17 research outputs found

    Częstość występowania zakażeń różnorodnymi typami wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego (HPV) mężczyzn w Polsce

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    Objectives: Infections with human papillomavirus (HPV) are sexually transmitted. Their prevalence in males is comparable to females, but infection in men is largely unknown. Since such information is needed to establish prevention strategies, the goal of our study was to estimate the incidence of type-specific genital HPV infection among men in Poland. Material and Methods: Within a multi-center clinical preventive trial, penile sampling of 826 (100%) uncircumcised and sexually active males (aged 25–69 yrs.) was studied. Peniscopy was performed in addition to routine clinical examination. DNA HPV in smears was detected by hybrid capture (HC2) and in the biopsy material by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Twenty-three HPV types were detected, including 11 high-risk oncogenic (53–6.4% men) and in 65 (7.87%) individuals both oncogenic and nononcogenic simultaneously – altogether 118 (14.3%) and also 12 low risk multiple nononcogenic types (248-30% men). Penile HPV prevalence was approximately 26.8%. In 53 (6.4%) cases we detected multiple oncogenic types (single HPV16 in only 17 cases – 2.1%). Penile HPV DNA was detection did not appear to be associated with age. Our analyses also suggested a lower prevalence of HPV infection among male participants who reported consistent condom use and fewer sexual partners. In men with history of having more than 10 sexual partners over their lifetime increased the likelihood of detecting HPV DNA. Conclusions: Data from our study showing a high prevalence of HPV infection in the Polish population of men will be helpful for future studies on HPV transmission dynamics.Wprowadzenie: Oceniono, że zakażenia wirusem brodawczaka ludzkiego są przenoszo-ne drogą płciową. Występowanie ich jest porównywalne u obojga płci, ale u mężczyzn pozostaje w znacznej mierze niepoznane. Cel pracy: Istnieje potrzeba opracowania strategii prewencji i celem naszych badań było ustalenie występowania zakażeń HPV i ich typów u mężczyzn w Polsce. Materiał i metody: W wieloośrodkowych badaniach prewencyjnych przebadano 826 (100%) nieobrzezanych i aktywnych seksualnie mężczyzn w wieku od 25 do 69 lat. Poza rutynowymi badaniami klinicznymi wykonywano penisoskopię. DNA HPV wykrywano w wymazach metodą Hybrid Capture (HC2) oraz w materiale biopsyjnym metodą reakcji łańcuchowej polimerazy (PCR). Wyniki: Wykryto 23 typy HPV łącznie z onkogennymi jedenastoma wysokiego ryzyka u 53 (6,4%) oraz u 65 (7,87%) mężczyzn onkogennymi i nieonkogennymi – łącznie u 118 (14,3%) a także 12 różnorodnych niskiego ryzyka nieonkogennych typów HPV u 248 (30%) mężczyzn. W obrębie prącia HPV DNA wykryto u 26,8% badanych. Pośród 53 (6,4%) mężczyzn, poza różnymi typami onkogennymi, samych HPV 16 wykryto u 17 (2,1%). Wykryte w obrębie prącia HPV DNA nie zależało od wieku badanego. Nasze badania również sugerują mniejszą częstotliwość zakażeń HPV u stosujących kondomy i mających mniej partnerek seksualnych. U mężczyzn mających w przeszłości powyżej 10 partnerek rosła częstotliwość wykrywania HPV DNA. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiają wysoką liczbę zakażeń HPV mężczyzn w badanej populacji w Polsce, a to może posłużyć do przyszłych badań dynamiki przenoszenia zakażeń HPV

    Pathologic aspects of skull base tumors

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    Skull base tumors form a highly heterogeneous group. As there are several structures in this anatomical site, a large number of different primary malignancies might develop, as well as a variety of secondary (metastatic) tumors. In this article, the most common malignancies are presented, along with a short histopathologic description. For some entities, an immunohistochemical profile is also given that should be helpful in proper diagnosis. As many pathologic diagnoses nowadays also include genetic studies, the most common genetic abnormalities in skull base tumors are presented


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    Docent Dr hab. Jan Kowalczyk (1918–2007)

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    Jan Kowalczyk was born on October 23, 1918 in Nowa Wieś in the Lubartów district, Lublin voivodeship. After graduation from the Jan Zamoyski State Gymnasium in Lublin in 1937 and after six months of practice at the Gdańsk Shipyard, he began studies at the Faculty of Ship Machinery Construction at the Gdańsk University of Technology. After the Second World War interrupted his further education, he stood as a volunteer to fight with the German invaders in defence of Lublin in the tragic events of September 1939 (Białasiewicz and Gzella 1994: 130–131, 208, 212). During the German Occupation, he worked physically at the painting workshop in Lublin. After the War, in 1945–1948 he studied at the Faculty of Humanities at the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). He was a student of Jan Czekanowski (1882–1965), former rector of the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv and head of the Department of Anthropology of the KUL, of Stefan Nosek (1909–1966), head of the Department of Prehistory of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS), classes at the KUL, and of Józef Gajek (1907–1986), at the same time head of the Departments of Ethnography and Ethnology at the KUL and UMCS

