4 research outputs found

    Binocular coupling in chameleon saccade generation

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    Rickettsiaceae in two reptile-associated tick species, Amblyomma exornatum and Africaniella transversale: First evidence of Occidentia massiliensis in hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae)

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    All species of hard ticks associated with reptiles as hosts throughout their life cycle, are currently assigned to genera including Amblyomma and Africaniella. Among these species, based on literature data, Africaniella transversale has never been investigated for the presence of tick-borne pathogens. In this study, seven DNA extracts (two from A. transversale and five from Amblyomma exornatum) were screened for the presence of important tick-borne protozoa (piroplasms) and bacteria (Anaplasmataceae and Rickettsiaceae) with conventional PCRs and sequencing. A new heat shock protein chaperonin (groEL) gene-specific PCR was also developed to identify Occidentia spp. in these samples. In A. transversale, Occidentia massiliensis (previously detected in rodent-associated soft ticks) and Rickettsia hoogstraalii were present. While the latter was molecularly identical with formerly reported sequences of this rickettsia, the genotype of O. massiliensis was new based on sequence and phylogenetic analyses of its groEL gene. In A. exornatum, a Rickettsia genotype closely related to R. tamurae and R. monacensis, was detected. The ompA sequence of this genotype was identical to that of Rickettsia sp. Ae-8 reported from A. exornatum in a reptile breeding facility in the USA. These results show that A. transversale might carry O. massiliensis which (unless having a symbiotic nature in ticks) may originate either from the reptile host of this hard tick species or the rodent prey of reptiles. This is also the first detection of the reptile tick-associated Rickettsia sp. Ae-8 (phylogenetically aligning with R. tamurae, R. monacensis) in Africa, i.e. within the original geographical range of A. exornatum.Sándor Hornok, Jenõ Kontschán, Nóra Takács, Anne-Lise Chaber, Ali Halajian, Sándor Szekeres, Attila D. Sándor, Olivier Plantar

    Uncultured Bartonella sp. clone 264BB citrate synthase (gltA) gene, partial cds

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    Uncultured Bartonella sp. clones citrate synthase (gltA) gene, partial cds. Clones 264BB through 5SB