1,155 research outputs found

    New negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling. Electrons in the InAs/AlSb/GaSb/AlSb/InAs structure tunnel from the InAs conduction band into a quantized state in the GaSb valence band, giving rise to a peak in the current-voltage characteristic. This heterostructure design virtually eliminates many of the competing transport mechanisms which limit the performance of conventional double-barrier structures. Peak-to-valley current ratios as high as 20 and 88 are observed at room temperature and liquid-nitrogen temperature, respectively. These are the highest values reported for any tunnel structure

    Observation of large peak-to-valley current ratios and large peak current densities in AlSb/InAs/AlSb double-barrier tunnel structures

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    We report improved peak-to-valley current ratios and peak current densities in InAs/AlSb double-barrier, negative differential resistance tunnel structures. Our peak-to-valley current ratios are 2.9 at room temperature and 10 at liquid-nitrogen temperatures. Furthermore, we have observed peak current densities of 1.7×10^5 A/cm^2. These figures of merit are substantially better than previously reported values. The improvements are obtained by adding spacer layers near the barriers, thinner well regions, and thinner barriers

    Demonstration of large peak-to-valley current ratios in InAs/AlGaSb/InAs single-barrier heterostructures

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    We report large peak-to-valley current ratios in InAs/AlxGa1−xSb/InAs single-barrier tunnel structures. The mechanism for single-barrier negative differential resistance (NDR) has been proposed and demonstrated recently. A peak-to-valley current ratio of 3.4 (1.2) at 77 K (295 K), which is substantially larger than what has been previously reported, was observed in a 200-Å-thick Al0.42Ga0.58Sb barrier. A comparison with a calculated current-voltage curve yields good agreement in terms of peak current and the slope of the NDR region. The single-barrier structure is a candidate for high-speed devices because of expected short tunneling times and a wide NDR region

    Two-band modeling of narrow band gap and interband tunneling devices

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    A two-band transfer matrix method has been developed to study tunneling currents in narrow gap and interband tunnel structures. This relatively simple model gives good agreement with recently reported experimental results for InAs/AlSb/InAs/AlSb/InAs double-barrier heterostructures and InAs/AlSb/GaSb/AlSb/InAs resonant interband tunneling devices, and should be useful in the design of new interband tunneling devices

    Growth and characterization of ZnTe films grown on GaAs, InAs, GaSb, and ZnTe

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    We report the successful growth of ZnTe on nearly lattice-matched III-V buffer layers of InAs (0.75%), GaSb (0.15%), and on GaAs and ZnTe by molecular beam epitaxy. In situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction measurements showed the characteristic streak patterns indicative of two-dimensional growth. Photoluminescence measurements on these films show strong and sharp features near the band edge with no detectable luminescence at longer wavelengths. The integrated photoluminescence intensity from the ZnTe layers increased with better lattice match to the buffer layer. The ZnTe epilayers grown on high-purity ZnTe substrates exhibited stronger luminescence than the substrates. We observe narrow luminescence linewidths (full width at half maximum ~ 1–2 Å) indicative of uniform high quality growth. Secondary-ion mass spectroscopy and electron microprobe measurements, however, reveal substantial outdiffusion of Ga and In for growths on the III-V buffer layers

    Experimental observation of negative differential resistance from an InAs/GaSb interface

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    We have observed negative differential resistance at room temperature from devices consisting of a single interface between n-type InAs and p-type GaSb. InAs and GaSb have a type II staggered band alignment; hence, the negative differential resistance arises from the same mechanism as in a p+-n+ tunnel diode. Room-temperature peak current densities of 8.2×10^4 A/cm^2 and 4.2×10^4 A/cm^2 were measured for structures with and without undoped spacer layers at the heterointerface, respectively

    Vertical transport and electroluminescence in InAs/GaSb/InAs structures: GaSb thickness and hydrostatic pressure studies

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    We have measured the current-voltage (I-V) of type II InAs/GaSb/InAs double heterojunctions (DHETs) with 'GaAs like' interface bonding and GaSb thickness between 0-1200 \AA. A negative differential resistance (NDR) is observed for all DHETs with GaSb thickness >> 60 \AA below which a dramatic change in the shape of the I-V and a marked hysteresis is observed. The temperature dependence of the I-V is found to be very strong below this critical GaSb thickness. The I-V characteristics of selected DHETs are also presented under hydrostatic pressures up to 11 kbar. Finally, a mid infra-red electroluminescence is observed at 1 bar with a threshold at the NDR valley bias. The band profile calculations presented in the analysis are markedly different to those given in the literature, and arise due to the positive charge that it is argued will build up in the GaSb layer under bias. We conclude that the dominant conduction mechanism in DHETs is most likely to arise out of an inelastic electron-heavy-hole interaction similar to that observed in single heterojunctions (SHETs) with 'GaAs like' interface bonding, and not out of resonant electron-light-hole tunnelling as proposed by Yu et al. A Zener tunnelling mechanism is shown to contribute to the background current beyond NDR.Comment: 8 pages 12 fig

    Nanoscale dynamics of peptidoglycan assembly during the cell cycle of Streptococcus pneumoniae.

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    Dynamics of cell elongation and septation are key determinants of bacterial morphogenesis. These processes are intimately linked to peptidoglycan synthesis performed by macromolecular complexes called the elongasome and the divisome. In rod-shaped bacteria, cell elongation and septation, which are dissociated in time and space, have been well described. By contrast, in ovoid-shaped bacteria, the dynamics and relationships between these processes remain poorly understood because they are concomitant and confined to a nanometer-scale annular region at midcell. Here, we set up a metabolic peptidoglycan labeling approach using click chemistry to image peptidoglycan synthesis by single-molecule localization microscopy in the ovoid bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. Our nanoscale-resolution data reveal spatiotemporal features of peptidoglycan assembly and fate along the cell cycle and provide geometrical parameters that we used to construct a morphogenesis model of the ovoid cell. These analyses show that septal and peripheral peptidoglycan syntheses first occur within a single annular region that later separates in two concentric regions and that elongation persists after septation is completed. In addition, our data reveal that freshly synthesized peptidoglycan is remodeled all along the cell cycle. Altogether, our work provides evidence that septal peptidoglycan is synthesized from the beginning of the cell cycle and is constantly remodeled through cleavage and insertion of material at its periphery. The ovoid-cell morphogenesis would thus rely on the relative dynamics between peptidoglycan synthesis and cleavage rather than on the existence of two distinct successive phases of peripheral and septal synthesis

    Light trapping effects in thin film silicon solar cells

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    We present advanced light trapping concepts for thin film silicon solar cells. When an amorphous and a microcrystalline absorber layers are combined into a micromorph tandem cell, light trapping becomes a challenge because it should combine the spectral region from 600 to 750 nm for the amorphous top cell and from 800 to 1100 for the microcrystalline bottom cell. Because light trapping is typically achieved by growing on textured substrates, the effect of interface textures on the material and electric properties has to be taken into account, and importantly, how the surface textures evolve with the thickness of the overgrowing layers. We present different scenarios for the n-i-p configuration on flexible polymer substrates and p-i-n cells on glass substrate, and we present our latest stabilized efficiencies of 9.8% and 11.1%, respectively
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