27 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Hematuria—A Leading Urological Problem in Patients on Anticoagulant Therapy: Is the Common Diagnostic Standard Still Advisable?

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    All urological standards of care are based on the past definition of the clinical importance of macroscopic hematuria. The aim of the study was to assess the phenomenon of iatrogenic hematuria in current clinical practice and analyze its origins in patients receiving anticoagulant drugs. Retrospective analysis of clinical documentation of 238 patients that were consulted for hematuria in 2007–2009 by 5 consultant urologists was performed. In the group of 238 patients with hematuria, 155 (65%) received anticoagulants. Abnormalities of urinary tract were found in 45 (19%) patients. Estimated cost of a single neoplasm detection reached the value of 3252 Euro (mean 3-day hospitalization). The strong correlation between the presence of hematuria and anticoagulant treatment was observed. Authors suggest to redefine the present and future role of hematuria from a standard manifestation of serious urological disease to a common result of a long-term anticoagulant therapy

    Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria as Aetiological Factors of Infections in a Tertiary Multidisciplinary Hospital in Poland

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    Global and local initiatives were recently undertaken to reduce the burden of antibiotic resistance. The aim of the study was to describe the incidence and the aetiology of bacterial infections among hospitalized patients with special attention paid to the multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria. This retrospective study was based on prospectively collected data from 150,529 consecutive patients hospitalized in a tertiary multidisciplinary hospital in the years 2017–2019. All consecutive microbiological tests from any biological material performed in the analyzed period were included. Microbiological screening tests (n = 10,677) were excluded. The analysis was focused on aetiological factors of bacterial infections, especially the incidence of MDR bacteria and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. There were 58,789 microbiological tests performed in the analyzed period. The highest testing rate was noticed for intensive care unit (mean of 3.1 tests per one patient), followed by neonatal intensive care unit (2.7), internal medicine (1.9), pediatrics (1.8), and urology (1.2). Among 58,789 tests, 7690 (13.1%) were positive. MDR bacteria were responsible for 1783 infections (23.2%). The most common antibiotic resistance mechanism reported was ESBL production by Klebsiella spp. or Escherichia coli or Enterobacter spp. isolates (47.3% of all MDR cases). ESBL cases were followed by MRSA (14.7%), VRE (14.2%) and MBL producing Klebsiella spp. (5.6%). Among all infections caused by MDR bacteria, 1175 (65.9%) were diagnosed after 72 h of hospitalization (hospital-acquired infections). Apart from AmpC and ESBL producing Escherichia coli, all MDR bacteria were significantly more common in hospital-acquired infection. MDR bacteria are aetiological factors of a significant portion of infections in hospitalized patients with no remarkable change in the incidence in recent years. Production of ESBL is the most common mechanism of antibiotic resistance and should be regarded as one of the most urgent problems in clinical microbiology

    Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques 1

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    piRNAs and PIWI Proteins as Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers of Genitourinary Cancers

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    piRNAs (PIWI-interacting RNAs) are small non-coding RNAs capable of regulation of transposon and gene expression. piRNAs utilise multiple mechanisms to affect gene expression, which makes them potentially more powerful regulators than microRNAs. The mechanisms by which piRNAs regulate transposon and gene expression include DNA methylation, histone modifications, and mRNA degradation. Genitourinary cancers (GC) are a large group of neoplasms that differ by their incidence, clinical course, biology, and prognosis for patients. Regardless of the GC type, metastatic disease remains a key therapeutic challenge, largely affecting patients’ survival rates. Recent studies indicate that piRNAs could serve as potentially useful biomarkers allowing for early cancer detection and therapeutic interventions at the stage of non-advanced tumour, improving patient’s outcomes. Furthermore, studies in prostate cancer show that piRNAs contribute to cancer progression by affecting key oncogenic pathways such as PI3K/AKT. Here, we discuss recent findings on biogenesis, mechanisms of action and the role of piRNAs and the associated PIWI proteins in GC. We also present tools that may be useful for studies on the functioning of piRNAs in cancers