    Zastosowanie manualnych technik osteopatycznych w leczeniu bólu pleców u kobiet w ciąży

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    Changes in body posture, musculoskeletal disorders and somatic dysfunctions are frequently observed during pregnancy, especially ligament, joint and myofascial impairment. The aim of the paper is to present the use of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for back and pelvic pain in pregnancy on the basis of a review of the available literature. MEDLINE and Cochrane Library were searched in January 2014 for relevant reports, randomized controlled trials, clinical and case studies of OMT use in pregnant women. Each eligible source was verified and analyzed by two independent reviewers. OMT procedures appear to be effective and safe for pelvic and spinal pain management in the lumbosacral area in pregnant women.W trakcie ciąży u kobiet zachodzą zmiany w postawie ciała, układzie mięśniowo-szkieletowym oraz zaburzenia somatyczne. Najczęściej dochodzi do dysfunkcji więzadeł, stawów i powięzi. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wykorzystania bezpiecznych osteopatycznych technik manualnych w leczeniu bólu pleców i miednicy u kobiet w ciąży, na podstawie przeglądu dostępnej literatury naukowej. Przegląd literatury przeprowadzono w bazach danych MEDLINE i Cochrane Library w styczniu 2014 roku. Do analizy wybrano prace poglądowe, randomizowane, kliniczne oraz studium przypadku dotyczące terapii manualnej u kobiet w ciąży. Każda praca była weryfikowana i analizowana przez dwóch niezależnych badaczy. Osteopatyczne techniki manualne (OMT) wydają się być skuteczną i bezpieczną terapią w bólach odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa i miednicy u kobiet w ciąży

    Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure. Part I, Mechanism

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    Introduction Diagnosis and treatment issues among heart failure (HF) patients are becoming one of the most important points in public health of developed countries, largely due to the aging of population and the fact that HF affects mainly the elderly. In this review we would like to focus on pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure and potential benefits of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Material and Methods Analysis of articles in the EBSCO database using keywords: heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation, exercise training, pathophysiology. Results HF can be described as a composite syndrome which results from structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or blood ejection. Patients have variety of symptoms which usually are nonspecific. The most frequently occurring symptoms of HF are dyspnea and fatigue, which may restrict exercise capacity, and fluid retention. There are many possible pathophysiological factors involved in the development of exercise intolerance. Based on the available literature pathological changes in central hemodynamic function, pulmonary system, skeletal muscles, endothelial function and neurohumoral system can be distinguished. They play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of HF symptoms and represent a potential curative object. Conclusions HF patients are characterized by diminished functional performance. Exercise training has many potential profits in patients with heart failure, including an increase in peak oxygen uptake, improvement in central hemodynamics, peripheral vascular and skeletal muscle function and has become part of evidence-based clinical therapy in these patients

    The criteria and the conditions of teachers evaluation on the pedagogical faculties at Polish universities. From the perspective of the periodic evaluation sheets

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    The Bill defines a requirement which are base of the academic teacher periodic evaluation. The question about criteria, conditions, and instrumentality in the evaluation process should be asked. The investigation was conducted based on 32 evaluation sheets used in 22 Polish universities. As a result the characteristics of the sheets and their construction were displayed. The occupied position or the scientific degree of employee determines the disproportion in the scope of assessment conditions. Another results show main domain which are considered during evaluation of teacher activity. A scientific category of university turned out significant for the scope of an attention paid to these domains. The evaluation sheets were arranged in a typology on the base of their characteristics

    Comparative study on mechanical and bioactive properties of different nanopatterned TiO2 substrates

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    Wpływ manualnych technik mięśniowo-powięziowych na poziom ciśnienia przełykowego u chorych po całkowitym usunięciu krtani

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    The increase of patients after total laryngectomy myofascial neck and arms area tension might be observed. Via fascial continuity it has an adverse impact on superior oesophageal constrictor, forming the “mouth of oesophagus”, which hinders learning oesophagus speech. The aim. The assessment of manual myofascial release techniques influence on the patients’ oesophagus pressure after total laryngectomy. Material. 40 patients (12 F, 28 M), aged 43-75 (middle 56,8 years), 9 months to 13 years (average 3 years) after total laryngectomy, 35 patients (87.5%) after neck lymph node’s resection, 38 patients (95%) after radiotherapy. Methods. The oesophagus pressure was checked by modified Seeman’s method. Manual myofascial release techniques were applied within head, neck, arms, upper trunk and upper limbs area. Wilcoxon and Shapiro-Wilk’s test was used for the purpose of statistical analysis. Results. A statistical significant decrease of the mean of oesophagus pressure was observed after physiotherapy treatment. The average pressure among the examined group decreased from 37,9 to 26,6 mm Hg. Conclusions. The application of myofascial manual techniques decreased an oesophagus pressure which allows patients to obtain faster oesophagus speech