131 research outputs found

    «Поворот к мессенджерам»: кейс Сахалинской области

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    В статье описывается специфика социальных практик и пользовательского поведения в мессенджере WhatsApp, сложившихся в Сахалинcкой области. Автор предполагает, что исследуемый кейс репрезентирует новый для Дальнего Востока феномен, который предлагает обозначать как «поворот к мессенджерам» (messenger turn). Появление мессенджеров способствовало преодолению «цифрового неравенства», а коммуникация в мессенджерах стала важным средством медиапотребления и локальной кооперации, породив специфические для региона пользовательские практики. Работа на о. Итуруп в военных городках Горячие Ключи и Горное показала, что мессенджеры играют большую роль в практиках жизнеобеспечения в условиях территориальной изоляции и товарного дефицита. Автор также предполагает, что в военных городках общение в мессенджерах приобретает специфическое значение ввиду почти полного отсутствия публичных пространств. Такой характер использования именно мессенджеров обусловлен сочетанием технических особенностей мессенджер-клиентов и условий связи в регионе. В академической литературе эта тема еще не получила достаточного освещения, но некоторые публицистические статьи и другие открытые источники дают основания полагать, что подобные паттерны в отношении мессенджеров можно наблюдать в других регионах Сибири и Дальнего Востока со схожей инфраструктурой связи, как, например, Якутия и Камчатка

    Isotope composition of groundwater in Karelia

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    Methodology for permeability coefficients determination using the vacuum infusion technology

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    The article describes a special installation allowing real-time determination of the pressure drops within the impregnation process. The installation working zone is a flat permeameter, where the reinforcing material under study is laid, and liquid is supplied. Ultra-low pressure membrane sensors were used to register pressures along the fluid motion direction. Diagram of the sensors installation is provided, as well as substantiation of selecting a site positioned between two adjacent sensors, where it is advisable to conduct the experimental research. Based on the data obtained, the permeability values coefficients were calculated. The article presents results of assessing the accuracy of the proposed method to determine the permeability coefficient values, which was obtained by the authors in comparing experimental and theoretical duration of the impregnation process

    Features of Hematological and Hemostasiological Parameters in Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 and Community-Acquired Pneumonia

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    Against the background of priority attention paid to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also cases of community-acquired pneumonia of a different genesis. Identification of the features of lung lesions in such diseases is relevant during the spread of seasonal respiratory infections. The comparative study of the dynamics of hematological and hemostasiological parameters of blood in patients with pneumonia of various origins is of interest in terms of searching for predictors of the prognosis of the diseases development.Aim. To compare the features of clinical symptoms, hematological and hemostasiological parameters in patients with pneumonia caused by COVID-19 and in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Materials and methods. During cross-sectional study two groups were formed: group 1 consisted of 92 patients diagnosed with moderate community-acquired pneumonia caused by COVID-19 infection; group 2 included 40 patients diagnosed with moderate community-acquired bilateral polysegmental pneumonia.Results. It was found that patients with COVID-19 had an older age (69 vs 39.3 years), a lower body temperature at admission (37.5 vs 38.85 °C), a lower percentage of reduced oxygen saturation (less than 89 % in 5.4 % of cases vs 10 % of cases). In most cases, the average values of some hematological parameters in patients with COVID-19 did not go beyond the reference range. Leukopenia (below 4 × 109 cells/l) and lymphopenia (below 1.1 × 109 cells/l) were observed in 26 % and 38 % of cases respectively; thrombocytopenia (less than 100 × 109 cells/l) – in 12.2 % of cases; hyperfibrinogenemia (more than 4 g/l) – in 65.3 % of cases. A direct correlation was found between platelet levels and leukocytes (R = 0.53; p < 0.001) and lymphocytes (R = 0.29; p = 0.06). Compared with the patients of the group 2,on average, patients with COVID-19 had significantly lower levels of leukocytes and lymphocytes (2.5 times each; p < 0.001) and an increased level of fibrinogen (by 45 %; p < 0.001).Conclusion. In patients with pneumonia caused by COVID-19, we revealed the particular features of clinical symptoms, hematological and hemostasiological blood parameters compared to community-acquired nonspecific pneumonia

    Features of peripheral blood cellular immunity parameters in patients with lung damage up to 30 % in COVID-19

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    Background. The stability of human organism for different kind of infection, including SARS-CoV-2 is significantly defined by the immune system. The mechanisms of the cellular immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 are not exactly defined and are under study. The aim. To study the features of cell immunity parameters in patients with lung damage up to 30 % in COVID-19. Material and methods. 73 people were examined during the 2020–2021 pandemic. The study group consisted of 31 patients with lung damage up to 30 % with COVID-19, the comparison group consisted of 42 people not infected with SARS-CoV-2. A complete clinical blood count was carried out using a Medonic M20 hematological analyzer (Boule Medical, Sweden), the level of lymphocyte subpopulations was determined using a FACS Calibur cytometer (BD, USA) and FITC- and phycoerythrin-labeled monoclonal antibodies (Sorbent, Russia). Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results. Patients with COVID-19 with lung damage according to computed tomography (CT) ≤ 30 % before the treatment had a restructuring in the ratio of lymphocyte subpopulations in 67.7 % of cases. Lymphopenia (< 1.1 × 109 cells/l) was detected in 34.4 % of patients: a decrease in the absolute count of CD3+ lymphocytes by 30.8 %, CD3+CD4+ – by 35 %, CD3+CD8+ – by 6.7 % (p < 0.05), CD16+CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells – by 29.4 % (p = 0.009). The level of CD95+ lymphocytes in COVID-19 is 3.2 times higher than in healthy individuals. Elevated levels of HLA-DR+- (> 20 %) and CD3+ HLADR+ lymphocytes (> 6 %) are recorded in 60 % and 86.7 % of patients, respectively. Elevated levels of CD19+ B lymphocytes (> 17 %) in COVID-19 are 2.6 times more common than in healthy individuals. Correlation dependences of the count of NK cells with a wide range of T lymphocyte subpopulations were revealed. Conclusion. Cellular immunity indicators in COVID-19 have a number of features that can serve as predictors of the progression of the severity of the disease