    Immunohistochemical differentiation between muscularis mucosae and muscularis propria for improving the staging of bladder cancer in patients undergoing transurethral resection of bladder tumours

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    Microscopic differentiation between muscularis mucosae (MM) and muscularis propria (MP) of the bladder in the material obtained during transurethral resection (TUR) remains difficult. The study was aimed at determination of the usefulness of immunohistochemical staining in this context. Forty-seven TUR specimens were stained with 5 mouse anti-human antibodies: anti-desmin, anti-filamin, anti-type IV collagen, anti-smoothelin, and anti-vimentin. Slides were assessed under light microscopy and the intensity of the immune reaction within MM and MP was evaluated on a four-level visual scale as follows: negative (0) and weakly (1), moderately (2), or strongly (3) positive. MM was identified in 27 patients (57.4%). The modal values of reaction intensity in MM and MP was 0 and 2 for desmin (p > 0.05), 2 and 2 for filamin (p = 0.01), 2 and 2 for type IV collagen (p > 0.05), 1 and 2 for smoothelin (p = 0.03), and 2 and 0 for vimentin (p = 0.02), respectively. Identical intensity within MM and MP was observed in 7.1%, 28.6%, 20%, 30.1%, 5.6%, respectively. Immunohistochemistry can help differentiate between MM and MP in TUR specimens. As of yet, no single marker can reliably differentiate between MM and MP; however, a combination of anti-filamin, anti-smoothelin, and anti-vimentin antibodies may be reasonable for diagnostic purposes

    Original paper COmparisOn Of pathOlOgiCal staging and grading Of urOthelial bladder CarCinOma in pOst-transurethral reseCtiOn and pOst-radiCal CysteCtOmy speCimens

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    Staging and grading of bladder cancer have a substantial impact on patients' prognosis. However, due to the relatively low quality and quantity of specimens from transurethral resection (TUR), initial histopathological examination may not be fully reliable. The aim of this study was to assess the repeatability of staging and grading in post-TUR and post-radical cystectomy (RC) specimens. Staging and grading in TUR and RC specimens were compared in a group of 181 consecutive patients. All microscopic examinations were performed by dedicated uropathologists. Median time from TUR to RC was 45 days. Additionally, an attempt to identify potential clinical variables influencing the risk of discrepancies was made. In post-RC specimens, the disease was down-staged in 13.8% and up-staged in 54.6% of patients (K = -0.03, p < 0.02). Muscle-invasive bladder cancer was diagnosed in 67.6% of patients initially staged as T1. Cancer was down-graded in 10.3% and up-graded in 17.9% of patients (K = 0.44, p < 0.02). Early onset of disease, female sex and time interval from transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) to RC had no effect on incidence of discrepancies. Pathological post-TUR examination is not predictive for the final stage of cancer. The incidence of under-or overgrading of bladder cancer is significant, and efforts should be made to reduce it

    Non-Invasive Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma—A Systematic Review

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    Beyond laboratory, imaging and endoscopic procedures, new diagnostic tools are increasingly being sought for the diagnosis of upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC), especially those that are non-invasive. In this systematic review, we aimed to determine the effectiveness of non-invasive tests in the diagnosis of UTUC. PubMed and Embase electronic databases were searched to identify studies assessing effectiveness of non-invasive tests in the primary diagnosis of UTUC. The study protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020216480). Among 10,084 screened publications, 25 were eligible and included in the analysis. Most of them were conducted on small samples of patients and the control groups were heterogenous. The test used in the largest number of studies was voided urinary cytology, which has poor sensitivity (11–71.1%) with favorable specificity (54–100%). Fluorescence in situ hybridization in diagnostic cytology showed higher sensitivity (35–85.7%) with equally good specificity (80–100%). There were also studies on the use of tests known to diagnose bladder cancer such as NMP22, uCYT or BTA test. Other urine or blood tests have been the subject of only isolated studies, with varying results. To conclude, currently there is a lack of high-quality data that could confirm good effectiveness of non-invasive tests used in the diagnosis of UTUC