunctive constraints and optimized 88% of the instances. In this work, each model is individually analyzed and then compared considering: i) Optimization success performance, ii) Computational processing time, iii) Greatest Resource Utilization and, iv) Minimum Work-in-process Inventory. Results demonstrated that CP-2 presented best results on criteria i and ii, but MIP was superior on criteria iii and iv and those findings are discussed at the final section of this work

    Pola Gaya Hidup dalam Keuangan Keluarga (Studi Kasus:unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta di Bandung)

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    This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and the data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns. This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenues and expenses. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fulfilling their life style is still in control. From this research, it is known generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like hand phone. The purchasing frequency of hand phone in average is less than 2 times per year. Moreover, the respondents have already had a habit of saving/investing and buying insurance. To fill their spare time, respondents prefer to gather with their family, go to mall with frequency of 1-4 times per month and do exercise. But, the problem that needs to be taken care of is how to handle their credit cards/loans because a lot of respondents have routine spending of paying credit card installment/loans. From this research, it is also found that there is still a lack of awareness for making simple bookkeeping of their revenues and expenses. Therefore to make them family finances literate, they need to follow a counseling and training on family finances. Even, they are suggested to follow the counseling and training with their family members

    Is the pull-out force of the Meniscus Arrow in bone affected by the inward curling of the barbs during biodegradation? An in vitro study

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    Background: Inward curling of the barbs of Meniscus Arrows during degradation was observed in a previous study, in which swelling, distention, and water uptake by Meniscus Arrows was evaluated. This change of configuration could have consequences with respect to anchorage capacity in bone. Material/Methods: Eight non-degraded Meniscus Arrows in the original configuration were pulled out of thawed, fresh-frozen human femoral condyle, and pull-out force was measured and compared with that of 6 Meniscus Arrows after 31 days of degradation under controlled conditions. Results: No significant difference was found between the 2 groups with respect to the required pull-out force (t test), the distribution of the data, or the interaction between degradation and location, as evaluated by mann-Whitney test, and no significant difference was found between the 2 groups with respect to the degradation state or position in the coudyles, as evaluated by 2-way analysis of variance. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the decrease in barb-barb diameter during the first month of degradation of the Meniscus Arrows has no significant effect on the tensile pull-out force required for removal from human femur condyle. Further research should be undertaken to examine whether the same is true for other biodegradable devices with barbs

    Modelo de gestión virtual para la investigación

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    Las grandes t r a n s f o r m a c i o n e s s o c i o - e c o n ó m i c a s y los avances de la ciencia y la tecnología exigen que las dependencias, instituciones o instancias que trabajan con la investigación científica estén a la altura de los desarrollos tecnológicos y de los retos para optimizar los recursos y el talento humano disponible. El modelo de gestión de la actividad científica debe ser ágil, flexible, eficiente, debe ser un ensamblaje mínimo y plano que permita la interconexión entre investigadores, proyectos, grupos y redes de investigadores y entre estos y las autoridades académicas y administrativas de la universidad