3 research outputs found


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    The managerial involvement establishes the organizational policy and incorporates employees in planning and organizing activities in order to achieve its objectives through analysis and forecasts, to motivate and ensure a favorable climate. Taking decisions with respect to the diversity of tourism products is up to the manager in the tourist facilities who seek and evaluate the service quality to attract a more diverse consumer segment. The consumers of tourism products are seeking various opportunities in the tourism market, characterized by the marketing environment, particularities and structure, market research stages, the main factors of influencing the demand being the supply and the tourist image. The management policy on the promotion of Şuior Tourist Complex is made through travel portals, its own website, participation in fairs and exhibitions, brochures from which tourists can find full information on facilities, rates, location and possibility to make reservations. Complex management is planning on two years period by involving staff at different levels, an appropriate information system being implemented in which messages are transmitter on both directions and a system of quality management and food safety. The continuous improvement processes to ensure customer-tourist satisfaction determined the leadership to improve the managerial activity, to better communicate the mission and promotional strategy, to practice more intensely the participative management and modern management techniques, to use a more consistent loyalty policy and to diversify the number of tourists and have a good knowledge of the competition

    Externalizarea – opţiune de flexibilizare în întreprinderile de prestări servicii din Cluj-Napoca

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    The subject of outsourcing has become more and more discussed during the past few years in our country.�outsourcing

    Using Outsourcing in Public Institutions in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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    <p>The increasing complexity of the activities of public institutions has required the delegation to other organizations, outside the public sector, of various services, works or activities in order to better meet environmental demands and to focus on core competencies. The use of outsourcing by public institutions in Cluj-Napoca has started relatively recently, according to the results of the survey conducted in three public organizations: Cluj Napoca City Hall, the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (hereafter APIA), the Agency for Payments for Rural Development and Fisheries (hereafter PARDF). The data gathered suggest that outsourcing by public institutions in Cluj Napoca is still in its early stages; there is however potential for and willingness toward implementing it in the future.</p