22 research outputs found

    Nucleic Acids Res

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    Developmentally Regulated GTP-binding (DRG) proteins are highly conserved GTPases that associate with DRG Family Regulatory Proteins (DFRP). The resulting complexes have recently been shown to participate in eukaryotic translation. The structure of the Rbg1 GTPase, a yeast DRG protein, in complex with the C-terminal region of its DFRP partner, Tma46, was solved by X-ray diffraction. These data reveal that DRG proteins are multimodular factors with three additional domains, helix-turn-helix (HTH), S5D2L and TGS, packing against the GTPase platform. Surprisingly, the S5D2L domain is inserted in the middle of the GTPase sequence. In contrast, the region of Tma46 interacting with Rbg1 adopts an extended conformation typical of intrinsically unstructured proteins and contacts the GTPase and TGS domains. Functional analyses demonstrate that the various domains of Rbg1, as well as Tma46, modulate the GTPase activity of Rbg1 and contribute to the function of these proteins in vivo. Dissecting the role of the different domains revealed that the Rbg1 TGS domain is essential for the recruitment of this factor in polysomes, supporting further the implication of these conserved factors in translation


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    Complex cellular functions involve large networks of interactions. Pre-mRNA splicing and transcription are thought to be coupled by the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (Pol II). In yeast, the U1 snRNP subunit Prp40 was proposed to mediate cotranscriptional recruitment of early splicing factors through binding of its WW domains to the Pol II CTD. Here we investigate the role of Prp40 in splicing with an emphasis on the role of the WW domains, which might confer protein-protein interactions among the splicing and transcriptional machineries. Affinity purification revealed that Prp40 and Snu71 form a stable heterodimer that stably associates with the U1 snRNP only in the presence of Nam8, a known regulator of 5' splice site recognition. However, the Prp40 WW domains were dispensable for yeast viability. In their absence, no defect in splicing in vivo, U1 or U2 snRNP recruitment in vivo, or early splicing complex assembly in vitro was detected. We conclude that the WW domains of Prp40 do not mediate essential coupling between U1 snRNP and Pol II. Instead, delays in cotranscriptional U5 snRNP and Prp19 recruitment and altered spliceosome formation in vitro suggest that Prp40 WW domains assist in late steps of spliceosome assembly

    The C-terminal domain from S. cerevisiae Pat1 displays two conserved regions involved in decapping factor recruitment

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    Eukaryotic mRNA decay is a highly regulated process allowing cells to rapidly modulate protein production in response to internal and environmental cues. Mature translatable eukaryotic mRNAs are protected from fast and uncontrolled degradation in the cytoplasm by two cis-acting stability determinants: a methylguanosine (m(7)G) cap and a poly(A) tail at their 5' and 3' extremities, respectively. The hydrolysis of the m(7)G cap structure, known as decapping, is performed by the complex composed of the Dcp2 catalytic subunit and its partner Dcp1. The Dcp1-Dcp2 decapping complex has a low intrinsic activity and requires accessory factors to be fully active. Among these factors, Pat1 is considered to be a central scaffolding protein involved in Dcp2 activation but also in inhibition of translation initiation. Here, we present the structural and functional study of the C-terminal domain from S. cerevisiae Pat1 protein. We have identified two conserved and functionally important regions located at both extremities of the domain. The first region is involved in binding to Lsm1-7 complex. The second patch is specific for fungal proteins and is responsible for Pat1 interaction with Edc3. These observations support the plasticity of the protein interaction network involved in mRNA decay and show that evolution has extended the C-terminal alpha-helical domain from fungal Pat1 proteins to generate a new binding platform for protein partners

    Architecture of the yeast elongator complex

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    The highly conserved eukaryotic Elongator complex performs specific chemical modifications on wobble base uridines of tRNAs, which are essential for proteome stability and homeostasis. The complex is formed by six individual subunits (Elp1-6) that are all equally important for its tRNA modification activity. However, its overall architecture and the detailed reaction mechanism remain elusive. Here, we report the structures of the fully assembled yeast Elongator and the Elp123 sub-complex solved by an integrative structure determination approach showing that two copies of the Elp1, Elp2, and Elp3 subunits form a two-lobed scaffold, which binds Elp456 asymmetrically. Our topological models are consistent with previous studies on individual subunits and further validated by complementary biochemical analyses. Our study provides a structural framework on how the tRNA modification activity is carried out by Elongator

