622 research outputs found

    Low-Rank Tensors for Scoring Dependency Structures

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    Accurate scoring of syntactic structures such as head-modifier arcs in dependency parsing typically requires rich, high-dimensional feature representations. A small subset of such features is often selected manually. This is problematic when features lack clear linguistic meaning as in embeddings or when the information is blended across features. In this paper, we use tensors to map high-dimensional feature vectors into low dimensional representations. We explicitly maintain the parameters as a low-rank tensor to obtain low dimensional representations of words in their syntactic roles, and to leverage modularity in the tensor for easy training with online algorithms. Our parser consistently outperforms the Turbo and MST parsers across 14 different languages. We also obtain the best published UAS results on 5 languages.United States. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (W911NF-10-1-0533)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Broad Operational Language Translatio

    Greed Is Good If Randomized: New Inference for Dependency Parsing

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    Dependency parsing with high-order features results in a provably hard decoding problem. A lot of work has gone into developing powerful optimization methods for solving these combinatorial problems. In contrast, we explore, analyze, and demonstrate that a substantially simpler randomized greedy inference algorithm already suffices for near optimal parsing: a) we analytically quantify the number of local optima that the greedy method has to overcome in the context of first-order parsing; b) we show that, as a decoding algorithm, the greedy method surpasses dual decomposition in second-order parsing; c) we empirically demonstrate that our approach with up to third-order and global features outperforms the state-of-the-art dual decomposition and MCMC sampling methods when evaluated on 14 languages of non-projective CoNLL datasets.United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-10-1-0533)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Broad Operational Language Translatio

    Steps to Excellence: Simple Inference with Refined Scoring of Dependency Trees

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    Much of the recent work on dependency parsing has been focused on solving inherent combinatorial problems associated with rich scoring functions. In contrast, we demonstrate that highly expressive scoring functions can be used with substantially simpler inference procedures. Specifically, we introduce a sampling-based parser that can easily handle arbitrary global features. Inspired by SampleRank, we learn to take guided stochastic steps towards a high scoring parse. We introduce two samplers for traversing the space of trees, Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings with Random Walk. The model outperforms state-of-the-art results when evaluated on 14 languages of non-projective CoNLL datasets. Our sampling-based approach naturally extends to joint prediction scenarios, such as joint parsing and POS correction. The resulting method outperforms the best reported results on the CATiB dataset, approaching performance of parsing with gold tags.United States. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (W911NF-10-1-0533)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Broad Operational Language TranslationUnited States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (Grant 2012330

    Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Review and Classify the Medical Literature on Cancer Susceptibility Genes

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    PURPOSE: The medical literature relevant to germline genetics is growing exponentially. Clinicians need tools monitoring and prioritizing the literature to understand the clinical implications of the pathogenic genetic variants. We developed and evaluated two machine learning models to classify abstracts as relevant to the penetrance (risk of cancer for germline mutation carriers) or prevalence of germline genetic mutations. METHODS: We conducted literature searches in PubMed and retrieved paper titles and abstracts to create an annotated dataset for training and evaluating the two machine learning classification models. Our first model is a support vector machine (SVM) which learns a linear decision rule based on the bag-of-ngrams representation of each title and abstract. Our second model is a convolutional neural network (CNN) which learns a complex nonlinear decision rule based on the raw title and abstract. We evaluated the performance of the two models on the classification of papers as relevant to penetrance or prevalence. RESULTS: For penetrance classification, we annotated 3740 paper titles and abstracts and used 60% for training the model, 20% for tuning the model, and 20% for evaluating the model. The SVM model achieves 89.53% accuracy (percentage of papers that were correctly classified) while the CNN model achieves 88.95 % accuracy. For prevalence classification, we annotated 3753 paper titles and abstracts. The SVM model achieves 89.14% accuracy while the CNN model achieves 89.13 % accuracy. CONCLUSION: Our models achieve high accuracy in classifying abstracts as relevant to penetrance or prevalence. By facilitating literature review, this tool could help clinicians and researchers keep abreast of the burgeoning knowledge of gene-cancer associations and keep the knowledge bases for clinical decision support tools up to date

    Convolutional Embedding of Attributed Molecular Graphs for Physical Property Prediction

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    The task of learning an expressive molecular representation is central to developing quantitative structure–activity and property relationships. Traditional approaches rely on group additivity rules, empirical measurements or parameters, or generation of thousands of descriptors. In this paper, we employ a convolutional neural network for this embedding task by treating molecules as undirected graphs with attributed nodes and edges. Simple atom and bond attributes are used to construct atom-specific feature vectors that take into account the local chemical environment using different neighborhood radii. By working directly with the full molecular graph, there is a greater opportunity for models to identify important features relevant to a prediction task. Unlike other graph-based approaches, our atom featurization preserves molecule-level spatial information that significantly enhances model performance. Our models learn to identify important features of atom clusters for the prediction of aqueous solubility, octanol solubility, melting point, and toxicity. Extensions and limitations of this strategy are discussed

    Conformal Language Modeling

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    We propose a novel approach to conformal prediction for generative language models (LMs). Standard conformal prediction produces prediction sets -- in place of single predictions -- that have rigorous, statistical performance guarantees. LM responses are typically sampled from the model's predicted distribution over the large, combinatorial output space of natural language. Translating this process to conformal prediction, we calibrate a stopping rule for sampling different outputs from the LM that get added to a growing set of candidates until we are confident that the output set is sufficient. Since some samples may be low-quality, we also simultaneously calibrate and apply a rejection rule for removing candidates from the output set to reduce noise. Similar to conformal prediction, we prove that the sampled set returned by our procedure contains at least one acceptable answer with high probability, while still being empirically precise (i.e., small) on average. Furthermore, within this set of candidate responses, we show that we can also accurately identify subsets of individual components -- such as phrases or sentences -- that are each independently correct (e.g., that are not "hallucinations"), again with statistical guarantees. We demonstrate the promise of our approach on multiple tasks in open-domain question answering, text summarization, and radiology report generation using different LM variants
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