15 research outputs found

    Virtual Portable Arm

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    W pracy przedstawiono rozwi膮zanie zadania wyznaczania on- line dok艂adno艣ci pomiaru, realizowanego z wykorzystaniem wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowego ramienia pomiarowego (WRP). W ramach pracy zbudowano model metrologiczny - Wirtualne Wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowe Rami臋 Pomiarowe (WWRP). W tym celu opracowano model kinematyczny WRP z wykorzystaniem notacji Denavita - Hartenberga, kt贸ry wraz z oprogramowaniem pomiarowym PC DMIS i przy zastosowaniu metody Monte Carlo (MMC) tworzy - WWRP. Model metrologiczny oraz Wirtualne Ramie Pomiarowe mo偶e stanowi膰 prze艂om w wykorzystaniu WRP w systemach zapewnienia jako艣ci produkcji.The paper shows the simulative method for on-line uncertainty evaluation of measurements realized with use of a Coordinate Measuring Arm (CMA). The method was designed using the experience in creating virtual models of measuring machines that was collected in the Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology in Cracow University of Technology. The works include creation of a metrological model - The Virtual Coordinate Measuring Arm (VCMA). To do it, the CMA kinematics model of CMA was worked out with use of the Denavit-Hartenberg notation, which combined with the metrological software PC-DMIS and Monte Carlo Method (MCM) forms the VCMA model. For verification of the kinematics model there was applied the position and orientation error. Comparison shows that conception of VCMA is correct and useful for on-line evaluation of the measurement uncertainty. It can also make breakthrough in usage of CMA in quality assurance systems. However, to make VCMA fully applicable it is necessary to install it on a certain technological system, and the producer agreement is needed

    The universal validation algorithm of coordinate measuring methods

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    The paper presents the universal validation algorithm of coordinate measuring methods determined by the analysis and adaptation of appropriate validation parameters, techniques and models. The paper also provides the proposals of acceptance/rejection criteria of the analysed measurement method. These criteria are a set of mathematical formulas selected from numerous worldwide research publications and metrological studies, which have been tested, revised and adapted for the purposes of the validation

    Calibration of coordinate measuring arms

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    Wzrost wymaga艅 odno艣nie jako艣ci produkcji przy cz臋sto zmieniaj膮cym si臋 jej asortymencie stwarza warunki wykorzystania uniwersalnych narz臋dzi pomiarowych takich jak systemy wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowe. Konieczno艣膰 obj臋cia pomiarem miejsc trudno dost臋pnych dla klasycznych maszyn pomiarowych wymaga stosowania system贸w z rotatorycznymi parami kinematycznymi. Do najpowszechniej obecnie stosowanych system贸w mo偶na zaliczy膰 roboty przemys艂owe przystosowane do zada艅 pomiarowych oraz przede wszystkim wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowe ramiona pomiarowe (WRP). Planuj膮c wykorzystanie tego typu urz膮dze艅 pomiarowych nale偶y przeanalizowa膰 ich dok艂adno艣膰 w warunkach kontrolnego pomiaru d艂ugo艣ci. W artykule zaproponowano wykorzystanie norm oraz zalece艅 dotycz膮cych sprawdzania i wzorcowania wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowych maszyn pomiarowych do zadania wzorcowania WRP. Przeprowadzona kalibracja WRP z wykorzystaniem p艂yty kulowej pos艂u偶y艂a jako punkt wyj艣ciowy do okre艣lenia obszaru b艂臋d贸w granicznych (MPE) i niepewno艣ci wyznaczenia b艂臋du wskazania.When the frequency of assortments changes is very high, the increase of requirements concerning the quality of production creates good conditions for the application of universal measuring tools, such as coordinate systems. The application of systems with rotary kinetic couples is caused by the necessity to measure places which are hard to access by classical measuring machines. Industrial robots adjusted to measuring tasks, and coordinate measuring arms in particular (CMA), are one of the most commonly applied systems. Planning on the application of these type of devices, their accuracy should be analyzed in the conditions of testing length measurement. This article proposes the application of norms and offers recommendations concerning the control and calibration of coordinate measuring machines for CMA calibration tasks. The conducted calibration WRP with use of a ball plate was the starting point for describing the space of Maximum Permissible Errors (MPE) and the uncertainty of assignation of the indication error

    Comparative characterisation of coordinate measuring technique and computed tomography

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    Niniejsze opracowanie jest zwi膮zane z dwoma znacznie rozpowszechnionymi technikami pomiarowo-badawczymi o charakterze uniwersalnym, czyli takimi, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 zastosowanie w r贸偶nych dziedzinach np. w technice i medycynie. Za cel przyj臋to wst臋pne por贸wnanie techniki wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciowej z tomografi膮 komputerow膮. Obydwie obecnie stosowane techniki wykorzystuj膮 zaawansowane oprogramowanie, ale dzia艂aj膮 wg zupe艂nie r贸偶nych zasad. W pracy opisano schematy strukturalne dzia艂ania obu urz膮dze艅 , wektory oddzia艂ywa艅 p贸l pomiarowych i ich cechy charakterystyczne co do uk艂ad贸w wsp贸艂rz臋dnych. Te cechy zosta艂y odniesione do oceny odwzorowania kszta艂tu powierzchni z regularnymi wg艂臋bieniami. Przeprowadzono badania wst臋pne oraz zamieszczono przyk艂adowe rezultaty pomiar贸w w postaci graficznej. Dla g艂贸wnych kryteri贸w metrologicznych sporz膮dzono por贸wnanie cech w formie tabelarycznej i sformu艂owano wnioski z zaakcentowaniem zastosowa艅 medycznych. W przypadku zastosowania TK ocena liczbowa odst臋pstw od kszta艂tu nominalnego odbywa si臋 zasadniczo na drodze por贸wnawczej i jest wyra藕nie mnie precyzyjna od oceny metod膮 wsp贸艂rz臋dno艣ciow膮 ale dla zastosowa艅 medycznych wystarczaj膮ca.This study is connected with two much prevalent measurement and testing techniques of a universal character, namely those that can be applied to various fields such as engineering and medicine. The aim is the initial comparison of coordinate techniques with computer tomography. These two techniques use advanced software, but operate on entirely different principles. The paper describes structural diagrams of two devices: Coordinate Measuring Machines and Computer Tomography, vectors of measurement fields impacts and their characteristics as a coordinate system. These features were related to the assessment of surface mapping of a spherical shape. Preliminary studies were conducted, and examples of measuring results in graphic form were provided. For the main metrological criteria the comparison of the characteristics in tabular form was made and the conclusions with emphasis on medical applications were formulated. In the case of Computer Tomography, the numerical evaluation of deviations from the nominal shape is primarily performed through the compari-son and is clearly less precise than the evaluation with coordinate method but is sufficient for medical applications

    Studying the shape of solids of revolution with the use of optical coordinate metrology

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    The optical methods of coordinate measuring are a tool that have been more and more frequently used in biometrological applications, due to their advantages. The object of this paper is to set the accuracy of modelling solids of revolution whose shapes and measurements find their application in medical diagnostics with the use of three measurement systems employing laser and structured light. The carry out the studies, a coordinate measuring machine LK CMM with LC60Dx laser scanner, a coordinate measuring Romer Absolute Arm 7320SI with HP-L-20.8 laser scanner and an optical Scan 3D Qualify scanner were used. The use of coordinate technique to analyze the shape of the model solids allowed for the comparison of accuracy of optical methods with reference to standards digitally modelled based in measurements made by CMM Leitz PMM 12106. The most preferable contactless system to render the shape of solids of revolution is the LK CMM with LC60Dx laser scanner

    Assessment of Airway Remodeling Using Endobronchial Ultrasound in Asthma-COPD Overlap

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    Karolina Górka,1,2 Iwona Gross-Sondej,1,2 Jacek Górka,3 Tomasz Stachura,1,2 Kamil Polok,1,3 Natalia Celejewska-Wójcik,1,2 S艂awomir Mikrut,4 Anna Andrychiewicz,5 Krzysztof S艂adek,1,2,* Jerzy Soja1,2,* 1Department of Pulmonology and Allergology, University Hospital, Kraków, Poland; 2 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland; 3Centre for Intensive Care and Perioperative Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland; 4Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland; 5Department of Endoscopy, University Hospital, Kraków, Poland*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Jerzy Soja 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, ul Jakubowskiego 2, Kraków, 30-688, PolandTel +48 12 400 30 53Fax +48 12 400 30 67Email [email protected]: The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural changes of the airways using the endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) in ACO patients compared to severe asthma and COPD patients.Patients and Methods: The study included 17 patients with ACO, 17 patients with COPD and 33 patients with severe asthma. Detailed clinical data were obtained from all participants. Basic laboratory tests were performed, including measurement of eosinophil counts in blood and serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) concentrations. All patients underwent spirometry and bronchoscopy with EBUS (a 20鈥慚Hz ultrasound probe) to measure the total thicknesses of the bronchial walls and their particular layers in segmental bronchi of the right lower lobe. EBUS allows to distinguish five layers of the bronchial wall. Layer 1 (L1) and layer 2 (L2) were analyzed separately, while the outer layers (layers 3– 5 [L3– 5]) that correspond to cartilage were assessed together.Results: In patients with ACO the thicknesses of the L1 and L2 layers, which are mainly responsible for remodeling, were significantly greater than in patients with COPD and significantly smaller than in patients with severe asthma (median L1= 0.17 mm vs 0.16 mm vs 0.18 mm, p< 0.001; median L2= 0.18 mm vs 0.17 mm vs 0.20 mm, p< 0.001, respectively). The thicknesses of the total bronchial walls (L1+L2+L3– 5) and L3– 5 were significantly smaller in ACO and COPD patients compared to asthma patients (median L1+L2+L3– 5= 1.2 mm vs 1.14 mm vs 1.31 mm, p< 0.001; median L3– 5= 0.85 mm vs, 0.81 mm vs 0.92 mm, p=0.001, respectively).Conclusion: The process of structural changes in the airways assessed by EBUS is more advanced in individuals with ACO compared to patients with COPD, and less pronounced compared to patients with severe asthma. It seems that EBUS may provide useful information about differences in airway remodeling between ACO, COPD and severe asthma.Keywords: asthma-COPD overlap, airway remodeling, total bronchial wall, bronchial wall layers, endobronchial ultrasoun

