758 research outputs found

    On the Impossibility to Extend Triples of Mutually Unbiased Product Bases in Dimension Six

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    An analytic proof is given which shows that it is impossible to extend any triple of mutually unbiased (MU) product bases in dimension six by a single MU vector. Furthermore, the 16 states obtained by removing two orthogonal states from any MU product triple cannot figure in a (hypothetical) complete set of seven MU bases. These results follow from exploiting the structure of MU product bases in a novel fashion, and they are among the strongest ones obtained for MU bases in dimension six without recourse to computer algebra.Comment: 12 pages, identical to published versio

    Universal quantum computation on a semiconductor quantum wire network

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    Universal quantum computation (UQC) using Majorana fermions on a 2D topological superconducting (TS) medium remains an outstanding open problem. This is because the quantum gate set that can be generated by braiding of the Majorana fermions does not include \emph{any} two-qubit gate and also the single-qubit π/8\pi/8 phase gate. In principle, it is possible to create these crucial extra gates using quantum interference of Majorana fermion currents. However, it is not clear if the motion of the various order parameter defects (vortices, domain walls, \emph{etc.}), to which the Majorana fermions are bound in a TS medium, can be quantum coherent. We show that these obstacles can be overcome using a semiconductor quantum wire network in the vicinity of an ss-wave superconductor, by constructing topologically protected two-qubit gates and any arbitrary single-qubit phase gate in a topologically unprotected manner, which can be error corrected using magic state distillation. Thus our strategy, using a judicious combination of topologically protected and unprotected gate operations, realizes UQC on a quantum wire network with a remarkably high error threshold of 0.140.14 as compared to 10310^{-3} to 10410^{-4} in ordinary unprotected quantum computation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Let Your CyberAlter Ego Share Information and Manage Spam

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    Almost all of us have multiple cyberspace identities, and these {\em cyber}alter egos are networked together to form a vast cyberspace social network. This network is distinct from the world-wide-web (WWW), which is being queried and mined to the tune of billions of dollars everyday, and until recently, has gone largely unexplored. Empirically, the cyberspace social networks have been found to possess many of the same complex features that characterize its real counterparts, including scale-free degree distributions, low diameter, and extensive connectivity. We show that these topological features make the latent networks particularly suitable for explorations and management via local-only messaging protocols. {\em Cyber}alter egos can communicate via their direct links (i.e., using only their own address books) and set up a highly decentralized and scalable message passing network that can allow large-scale sharing of information and data. As one particular example of such collaborative systems, we provide a design of a spam filtering system, and our large-scale simulations show that the system achieves a spam detection rate close to 100%, while the false positive rate is kept around zero. This system has several advantages over other recent proposals (i) It uses an already existing network, created by the same social dynamics that govern our daily lives, and no dedicated peer-to-peer (P2P) systems or centralized server-based systems need be constructed; (ii) It utilizes a percolation search algorithm that makes the query-generated traffic scalable; (iii) The network has a built in trust system (just as in social networks) that can be used to thwart malicious attacks; iv) It can be implemented right now as a plugin to popular email programs, such as MS Outlook, Eudora, and Sendmail.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Optical matrix elements in tight-binding models with overlap

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    We investigate the effect of orbital overlap on optical matrix elements in empirical tight-binding models. Empirical tight-binding models assume an orthogonal basis of (atomiclike) states and a diagonal coordinate operator which neglects the intra-atomic part. It is shown that, starting with an atomic basis which is not orthogonal, the orthogonalization process induces intra-atomic matrix elements of the coordinate operator and extends the range of the effective Hamiltonian. We analyze simple tight-binding models and show that non-orthogonality plays an important role in optical matrix elements. In addition, the procedure gives formal justification to the nearest-neighbor spin-orbit interaction introduced by Boykin [Phys. Rev \textbf{B} 57, 1620 (1998)] in order to describe the Dresselahaus term which is neglected in empirical tight-binding models.Comment: 16 pages 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Tight-binding study of interface states in semiconductor heterojunctions

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    Localized interface states in abrupt semiconductor heterojunctions are studied within a tight-binding model. The intention is to provide a microscopic foundation for the results of similar studies which were based upon the two-band model within the envelope function approximation. In a two-dimensional description, the tight-binding Hamiltonian is constructed such that the Dirac-like bulk spectrum of the two-band model is recovered in the continuum limit. Localized states in heterojunctions are shown to occur under conditions equivalent to those of the two-band model. In particular, shallow interface states are identified in non-inverted junctions with intersecting bulk dispersion curves. As a specific example, the GaSb-AlSb heterojunction is considered. The matching conditions of the envelope function approximation are analyzed within the tight-binding description.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Conduction band tight-binding description for silicon applied to phosphorous donors

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    A tight-binding parametrization for silicon, optimized to correctly reproduce effective masses as well as the reciprocal space positions of the conduction-band minima, is presented. The reliability of the proposed parametrization is assessed by performing systematic comparisons between the descriptions of donor impurities in Si using this parametrization and previously reported ones. The spectral decomposition of the donor wavefunction demonstrates the importance of incorporating full band effects for a reliable representation, and that an incomplete real space description results from a truncated reciprocal space expansion as proposed within the effective mass theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Information-Disturbance Theorem for Mutually Unbiased Observables

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    We derive a novel version of information-disturbance theorems for mutually unbiased observables. We show that the information gain by Eve inevitably makes the outcomes by Bob in the conjugate basis not only erroneous but random

    Improved magic states distillation for quantum universality

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    Given stabilizer operations and the ability to repeatedly prepare a single-qubit mixed state rho, can we do universal quantum computation? As motivation for this question, "magic state" distillation procedures can reduce the general fault-tolerance problem to that of performing fault-tolerant stabilizer circuits. We improve the procedures of Bravyi and Kitaev in the Hadamard "magic" direction of the Bloch sphere to achieve a sharp threshold between those rho allowing universal quantum computation, and those for which any calculation can be efficiently classically simulated. As a corollary, the ability to repeatedly prepare any pure state which is not a stabilizer state (e.g., any single-qubit pure state which is not a Pauli eigenstate), together with stabilizer operations, gives quantum universality. It remains open whether there is also a tight separation in the so-called T direction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure