2,487 research outputs found

    Process-oriented Iterative Multiple Alignment for Medical Process Mining

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    Adapted from biological sequence alignment, trace alignment is a process mining technique used to visualize and analyze workflow data. Any analysis done with this method, however, is affected by the alignment quality. The best existing trace alignment techniques use progressive guide-trees to heuristically approximate the optimal alignment in O(N2L2) time. These algorithms are heavily dependent on the selected guide-tree metric, often return sum-of-pairs-score-reducing errors that interfere with interpretation, and are computationally intensive for large datasets. To alleviate these issues, we propose process-oriented iterative multiple alignment (PIMA), which contains specialized optimizations to better handle workflow data. We demonstrate that PIMA is a flexible framework capable of achieving better sum-of-pairs score than existing trace alignment algorithms in only O(NL2) time. We applied PIMA to analyzing medical workflow data, showing how iterative alignment can better represent the data and facilitate the extraction of insights from data visualization.Comment: accepted at ICDMW 201

    Temperature Effects on Development of Three Cereal Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)

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    Temperature is an important climatological variable that influences the biology and ecology of insects. Poor climatic adaptation can limit the effectiveness of parasitic insects in biological control. Two exotic parasites (Syrian Diaeretiella rapae (M\u27Intosh) and Argentinean Aphidius colemani Viereck) imported for biological control of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and one native parasite (Diaeretiella rapae) were reared in growth chambers in three fluctuating temperature regimes with average daily temperatures of 12, 18, and 24°C. Estimates of temperature thresholds for immature development were 3.3, 3.5, and 2.8°C, for Oklahoman D. rapae, Syrian D. rapae, and A. colemani, respectively. Estimates of thermal require- ments for development from egg to adult were 297, 278, and 301 degree-days for the three parasitoids. Dry weights of adults reared in different fluctuating temperature regimes did not differ significantly among sexes, but adults from regimes with low average temperatures of 12 and 18°C had significantly greater weights than those reared in a regime with an average temperature of 24°C. Results suggest that developmental response to temperature will not limit the effectiveness of the exotic parasites in biological control

    Headlight Glass as Evidence

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    Seminal Stain Examination: A Reagent for Destruction of Supporting Fabric

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    Tool Mark Comparisons in Criminal Investigations

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    Special Techniques Useful in Tool Mark Comparisons

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    Tool Mark Comparisons in Criminal Investigations

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    Parasitism, Adult Emergence, Sex Ratio, and Size of \u3ci\u3eAphidius Colemani\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) on Several Aphid Species

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    Aphidius colemani Viereck parasitizes several economically important aphid pests of small grain crops including the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum and the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia. The ability of A. colemani to switch from S. graminum to several species of aphids common to agricultural and associated non-agricultural ecosystems in the Great Plains, and the effects of host-change on several biological parameters that influence population growth rate were determined. Female A. colemani parasitized and developed to adulthood in nine of 14 aphid species to which they were exposed in the laboratory. All small grain feeding aphids except Sipha flava were parasi­tized. Two sunflower feeding species (Aphis nerii and A. helianthi) and two crucifer feeding species (Lipaphis erysimi and Brevicoryne brassicae) were parasitized, as was the cotton aphid. Aphis gossypii. The average percentage of aphids parasitized differed significantly among host aphid species. as did the percentage of parasitoids surviving from the mummy to the adult stage and the time required for immature development. The sex ratio of adults that enclosed from the various hosts did not differ significantly among species. Dry weights of adult parasitoids differed significantly among host species. Adults from S. graminum weighed most (0.054 mg) while those emerging from A. helianthi weighed least (0.020 mg). Results are discussed in terms of strategies for classical biological control of aphid pests of cereals