6 research outputs found
Trends of using digital instruments in education
The introduction of digital tools takes place in all spheres of life, including the education. In this paper, I attempted to structure and characterize the existing digital educational tools in terms of functions and capabilities for users, characteristics of user interactions in tools. In the literary review in first part of this work, the current state of digitalization of various spheres of life was investigated, and the relation of society to perspective universal automation and digitalization of all on the basis of the published scientific works were studied. The purpose of the study was to structure and consolidate the data about the available digital learning tools and digital educational environments, to perform the role of the teacher in the use of each tool, and to highlight the ability of students and teachers in the framework of specific tools. This paper suggests the need for a closer transfer of knowledge and technology in the educational process, with the parallel formation of the concept of “digital competence” and the identification of the criterion of its evaluation in future and practicing teachers
Istoria tradiţională dezvăluie picturi rupestre, semne hieroglifice şi texte sacre care reliefează o serie de expresii ale vieţii cotidiene. În jurul acestora, oamenii îşi organizează viaţa, îşi fac un nivel de expectanţă, creează valori educaţionale, spirituale şi sociale. Un anumit gest non-verbal avea conotaţii taumaturgice sau de protecţie a comunităţii, iar cel mai cunoscut exemplu reprezintă cercetarea auspiciilor. Această acomodare mutuală dintre diferitele activităţi încorporate în cadrul unei culturi, la care participă în mod concret şi indisolubil dimensiunea religioasă şi cea economică, atinge viaţa atât la nivel exterior, cât şi subliminal. Părinţii marketingului au conştientizat această forţă a simbolurilor non-verbale de natură mitologică, sacră şi culturală şi doresc o exploatare a lor. În studiul de faţă vom descoperi particularităţile sistemului simbolurilor sacre şi ale celor contemporane. Unul dintre sistemele simbolice analizate în cele ce urmează este mărul (Apple), simbol al căderii omului din starea paradisiacă.SYMBOLIC SYSTEM – EDUCATIONAL VALUETraditional History reveals a series of cave paintings, hieroglyphs and sacred texts which unveil a series of expression of everyday life. Around them people organized the life, they were making a level of hope, bring into life educational, spiritual and social values. A certain gesture non-verbal have thaumaturgy connotations or the protection of the community and the most known example are augurs. This mutual respect between the various activities incorporated within a culture, in which are involved in a concrete manner and inextricably mixed up with the size of the religious and the economic, reaches the life at both outside and subliminally. Marketing parents have become aware of this force of symbols non-verbal nature of the mythology, sacred and cultural and have wanted an exploitation rights of their own. In the survey of front we will find out the special features of the system of the sacred symbols and the contemporary artifacts. One of the systems of the symbolic analyzed in the following would be apple, non-verbal symbolic system for man's fall from Paradise.</p