1,228 research outputs found

    Unge Viser Vej – mobilitet og ungdomsuddannelser

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    Lange afstande og centraliseringer af uddannelser rammer de unges transport til uddannelsesstederne, derfor er der brug for at understøtte de unges mobilitet. I februar 2017 afholdt Movia et pilotprojekt i samarbejde med Region Sjælland, Holbæk og Odsherred kommune. På to temadage om mobilitet arbejdede 100 unge med at finde løsninger til forskellige transportudfordringer. Formålet var at samle viden og inspiration til udarbejdelsen af et undervisningsforløb, der giver kommunerne et værktøj til at forbedre transporten og mobiliteten til og fra uddannelse for unge, i et samarbejde med de unge selv. Til august afprøves et tilpasset undervisningsforløb som efterfølgende skal være tilgængeligt for kommuner og ungdomsuddannelser i hele landet og kan bruges på tværs af flere klasser og ungdomsuddannelser

    The Icsbp locus is a common proviral insertion site in mature B-cell lymphomas/plasmacytomas induced by exogenous murine leukemia virus

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    AbstractICSBP (interferon consensus sequence binding protein)/IRF8 (interferon regulatory factor 8) is an interferon gamma-inducible transcription factor expressed predominantly in hematopoietic cells, and down-regulation of this factor has been observed in chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia in man. By screening about 1200 murine leukemia virus (MLV)-induced lymphomas, we found proviral insertions at the Icsbp locus in 14 tumors, 13 of which were mature B-cell lymphomas or plasmacytomas. Only one was a T-cell lymphoma, although such tumors constituted about half of the samples screened. This indicates that the Icsbp locus can play a specific role in the development of mature B-lineage malignancies. Two proviral insertions in the last Icsbp exon were found to act by a poly(A)-insertion mechanism. The remaining insertions were found within or outside Icsbp. Since our results showed expression of Icsbp RNA and protein in all end-stage tumor samples, a simple tumor suppressor function of ICSBP is not likely. Interestingly, proviral insertions at Icsbp have not been reported from previous extensive screenings of mature B-cell lymphomas induced by endogenous MLVs. We propose that ICSBP might be involved in an early modulation of an immune response to exogenous MLVs that might also play a role in proliferation of the mature B-cell lymphomas

    The predictive value of ICD-10 diagnostic coding used to assess Charlson comorbidity index conditions in the population-based Danish National Registry of Patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Charlson comorbidity index is often used to control for confounding in research based on medical databases. There are few studies of the accuracy of the codes obtained from these databases.</p> <p>We examined the positive predictive value (PPV) of the ICD-10 diagnostic coding in the Danish National Registry of Patients (NRP) for the 19 Charlson conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Among all hospitalizations in Northern Denmark between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2007 with a first-listed diagnosis of a Charlson condition in the NRP, we selected 50 hospital contacts for each condition. We reviewed discharge summaries and medical records to verify the NRP diagnoses, and computed the PPV as the proportion of confirmed diagnoses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 950 records were reviewed. The overall PPV for the 19 Charlson conditions was 98.0% (95% CI; 96.9, 98.8). The PPVs ranged from 82.0% (95% CI; 68.6%, 91.4%) for diabetes with diabetic complications to 100% (one-sided 97.5% CI; 92.9%, 100%) for congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease, mild and severe liver disease, hemiplegia, renal disease, leukaemia, lymphoma, metastatic tumour, and AIDS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PPV of NRP coding of the Charlson conditions was consistently high.</p

    Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery for Mineral Exploration of Vertical Outcrops

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    Recently, ground-based hyperspectral imaging has come to the fore, supporting the arduous task of mapping near-vertical, difficult-to-access geological outcrops. The application of outcrop sensing within a range of one to several hundred metres, including geometric corrections and integration with accurate terrestrial laser scanning models, is already developing rapidly. However, there are few studies dealing with ground-based imaging of distant targets (i.e., in the range of several kilometres) such as mountain ridges, cliffs, and pit walls. In particular, the extreme influence of atmospheric effects and topography-induced illumination differences have remained an unmet challenge on the spectral data. These effects cannot be corrected by means of common correction tools for nadir satellite or airborne data. Thus, this article presents an adapted workflow to overcome the challenges of long-range outcrop sensing, including straightforward atmospheric and topographic corrections. Using two datasets with different characteristics, we demonstrate the application of the workflow and highlight the importance of the presented corrections for a reliable geological interpretation. The achieved spectral mapping products are integrated with 3D photogrammetric data to create large-scale now-called “hyperclouds”, i.e., geometrically correct representations of the hyperspectral datacube. The presented workflow opens up a new range of application possibilities of hyperspectral imagery by significantly enlarging the scale of ground-based measurements