    C2ORF29/CNOT11 and CNOT10 form a new module of the CCR4-NOT complex

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    The CCR4-NOT complex was originally identified and its composition and organization characterized in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was first suggested to participate in transcription regulation, but since then it has become clear that it plays a key role in mRNA decay in all eukaryotes, thereby contributing importantly to gene expression regulation. Hence, the mammalian CCR4-NOT complex was recently shown to participate in miRNA-mediated mRNA repression. A better characterization of the composition and organization of this complex in higher eukaryotes is thus warranted. Purifications of the CCR4-NOT complex, performed by others and us, suggest that the protein of unknown function C2ORF29 is associated with this assembly. We demonstrate here that C2ORF29 is indeed a bona fide subunit of the human CCR4-NOT complex and propose to rename it CNOT11. In addition, we show that CNOT11 interacts with the first amino acids of CNOT1 and with CNOT10 and is required for the association of CNOT10 with the CCR4-NOT complex. Thus, the human CCR4-NOT complex possesses in addition to the CCR4-CAF1 deadenylase module and to the NOT module, a module composed of CNOT10 and CNOT11 that interacts with the N-terminal part of CNOT1. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the CNOT10/CNOT11 module is conserved in all eukaryotes except fungi

    Crystal structure of U2 snRNP SF3b components: Hsh49p in complex with Cus1p-binding domain

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    PMC5435868Spliceosomal proteins Hsh49p and Cus1p are components of SF3b, which together with SF3a, Msl1p/Lea1p, Sm proteins, and U2 snRNA, form U2 snRNP, which plays a crucial role in pre-mRNA splicing. Hsh49p, comprising two RRMs, forms a heterodimer with Cus1p. We determined the crystal structures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae full-length Hsh49p as well as its RRM1 in complex with a minimal binding region of Cus1p (residues 290-368). The structures show that the Cus1 fragment binds to the alpha-helical surface of Hsh49p RRM1, opposite the four-stranded beta-sheet, leaving the canonical RNA-binding surface available to bind RNA. Hsh49p binds the 5' end region of U2 snRNA via RRM1. Its affinity is increased in complex with Cus1(290-368)p, partly because an extended RNA-binding surface forms across the protein-protein interface. The Hsh49p RRM1-Cus1(290-368)p structure fits well into cryo-EM density of the Bact spliceosome, corroborating the biological relevance of our crystal structure

    Systematic bioinformatics and experimental validation of yeast complexes reduces the rate of attrition during structural investigations.

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    For high-throughput structural studies of protein complexes of composition inferred from proteomics data, it is crucial that candidate complexes are selected accurately. Herein, we exemplify a procedure that combines a bioinformatics tool for complex selection with in vivo validation, to deliver structural results in a medium-throughout manner. We have selected a set of 20 yeast complexes, which were predicted to be feasible by either an automated bioinformatics algorithm, by manual inspection of primary data, or by literature searches. These complexes were validated with two straightforward and efficient biochemical assays, and heterologous expression technologies of complex components were then used to produce the complexes to assess their feasibility experimentally. Approximately one-half of the selected complexes were useful for structural studies, and we detail one particular success story. Our results underscore the importance of accurate target selection and validation in avoiding transient, unstable, or simply nonexistent complexes from the outset

    Loss of the scavenger mRNA decapping enzyme DCPS causes syndromic intellectual disability with neuromuscular defects

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    mRNA decay is an essential and active process that allows cells to continuously adapt gene expression to internal and environmental cues. There are two mRNA degradation pathways: 3' to 5' and 5' to 3'. The DCPS protein is the scavenger mRNA decapping enzyme which functions in the last step of the 3' end mRNA decay pathway. We have identified a DCPS pathogenic mutation in a large family with three affected individuals presenting with a novel recessive syndrome consisting of craniofacial anomalies, intellectual disability and neuromuscular defects. Using patient's primary cells, we show that this homozygous splice mutation results in a DCPS loss-of-function allele. Diagnostic biochemical analyses using various m7G cap derivatives as substrates reveal no DCPS enzymatic activity in patient's cells. Our results implicate DCPS and more generally RNA catabolism, as a critical cellular process for neurological development, normal cognition and organismal homeostasis in humans