2,365 research outputs found

    Cosmological backreaction of a quantized massless scalar field

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    We consider the backreaction problem of a quantized minimally coupled massless scalar field in cosmology. The adiabatically regularized stress-energy tensor in a general Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background is approximately evaluated by using the fact that subhorizon modes evolve adiabatically and superhorizon modes are frozen. The vacuum energy density is verified to obey a new first order differential equation depending on a dimensionless parameter of order unity, which calibrates subhorizon/superhorizon division. We check the validity of the approximation by calculating the corresponding vacuum energy densities in fixed backgrounds, which are shown to agree with the known results in de Sitter space and space-times undergoing power law expansions. We then apply our findings to slow-roll inflationary models. Although backreaction effects are found to be negligible during the near exponential expansion, the vacuum energy density generated during this period might be important at later stages since it decreases slower than radiation or dust.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, v2: comments and a reference added, to appear in JCA

    Vol. 39, No 1

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    The Impact of the Pandemic on State and Local Government Budgets By Beverly S. Bunch Recent Developmentshttps://scholarship.kentlaw.iit.edu/iperr/1124/thumbnail.jp

    Ultra-Short Optical Pulse Generation with Single-Layer Graphene

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    Pulses as short as 260 fs have been generated in a diode-pumped low-gain Er:Yb:glass laser by exploiting the nonlinear optical response of single-layer graphene. The application of this novel material to solid-state bulk lasers opens up a way to compact and robust lasers with ultrahigh repetition rates.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Material

    Hadamard States and Adiabatic Vacua

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    Reversing a slight detrimental effect of the mailer related to TeXabilityComment: 10pages, LaTeX (RevTeX-preprint style

    Charge distribution and screening in layered graphene systems

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    The charge distribution induced by external fields in finite stacks of graphene planes, or in semiinfinite graphite is considered. The interlayer electronic hybridization is described by a nearest neighbor hopping term, and the charge induced by the self consistent electrostatic potential is calculated within linear response (RPA). The screening properties are determined by contributions from inter- and intraband electronic transitions. In neutral systems, only interband transitions contribute to the charge polarizability, leading to insulating-like screening properties, and to oscillations in the induced charge, with a period equal to the interlayer spacing. In doped systems, we find a screening length equivalent to 2-3 graphene layers, superimposed to significant charge oscillations.Comment: 8 page

    Novel Modifications of Parallel Jacobi Algorithms

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    We describe two main classes of one-sided trigonometric and hyperbolic Jacobi-type algorithms for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Hermitian matrices. These types of algorithms exhibit significant advantages over many other eigenvalue algorithms. If the matrices permit, both types of algorithms compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors with high relative accuracy. We present novel parallelization techniques for both trigonometric and hyperbolic classes of algorithms, as well as some new ideas on how pivoting in each cycle of the algorithm can improve the speed of the parallel one-sided algorithms. These parallelization approaches are applicable to both distributed-memory and shared-memory machines. The numerical testing performed indicates that the hyperbolic algorithms may be superior to the trigonometric ones, although, in theory, the latter seem more natural.Comment: Accepted for publication in Numerical Algorithm

    Inflaton Decay in an Alpha Vacuum

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    We study the alpha vacua of de Sitter space by considering the decay rate of the inflaton field coupled to a scalar field placed in an alpha vacuum. We find an {\em alpha dependent} Bose enhancement relative to the Bunch-Davies vacuum and, surprisingly, no non-renormalizable divergences. We also consider a modified alpha dependent time ordering prescription for the Feynman propagator and show that it leads to an alpha independent result. This result suggests that it may be possible to calculate in any alpha vacuum if we employ the appropriate causality preserving prescription.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, Revtex 4 preprin

    Finite-temperature scalar fields and the cosmological constant in an Einstein universe

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    We study the back reaction effect of massless minimally coupled scalar field at finite temperatures in the background of Einstein universe. Substituting for the vacuum expectation value of the components of the energy-momentum tensor on the RHS of the Einstein equation, we deduce a relationship between the radius of the universe and its temperature. This relationship exhibit a maximum temperature, below the Planck scale, at which the system changes its behaviour drastically. The results are compared with the case of a conformally coupled field. An investigation into the values of the cosmological constant exhibit a remarkable difference between the conformally coupled case and the minimally coupled one.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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