    Изотопный состав (δ18O, δ2H) снежного покрова Карелии

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    For the first time, a regional study of the isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2 H) of the snow cover in Karelia was performed using a sub-meridional and two sub-latitudinal profiles (March 2016). Snow nutrition does generally prevail here in the river and underground runoff. Integral snow samples were taken at 45 sites, three horizons were studied at 39 of them. Monitoring of the isotopic composition of atmospheric precipitation is carried out in the Petrozavodsk city from 2012 to the present. The isotopic composition of snow on the territory of Karelia varied through the following range: for δ18O it is from −15.7 to −21.1 ‰, and for δ2 H – from −118 to −158 ‰, which is significantly less than the isotopic composition of atmospheric precipitation for the same period: δ18O = −8.7 ÷ −30.9 ‰, δ2 H = −77 ÷ −239 ‰. The exception is snow in the valleys of the large Shuya and Suna rivers with light isotopes δ18O (down to −21 ‰). According to two sublatitudinal profiles in southern and central Karelia, there were no obvious trends in the isotopic composition of snow. The decrease in the contents of deuterium (δ2 H) and oxygen-18 (δ18O) in the sections of snow cover corresponds to an almost complete loss of snow at the beginning of winter due to the December thaws of 2015 and its intensive accumulation in abnormally cold January 2016. According to trajectory analysis data, air masses containing isotopically heavy moisture come mainly from the west and southwest, and those containing isotopically light moisture come from the north and east. The results of this research demonstrate that the reconstruction of the isotopic composition of winter precipitation can be approximately performed by the isotopic composition of snow cover.Приводятся результаты изотопного анализа состава снежного покрова Карелии, сформировавшегося в зимний период в 2015/16 г., и атмосферных осадков в Петрозаводске. Показано, что состав снега изменяется от −15,7 до −21,1 ‰ для δ18О и от −118 до −158 ‰ для δ2Н, а облегчение изотопного состава происходит с юга на север в соответствии с понижением температуры воздуха. Реконструкцию изотопного состава зимних атмосферных осадков приближённо можно выполнить по изотопному составу снежного покрова

    The physiological role of macronutrients in breast milk (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) in the development of children of the first year of life

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    The aim of the study was to assess the provision of micronutrients (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium) to nursing women and to determine their impact on the physical and neuropsychological development of children in the first six months of life.Цель исследования – оценить обеспеченность кормящих женщин микронутриентами (фосфор, кальций, магний) и определить их влияние на физическое и нервно-психическое развитие детей первых шести месяцев жизни


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    Peptic ulcer is registered in 20,5% of those suffering from infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and in 19,5% of HIV patients at C2 stage, ill with infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and presenting complaints about dyspeptic disorders. The following is typical of multimorbidity of pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV infection and peptic ulcer: oligosymptomatic start of tuberculosis, asthenic syndrome dominating among clinical symptoms, manifestations of gastric and intestinal indigestion, weight loss (2-4 times more often compared to HIV negative patients), less expressed lung tissue destruction (2 time less compared to HIV negative patients). H. pylori is a causative agent of the peptic ulcer in 62,5% of patients with infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and in 58,7% of HIV infected patients at C2 stage, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Comorbidity of H. pilori negative peptic ulcer and infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis differs from comorbidity of H. pilori positive peptic ulcer and infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis since the first has confidently true unfavorable forecast of the outcome.Язвенная болезнь диагностируется у 20,5% пациентов с инфильтративным туберкулезом легких и у 19,5% ВИЧ-инфицированных в стадии С2, страдающих инфильтративным туберкулезом легких, предъявляющих жалобы диспепсического характера. Для мультиморбидного сочетания туберкулеза легких, ВИЧ-инфекции и язвенной болезни характерны: малосимптомное начало туберкулеза, доминирование в клинической картине астенического синдрома, проявлений желудочной и кишечной диспепсии, похудения (в 2-4 раза чаще, чем у пациентов без ВИЧ-инфекции), менее выраженный деструктивный процесс в легочной ткани (в 2 раза реже, чем у пациентов без ВИЧ-инфекции). H. pylori является этиологическим фактором язвенной болезни у 62,5% пациентов с инфильтративным туберкулезом легких и у 58,7% ВИЧ-инфицированных в стадии С2, страдающих туберкулезом легких. Сочетание H. pylori-негативной язвенной болезни и инфильтративного туберкулеза легких отличается достоверно более неблагоприятным прогнозом по сравнению с коморбидностью H. pylori-позитивной язвенной болезни и инфильтративного туберкулеза легких