    Distribution and characteristics of COPD phenotypes – results from the Polish sub-cohort of the POPE study

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    Aleksander Kania,1 Rafa艂 Krenke,2 Krzysztof Kuziemski,3 Ma艂gorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska,4 Natalia Celejewska-Wójcik,1 Barbara Ku藕nar-Kami艅ska,5 Ma艂gorzata Farnik,6 Juliusz Bokiej,7 Marta Miszczuk,2 Iwona Damps-Konsta艅ska,3 Marcin Grabicki,5 Marzena Trzaska-Sobczak,6 Krzysztof S艂adek,1 Halina Batura-Gabryel,5 Adam Barczyk6 1Department of Pulmonology, II Chair of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Allergy, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 3Department of Allergology and Pneumonology, Medical University of Gda艅sk, Gda艅sk, Poland; 4Department of Lung Diseases and Respiratory Failure, Regional Center of Pulmonology, Bydgoszcz, Poland; 5Department of Pulmonology, Allergology and Respiratory Oncology, Pozna艅 University of Medical Sciences, Pozna艅, Poland; 6Department of Pneumology, School of Medicine in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland; 7Department of Lung Diseases, Regional Hospital Center Jelenia Góra, Jelenia Góra, Poland Background: This study aimed to examine the distribution of predefined phenotypes, demographic data, clinical outcomes, and treatment of patients who were included in the Polish cohort of the Phenotypes of COPD in Central and Eastern Europe (POPE) study. Patients and methods: This was a sub-analysis of the data from the Polish cohort of the POPE study, an international, multicenter, observational cross-sectional survey of COPD patients in Central and Eastern European countries. The study included patients aged .40 years, with a confirmed diagnosis of COPD, and absence of exacerbation for at least 4 weeks before study inclusion. A total of seven Polish centers participated in the study. Results: Among the 430 Polish COPD patients enrolled in the study, 61.6% were non-exacerbators (NON-AE), 25.3% were frequent exacerbators with chronic bronchitis (AE CB), 7.9% were frequent exacerbators without chronic bronchitis (AE NON-CB), and 5.1% met the definition of asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS). There were statistically significant differences among these phenotypes in terms of symptom load, lung function, comorbidities, and treatment. Patients with the AE CB phenotype were most symptomatic with worse lung function, and more frequently reported anxiety and depression. Patients with the ACOS phenotype were significantly younger and were diagnosed with COPD earlier than those with other COPD phenotypes; those with the ACOS phenotype were also more often atopic and obese. Conclusion: There is significant heterogeneity among COPD patients in the Polish population in terms of phenotype and clinical outcome. The non-exacerbator phenotype is observed most frequently in Poland, while the frequent exacerbator with chronic bronchitis phenotype is the most symptomatic. Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma-COPD overlap syndrome, phenotype

    Verification of the CMM Measuring Path Based on the Modified Hammersly's Algorithm

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    This paper presents a CAI verification of the measuring path for inspection of prismatic measuring parts (PMP) which consists of the basic geometric features. The aim of the verification is to visualize collision check between the measuring sensor and the workpiece. The simulation of the measuring path was realized on the configured virtual CMM in the CAD environment. The generated measuring path for inspection planning at the CMM consists of three sets of points. The first set of points, measuring points, is generated based on the modified Hammersly's algorithm for distribution of measuring points by the features from which the workpiece consists. The other two sets, nodal points, are collision fee points, which are generated on the basis of the developed model that analyze accessibility to features at the level of one feature and based on the principle of collision avoidance when pass from one feature to another (requirement of tolerance). On the basis of these three sets of points, the total measuring path without collision is generated. The measuring path generated in this way is verified by simulations on a configured virtual CMM through several examples of standard forms of tolerance