    Kalibrering af nabostøj: Kunsten at finde en fælles standard

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    Denne artikel baserer sig på antropologisk interventionsforskning blandt beboere i en etagebygning med nabostøjsproblemer. Den illustrerer, hvordan udbredelsen af nabostøjsproblemer i Danmark knytter sig til hjemmets særlige betydning som et sted for dyrkelsen af egne, private, ”indre” værdier og som et værn mod offentlighedens ”ydre.” Dette ”indre” fungerer ofte som beboeres standard for, hvordan deres naboers lydskabende adfærd bør justeres. I en sådan ”kalibrering” udvikler nabostøj sig ofte til nabokonflikt. I vores intervention undersøger vi mulige tilgange til at håndtere sådanne konflikter ved at give beboerne byggeteknisk viden om lydisoleringen i deres ejendom samt at facilitere, at de sammen lytter til lyde fra nabolejlighederne. I forflytningen af nabostøj fra problematisk, udefrakommende adfærd til et bygningsmaterielt forhold viser vi, at mens visse beboere fortsætter deres kalibrering i henholdtil egne, indre standarder, åbner andre beboere op for at ”re-kalibrere” deres håndtering af nabostøj i henhold til bygningens lydisolerende kvaliteter som en fælles, ydre standard

    Detailed milk fatty acid profiling of the Danish dairy cattle population

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    Abstract Milk fatty acid (FA) composition can be manipulated through feeding, and especially effects of grazing have been shown to promote a healthier milk FA profile due to increasing contents of beneficial FAs, like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and α-linolenic acid (C18:3, the main n3 FA in milk). In addition to diet-based manipulations, selective breeding for specific FA could also be a strategy for altering the FA profile as milk FA display low to moderate heritabilites (0.07-0.34 in Danish Holstein). Since 2015, milk samples from all Danish dairy cows under yield control have been analyzed using mid infrared spectroscopy. The FOSS Application Note 64 has subsequently been used to predict content of seven FA groups (short-chain FA (SCFA), medium-chain FA (MCFA), long-chain FA (LCFA), saturated FA (SFA), mono-unsaturated FA (MUFA), poly-unsaturated FA (PUFA), and trans FA (TFA)) together with four individual FA (myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1)). This access to millions of FA profiles in milk enables large-scale in depth analyses of factors affecting FA profile of milk and accurate genetic parameter estimation. Initially, more than 3.5 million milk samples from three Danish dairy breeds (Holstein, Jersey, Red) and crossbred cows have been analyzed from May 2015 to October 2016. The results showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) effects of cow breed. As reported earlier, Jersey cows have a higher de novo synthesis, resulting in higher proportions of SFA, MCFA, SCFA and C16:0 compared to the other breeds. For parity (only checked in Holstein), the proportion of SFA and SCFA increased with increasing lactation number, whereas the proportion of MUFA and C16:0 decreased. PUFA had the lowest proportion in 2nd parity and the highest in 1st parity. Also, significant effects of production system (organic vs. conventional) was found, as organic dairy cows due to legislation have to be on pasture during summer. In months, where cows were fed fresh grass, the proportion of unsaturated FA increased, whereas the proportion of saturated FA decreased. This was seen in both organic, and to a lesser extent, in conventional milk. A healthier FA profile can be obtained by increasing MUFA and PUFA in milk. However, health aspects in relation to SFA are more complex, but there seems to be a general agreement that most SFA have neutral or even slightly positive effects, whereas palmitic acid exerts a negative effect on human health due to its role in increased LDL cholesterol. Thus from a consumers perspective, our results suggest that organic summer milk from 1st parity Holstein or Red cows are preferred during the grass season, whereas conventional milk may have a healthier FA profile during winter. To explore specific seasonal effect in relation to pasture-based diets in more details, milk samples from 160 cows from eight herds are collected to investigate whether bulls with extreme SFA% breeding values are reflected in the FA milk profile from their daughters. The collected milk samples will be analyzed by AN64 MIR, as well as by gas chromatography, to provide additional information e.g. in relation to CLA and C18:3 and the n3/n6 ratio. So far, milk samples have been collected prior to summer grazing and will be collected again in June 2017, where most cows in the experiment will be on pasture. In conclusion, this study has shown that the choice of breed, parity, lactation stage, season, production system and genetics affect the FA composition of milk. Different strategies may therefore be applied to alter the FA profile, but generally, which could be exploited for product differentiation for e.g. new healthier innovative dairy products

    Looking Back on 50 Years of Literature to Understand the Potential Impact of Influenza on Extrapulmonary Medical Outcomes

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    We conducted a scoping review of the epidemiological literature from the past 50 years to document the contribution of influenza virus infection to extrapulmonary clinical outcomes. We identified 99 publications reporting 243 associations using many study designs, exposure and outcome definitions, and methods. Laboratory confirmation of influenza was used in only 28 (12%) estimates, mostly in case-control and self-controlled case series study designs. We identified 50 individual clinical conditions associated with influenza. The most numerous estimates were of cardiocirculatory diseases, neurological/neuromuscular diseases, and fetal/newborn disorders, with myocardial infarction the most common individual outcome. Due to heterogeneity, we could not generate summary estimates of effect size, but of 130 relative effect estimates, 105 (81%) indicated an elevated risk of extrapulmonary outcome with influenza exposure. The literature is indicative of systemic complications of influenza virus infection, the requirement for more effective influenza control, and a need for robust confirmatory studies