682 research outputs found

    Вдо­с­ко­на­лен­ня кон­тро­лю та на­гля­ду за жінка­ми, звільне­ни­ми з місць поз­бав­лен­ня волі

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    Розглядаються питання здійснення контролю й нагляду за особами, звільненими від відбування покарання, за якими встановлено адміністративний нагляд.Рассматриваются основные положения по осуществлению контроля и надзора за лицами, отбывающими наказание в учреждениях по отбытию наказания.In the article substantive provisions are examined on realization of control and supervision after persons exempt from serving of punishment which an administrative supervision is set after

    Cotton cultivation in Laos

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    Le Laos est un pays de tradition cotonnière, dont les systèmes de culture sont adaptés à de multiples situations écologiques. Ils comprennent en particulier le riz, le cotonnier, l'arachide. Afin qu'une véritable filière cotonnière, source de devises pour le pays, puisse être développée, les recherches du projet de coopération bilatérale franco-lao de recherche-développement sur les plantes à fibre ont porté sur des systèmes de culture améliorés, comprenant engrais et pesticides, techniques de culture plus performantes et variétés productives. Dans les villages, des structures artisanales d'égrenage et de pressage de la fibre s'organisent, en plus de l'usine de filature installée à Vientiane. Dans certaines régions proches de la Thaïlande, la culture cotonnière d'exportation se développe avec des variétés améliorée

    From Bloch model to the rate equations II: the case of almost degenerate energy levels

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    Bloch equations give a quantum description of the coupling between an atom and a driving electric force. In this article, we address the asymptotics of these equations for high frequency electric fields, in a weakly coupled regime. We prove the convergence towards rate equations (i.e. linear Boltzmann equations, describing the transitions between energy levels of the atom). We give an explicit form for the transition rates. This has already been performed in [BFCD03] in the case when the energy levels are fixed, and for different classes of electric fields: quasi or almost periodic, KBM, or with continuous spectrum. Here, we extend the study to the case when energy levels are possibly almost degenerate. However, we need to restrict to quasiperiodic forcings. The techniques used stem from manipulations on the density matrix and the averaging theory for ordinary differential equations. Possibly perturbed small divisor estimates play a key role in the analysis. In the case of a finite number of energy levels, we also precisely analyze the initial time-layer in the rate aquation, as well as the long-time convergence towards equilibrium. We give hints and counterexamples in the infinite dimensional case

    Transport and conservation laws

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    We study the lowest order conservation laws in one-dimensional (1D) integrable quantum many-body models (IQM) as the Heisenberg spin 1/2 chain, the Hubbard and t-J model. We show that the energy current is closely related to the first conservation law in these models and therefore the thermal transport coefficients are anomalous. Using an inequality on the time decay of current correlations we show how the existence of conserved quantities implies a finite charge stiffness (weight of the zero frequency component of the conductivity) and so ideal conductivity at finite temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, Late

    A simplified protocol for the detection of blood, saliva, and semen from a single biological trace using immunochromatographic tests.

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    The detection of body fluids (e.g., blood, saliva or semen) provides information that is important both for the investigation and for the choice of the analytical protocols. Because of their sensitivity, specificity, as well as their simplicity of use, immunochromatographic tests are widely applied. These tests target different body fluids and generally require specific buffer solutions. If one needs to investigate whether the material is of a specific nature (e.g., blood), this is fine. However, if the material can also contain other material (e.g., saliva or semen) then the use of different tests can be problematic. Indeed, if the different tests require different buffers, it will not be possible to perform all tests on the exact same specimen.In this study, we assess the use of the RSID™-universal buffer to perform three immunochromatographic tests (HEXAGON OBTI, RSID-saliva, and PSA Semiquant) as well as spermatozoa detection. We use the same eluate for the detection of all three body fluids. The proposed protocol provides similar results to those obtained when each test is conducted independently. Furthermore, it does not affect the quality of the DNA profiles. The main advantage of this protocol is that the results of the presumptive test(s) and of the DNA analyses are representative of the exact same specimen

