17,627 research outputs found

    Pseudorapidity dependence of parton energy loss in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We analyze the recent data from the BRAHMS Collaboration on the pseudorapidity dependence of nuclear modification factors in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV by using the full three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations for the density effects on parton energy loss. We first compute the transverse spectra at η=0\eta=0 and 2.2, and next take a ratio Rη=RAA(η=2.2)/RAA(η=0)R_{\eta}=R_{AA}(\eta=2.2)/R_{AA}(\eta=0), where RAAR_{AA} is a nuclear modification factor. It is shown that hydrodynamic components account for Rη≃1R_{\eta}\simeq 1 at low pTp_\mathrm{T} and that quenched pQCD components lead Rη<1R_{\eta} < 1 at high pTp_\mathrm{T} which are consistent with the data. Strong suppression at η=2.2\eta=2.2 is compatible with the parton energy loss in the final state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; one figure adde

    Effects of an extra U(1) axial condensate on the strong decays of pseudoscalar mesons

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    We consider a scenario (supported by some lattice results) in which a U(1)-breaking condensate survives across the chiral transition in QCD. This scenario has important consequences for the pseudoscalar-meson sector, which can be studied using an effective Lagrangian model. In particular, generalizing the results obtained in two previous papers, where the effects on the radiative decays eta,eta' --> gamma gamma were studied, in this paper we study the effects of the U(1) chiral condensate on the strong decays of the "light" pseudoscalar mesons, i.e., eta,eta' --> 3pi^0; eta,eta' --> pi^+ pi^- pi^0; eta' --> eta pi^0 pi^0; eta' --> eta pi^+ pi^-; and also on the strong decays of an exotic ("heavy") SU(3)-singlet pseudoscalar state eta_X, predicted by the model.Comment: One misprint in Eq. (2.10) has been eliminated; Eqs. (B.8) and (B.9) in Appendix B have been corrected; 46 pages, 1 tabl

    Jet Correlations with Identified Particles from PHENIX: Methods and Results

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    Azimuthal angle two particle correlations have been shown to be a powerful probe for extracting novel features of the interaction between hard scattered partons and the medium produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. At intermediate pTp_T, 2-5GeV/c, the jets have been shown to be significantly modified in both their particle composition and their angular distribution compared to p+p collisions. Additionally, angular two particle correlations with identified hadrons provide information on the possible role of modified hadronization scenarios such as partonic recombination, which might allow medium modified jet fragmentation by connecting hard scattered partons to low pTp_T thermal partons. PHENIX has excellent particle identification capabilities and has developed robust techniques for extracting jet correlations from the large underlying event. We present recent PHENIX results from Au+Au collisions for a variety of pTp_T and particle type combinations. We also present p+p measurements as a baseline. We show evidence that protons and anti-protons in the pTp_T region of enhanced baryon and anti-baryon single particle production are produced in close angle pairs of opposite charge and that the strong modifications to the away side shape observed for charged hadron correlations are also present when baryons are correlated.Comment: talk given at XIth International Workshop on Correlations and Fluctuations in Multiparticle Production, Hangzhou China November 21-24 200

    Effect of polarized gluon distribution on spin asymmetries for neutral and charged pion production

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    A longitudinal double spin asymmetry for \pi^0 production has been measured by the PHENIX collaboration. The asymmetry is sensitive to the polarized gluon distribution and is indicated to be positive by theoretical predictions. We study a correlation between behavior of the asymmetry and polarized gluon distribution in neutral and charged pion production at RHIC.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps figures, section added, typos corrected. to be published in PR

    Collapse models with non-white noises II: particle-density coupled noises

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    We continue the analysis of models of spontaneous wave function collapse with stochastic dynamics driven by non-white Gaussian noise. We specialize to a model in which a classical "noise" field, with specified autocorrelator, is coupled to a local nonrelativistic particle density. We derive general results in this model for the rates of density matrix diagonalization and of state vector reduction, and show that (in the absence of decoherence) both processes are governed by essentially the same rate parameters. As an alternative route to our reduction results, we also derive the Fokker-Planck equations that correspond to the initial stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. For specific models of the noise autocorrelator, including ones motivated by the structure of thermal Green's functions, we discuss the qualitative and qantitative dependence on model parameters, with particular emphasis on possible cosmological sources of the noise field.Comment: Latex, 43 pages; versions 2&3 have minor editorial revision

    High-Dimensional Topological Insulators with Quaternionic Analytic Landau Levels

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    We study the 3D topological insulators in the continuum by coupling spin-1/2 fermions to the Aharonov-Casher SU(2) gauge field. They exhibit flat Landau levels in which orbital angular momentum and spin are coupled with a fixed helicity. The 3D lowest Landau level wavefunctions exhibit the quaternionic analyticity as a generalization of the complex analyticity of the 2D case. Each Landau level contributes one branch of gapless helical Dirac modes to the surface spectra, whose topological properties belong to the Z2-class. The flat Landau levels can be generalized to an arbitrary dimension. Interaction effects and experimental realizations are also studied

    Strangeness and heavy flavor at RHIC: Recent results from PHENIX

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    We report recent results of strangeness and heavy flavor measurements from PHENIX. The topics are: Elliptic flow of strangeness and heavy flavor electron production comparing to the other hadrons, Ï•\phi meson production, and an exotic particle search.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Submitted to J. Phys. G (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, September 15-20, 2004

    High transverse momentum suppression and surface effects in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions within the PQM model

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    We study parton suppression effects in heavy-ion collisions within the Parton Quenching Model (PQM). After a brief summary of the main features of the model, we present comparisons of calculations for the nuclear modification and the away-side suppression factor to data in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at 200 GeV. We discuss properties of light hadron probes and their sensitivity to the medium density within the PQM Monte Carlo framework.Comment: Comments: 6 pages, 8 figures. To appear in the proceedings of Hot Quarks 2006: Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Villasimius, Italy, 15-20 May 200
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