5,765 research outputs found

    Bayesian analysis of the linear reaction norm model with unknown covariate

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    The reaction norm model is becoming a popular approach for the analysis of G x E interactions. In a classical reaction norm model, the expression of a genotype in different environments is described as a linear function (a reaction norm) of an environmental gradient or value. A common environmental value is defined as the mean performance of all genotypes in the environment, which is typically unknown. One approximation is to estimate the mean phenotypic performance in each environment, and then treat these estimates as known covariates in the model. However, a more satisfactory alternative is to infer environmental values simultaneously with the other parameters of the model. This study describes a method and its Bayesian MCMC implementation that makes this possible. Frequentist properties of the proposed method are tested in a simulation study. Estimates of parameters of interest agree well with the true values. Further, inferences about genetic parameters from the proposed method are similar to those derived from a reaction norm model using true environmental values. On the other hand, using phenotypic means as proxies for environmental values results in poor inferences

    Probing spatial spin correlations of ultracold gases by quantum noise spectroscopy

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    Spin noise spectroscopy with a single laser beam is demonstrated theoretically to provide a direct probe of the spatial correlations of cold fermionic gases. We show how the generic many-body phenomena of anti-bunching, pairing, antiferromagnetic, and algebraic spin liquid correlations can be revealed by measuring the spin noise as a function of laser width, temperature, and frequency.Comment: Revised version. 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for PR

    Towards low-dimensional hole systems in Be-doped GaAs nanowires

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    GaAs was central to the development of quantum devices but is rarely used for nanowire-based quantum devices with InAs, InSb and SiGe instead taking the leading role. p-type GaAs nanowires offer a path to studying strongly-confined 0D and 1D hole systems with strong spin-orbit effects, motivating our development of nanowire transistors featuring Be-doped p-type GaAs nanowires, AuBe alloy contacts and patterned local gate electrodes towards making nanowire-based quantum hole devices. We report on nanowire transistors with traditional substrate back-gates and EBL-defined metal/oxide top-gates produced using GaAs nanowires with three different Be-doping densities and various AuBe contact processing recipes. We show that contact annealing only brings small improvements for the moderately-doped devices under conditions of lower anneal temperature and short anneal time. We only obtain good transistor performance for moderate doping, with conduction freezing out at low temperature for lowly-doped nanowires and inability to reach a clear off-state under gating for the highly-doped nanowires. Our best devices give on-state conductivity 95 nS, off-state conductivity 2 pS, on-off ratio ~10410^{4}, and sub-threshold slope 50 mV/dec at T = 4 K. Lastly, we made a device featuring a moderately-doped nanowire with annealed contacts and multiple top-gates. Top-gate sweeps show a plateau in the sub-threshold region that is reproducible in separate cool-downs and indicative of possible conductance quantization highlighting the potential for future quantum device studies in this material system

    Bogoliubov theory of entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate which is illuminated by a short resonant light pulse that coherently couples two internal states of the atoms. We show that the subsequent time evolution prepares the atoms in an interesting entangled state called a spin squeezed state. This evolution is analysed in detail by developing a Bogoliubov theory which describes the entanglement of the atoms. Our calculation is a consistent expansion in 1/N1/\sqrt{N}, where NN is the number of particles in the condensate, and our theory predict that it is possible to produce spin squeezing by at least a factor of 1/N1/\sqrt{N}. Within the Bogoliubov approximation this result is independent of temperature.Comment: 14 pages, including 5 figures, minor changes in the presentatio

    Entanglement and Extreme Spin Squeezing

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    For any mean value of a cartesian component of a spin vector we identify the smallest possible uncertainty in any of the orthogonal components. The corresponding states are optimal for spectroscopy and atomic clocks. We show that the results for different spin J can be used to identify entanglement and to quantity the depth of entanglement in systems with many particles. With the procedure developed in this letter, collective spin measurements on an ensemble of particles can be used as an experimental proof of multi-particle entanglementComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minor changes in the presentatio

    Environment Assisted Metrology with Spin Qubit

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    We investigate the sensitivity of a recently proposed method for precision measurement [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 140502 (2011)], focusing on an implementation based on solid-state spin systems. The scheme amplifies a quantum sensor response to weak external fields by exploiting its coupling to spin impurities in the environment. We analyze the limits to the sensitivity due to decoherence and propose dynamical decoupling schemes to increase the spin coherence time. The sensitivity is also limited by the environment spin polarization; therefore we discuss strategies to polarize the environment spins and present a method to extend the scheme to the case of zero polarization. The coherence time and polarization determine a figure of merit for the environment's ability to enhance the sensitivity compared to echo-based sensing schemes. This figure of merit can be used to engineer optimized samples for high-sensitivity nanoscale magnetic sensing, such as diamond nanocrystals with controlled impurity density.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Numbers for Excitations of Bose-Einstein Condensates in 1D Optical Lattices

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    The excitation spectrum and the band structure of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a periodic potential are investigated. Analyses within full 3D systems, finite 1D systems, and ideal periodic 1D systems are compared. We find two branches of excitations in the spectra of the finite 1D model. The band structures for the first and (part of) the second band are compared between a finite 1D and the fully periodic 1D systems, utilizing a new definition of a effective wavenumber and a phase-slip number. The upper and lower edges of the first gap coincide well between the two cases. The remaining difference is explained by the existence of the two branches due to the finite-size effect.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Spin-spin interaction and spin-squeezing in an optical lattice

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    We show that by displacing two optical lattices with respect to each other, we may produce interactions similar to the ones describing ferro-magnetism in condensed matter physics. We also show that particularly simple choices of the interaction lead to spin-squeezing, which may be used to improve the sensitivity of atomic clocks. Spin-squeezing is generated even with partially, and randomly, filled lattices, and our proposal may be implemented with current technology.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figure

    Environment Assisted Precision Measurement

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    We describe a method to enhance the sensitivity of precision measurements that takes advantage of a quantum sensor's environment to amplify its response to weak external perturbations. An individual qubit is used to sense the dynamics of surrounding ancillary qubits, which are in turn affected by the external field to be measured. The resulting sensitivity enhancement is determined by the number of ancillas that are coupled strongly to the sensor qubit; it does not depend on the exact values of the coupling strengths and is resilient to many forms of decoherence. The method achieves nearly Heisenberg-limited precision measurement, using a novel class of entangled states. We discuss specific applications to improve clock sensitivity using trapped ions and magnetic sensing based on electronic spins in diamond.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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