357 research outputs found

    On the implications of a dilaton in gauge theory

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    Some recent work on the implications of a dilaton in 4d gauge theories are revisited. In part I of this paper we see how an effective dilaton coupling to gauge kinetic term provides a simple attractive mechanism to generate confinement. In particular, we put emphasis on the derivation of confining analytical solutions and look into the problem how dilaton degrees of freedom modify Coulom potential and when a confining phase occurs. In part II, we solve the semi-relativistic wave equation, for Dick interquark potential using the Shifted l-expansion technique (SLET) in the heavy quarkonium sector. The results of this phenomenological analysis proves that these effective theories can be relevant to model quark confinement and may shed some light on confinement mechanism.Comment: 8 pages. Talk given at CTP Symposium on Supersymmetry at LHC: Theoretical and Experimental Prospectives, Cairo, Egypt, 11-14 Mar 200

    Phase transitions and geothermodynamics of black holes in dRGT massive gravity

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    In this paper, we study the thermodynamics and geothermodynamics of spherical black hole solutions in dRGT massive gravity in a new extended phase space. Inspired by the work of Kastor et al. [1], by interpreting the graviton mass as a thermodynamical variable, we propose a first law of thermodynamics which include a mass term and establish a new Smarr Formula. Then, we perform a thermodynamical analysis to reveal the existence of a critical behavior for black holes in dRGT massive gravity with two different critical points through canonical and grand canonical ensembles. To consolidate these results, we make use of the thermodynamical geometry formalism, with the HPEM and the Gibbs free energy metrics, to derive the singularities of Ricci scalar curvatures and show that they coincide with those of the capacities. The effect of different values of the spacetime parameters on the stability conditions is also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, Latex file, 10 figures, accepted in EPJ

    Probing DDM and ML quantum concepts in shape phase transitions of γ\gamma-unstable nuclei

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    In a recent paper (S. Ait El Korchi et al. 2020 EPL 132 52001), we explored, inside the context of Critical Point Symmetries (CPSs) X(3) and Z(4), a correlation between two exceedingly known quantum concepts, the Minimal Length (ML) and the Deformation-Dependent Mass (DDM), that are commonly applied in various areas of physics. Such a correlation has been strongly identified in transition nuclei by calculating some physical observables of that quantum system, like as energy spectra, moments of inertia and transition probabilities. In this paper we extend that study to E(5) dynamical symmetry corresponding to the shape phase transition U(5)↔\leftrightarrowO(6). The experimental realization of the models was found to occur in some nuclei, using the existing phenomenological potentials : Infinite Square Well, Davidson and Kratzer, whose models fits provide the best agreement. Importantly the calculations performed in this work using these potentials corroborate the fact that the revealed correlation between both quantum concepts is not destructively affected by the presence of other model parameters and hence its existence is independent of the form or type of the used potential. Undoubtedly, the present work will open the way for more investigations of this correlation in the limits of other critical points symmetries in nuclear shape phase transitions which play today a major role in nuclear structure research from theoretical as well as experimental point of view.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Nuclear Physics
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