    Colloidal brazil nut effect in sediments of binary charged suspensions

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    Equilibrium sedimentation density profiles of charged binary colloidal suspensions are calculated by computer simulations and density functional theory. For deionized samples, we predict a colloidal ``brazil nut'' effect: heavy colloidal particles sediment on top of the lighter ones provided that their mass per charge is smaller than that of the lighter ones. This effect is verifiable in settling experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Finite temperature Drude weight of the one dimensional spin 1/2 Heisenberg model}

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    Using the Bethe ansatz method, the zero frequency contribution (Drude weight) to the spin current correlations is analyzed for the easy plane antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. The Drude weight is a monotonically decreasing function of temperature for all 0<Delta< 1, it approaches the zero temperature value with a power law and it appears to vanish for all finite temperatures at the isotropic Delta=1 point.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Transport in the XX chain at zero temperature: Emergence of flat magnetization profiles

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    We study the connection between magnetization transport and magnetization profiles in zero-temperature XX chains. The time evolution of the transverse magnetization, m(x,t), is calculated using an inhomogeneous initial state that is the ground state at fixed magnetization but with m reversed from -m_0 for x0. In the long-time limit, the magnetization evolves into a scaling form m(x,t)=P(x/t) and the profile develops a flat part (m=P=0) in the |x/t|1/2 while it expands with the maximum velocity, c_0=1, for m_0->0. The states emerging in the scaling limit are compared to those of a homogeneous system where the same magnetization current is driven by a bulk field, and we find that the expectation values of various quantities (energy, occupation number in the fermionic representation) agree in the two systems.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 3 ps figure

    Participatory simulation of land-use changes in the northern mountains of Vietnam: the combined use of an agent-based model, a role-playing game, and a geographic information system

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    In Vietnam, the remarkable economic growth that resulted from the doi moi (renovation) reforms was based largely on the rural households that had become the new basic unit of agricultural production in the early 1990s. The technical, economic, and social changes that accompanied the decollectivization process transformed agricultural production, resource management, land use, and the institutions that defined access to resources and their distribution. Combined with the extreme biophysical, technical, and social heterogeneity encountered in the northern mountains, these rapid changes led to the extreme complexity of the agrarian dynamics that today challenges traditional diagnostic approaches. Since 1999, a participatory simulation method has been developed to disentangle the cause-and-effect relationships between the different driving forces and changes in land use observed at different scales. Several tools were combined to understand the interactions between human and natural systems, including a narrative conceptual model, an agent-based spatial computational model (ABM), a role-playing game, and a multiscale geographic information system (GIS). We synthesized into an ABM named SAMBA-GIS the knowledge generated from the above tools applied to a representative sample of research sites. The model takes explicitly into account the dynamic interactions among: (1) farmers¿ strategies, i.e., the individual decision-making process as a function of the farm¿s resource profile; (2) the institutions that define resource access and usage; and (3) changes in the biophysical and socioeconomic environment. The next step consisted of coupling the ABM with the GIS to extrapolate the application of local management rules to a whole landscape. Simulations are initialized using the layers of the GIS, e.g., land use in 1990, accessibility, soil characteristics, etc., and statistics available at the village level, e.g., population, ethnicity, livestock, etc. At each annual time step, the agrarian landscape changes according to the decisions made by agent-farmers about how to allocate resources such as labor force, capital, and land to different productive activities, e.g., crops, livestock, gathering of forest products, off-farm activities. The participatory simulations based on SAMBA-GIS helped identify villages with similar land-use change trajectories to which the same types of technical and/or institutional innovations could be applied. Scenarios of land-use changes were developed with local stakeholders to assess the potential impact of these changes on the natural resource base and on agricultural development. This adaptive approach was gradually refined through interactions between researchers and the local population