2,241 research outputs found

    La utilització política del patrimoni cultural català després de la Guerra Civil

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    En el present article, tractarem, a nivell general, de la política al voltant del patrimoni cultural durant els primers anys de la postguerra i ens centrarem, en especial, en les gestions polítiques realitzades pel govern franquista per la recuperació i el retorn del patrimoni cultural català que havia estat evacuat a l’estranger durant la guerra.Un dels objectius principals de la política patrimonial del règim franquista en la primera etapa de la postguerra es va centrar en la utilització política del patrimoni cultural. Principalment va incidir recurrentment en la idea de que l’espoli, destrucció i pèrdua dels béns culturals durant la Guerra havia estat obra del govern de la República en exclusiva. Una segona fita important va ser la recuperació de manera immediata del patrimoni dipositat a l’estranger. Aquests dos aspectes van ser, podríem dir, més importants que la pròpia protecció del patrimoni perquè els reconeixia —a través de una gran política propagandística— com els únics “salvadors” del patrimoni i, per extensió, de tot allò que representava. Un discurs retòric que els va permetre la construcció d’un nou relat històric que va romandrà durant tota la dictadura

    Exchange rate behavior and exchange rate puzzles: why the 18th century might help

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    Este artículo analiza el comportamiento de los tipos de cambio entre España y Gran Bretaña durante el siglo XVIII; en concreto, de los tipos de cambio en el mercado de Londres sobre tres ciudades españolas, entre los años 1699 y 1826. Tras una breve exposición del funcionamiento del sistema monetario español y de la determinación de los tipos de cambio, estudiamos hasta qué punto el tipo de cambio respondía a variables fundamentales, utilizando dos modelos teóricos generalmente aceptados. Los resultados sugieren que la paridad de poder adquisitivo se cumplió durante el siglo XVIII, y que el tipo de cambio se movía de forma paralela a los diferenciales de inflación. Al final del siglo aparecen desviaciones de la paridad de poder adquisitivo, que atribuimos a alteraciones en el tipo de cambio real causadas por fluctuaciones en el comercio bilateral entre España y Gran Bretaña y, quizá, a diferenciales de productividad.This article explores the behavior of exchange rates in Spain during the 18th century. We analyze the exchange rates quoted in London on three Spanish cities between 1699 and 1826. After a brief review of how the Spanish monetary system worked and how exchange rates were determined, we assess to which extent the exchange rate responded to market fundamentals by testing two theoretical models of exchange rate determination. The results suggest that purchasing power parity held during the 18th century, with the exchange rate tracking quite closely the behavior of inflation differentials. Deviations from PPP appeared at the end of the century, due mostly to changes in the real exchange rate caused by the bilateral trade between Spain and Great Britain and, maybe, due to productivity differentials

    Exchange Rate Behavior and Exchange Rate Puzzles: Why the XVIII Century Might Help

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    This article explores the behavior of exchange rates in Spain during the XVIII century. We posit that exchange rates were the result of both government intervention over nominal values of currencies and the estimate that the market –of bills of exchange- gave to the value of the currency. We analyze the exchange rates quoted in London on three Spanish cities between 1699 and 1826. After a brief overview of the functioning of the Spanish monetary system and of exchange rate determination, we assess the extent to which the exchange rate responded to market fundamentals by testing some theoretical models of exchange rate determination. The results suggest that purchasing power parity held during the XVIII century, with the exchange rate tracking quite closely the behavior of inflation differentials. Deviations from PPP appeared at the end of the century, due mostly to changes in the real exchange rate caused by the bilateral trade balance between Spain and Great Britain and, maybe, to productivity differentials.

    Divergent evolution and molecular adaptation in the Drosophila odorant-binding protein family: inferences from sequence variation at the OS-E and OS-F genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Drosophila </it>Odorant-Binding Protein (<it>Obp</it>) genes constitute a multigene family with moderate gene number variation across species. The <it>OS-E </it>and <it>OS-F </it>genes are the two phylogenetically closest members of this family in the <it>D. melanogaster </it>genome. In this species, these genes are arranged in the same genomic cluster and likely arose by tandem gene duplication, the major mechanism proposed for the origin of new members in this olfactory-system family.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have analyzed the genomic cluster encompassing <it>OS-E </it>and <it>OS-F </it>genes (<it>Obp83 </it>genomic region) to determine the role of the functional divergence and molecular adaptation on the <it>Obp </it>family size evolution. We compared nucleotide and amino acid variation across 18 <it>Drosophila </it>and 4 mosquito species applying a phylogenetic-based maximum likelihood approach complemented with information of the OBP three-dimensional structure and function. We show that, in spite the <it>OS-E </it>and <it>OS-F </it>genes are currently subject to similar and strong selective constraints, they likely underwent divergent evolution. Positive selection was likely involved in the functional diversification of new copies in the early stages after the gene duplication event; moreover, it might have shaped nucleotide variation of the <it>OS-E </it>gene concomitantly with the loss of functionally related members. Besides, molecular adaptation likely affecting the functional OBP conformational changes was supported by the analysis of the evolution of physicochemical properties of the OS-E protein and the location of the putative positive selected amino acids on the OBP three-dimensional structure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results support that positive selection was likely involved in the functional differentiation of new copies of the OBP multigene family in the early stages after their birth by gene duplication; likewise, it might shape variation of some members of the family concomitantly with the loss of functionally related genes. Thus, the stochastic gene gain/loss process coupled with the impact of natural selection would influence the observed OBP family size.</p

    Contagion between United States and european markets during the recent crises

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    The main objective of this paper is to detect the existence of financial contagion between the North American and European markets during the recent crises. To accomplish this, the relationships between the US and the Euro zone stock markets are considered, taking the daily equity prices of the Standard and Poor’s 500 as representative of the United States market and for the European market, the five most representative indexes. Time Series Factor Analysis (TSFA) procedure has allowed concentrating the information of the European indexes into a unique factor, which captures the underlying structure of the European return series. The relationship between the European factor and the US stock return series has been analyzed by means of the dynamic conditional correlation model (DCC). Once the DCC is estimated, the contagion between both markets is analyzed. Finally, in order to explain the sudden changes in dynamic US-EU correlation, a Markov switching model is fitted, using as input variables the macroeconomic ones associated with the monetary policies of the US as well as those related to uncertainty in the markets. The results show that there was contagion between the United States and European markets in the Subprime and Global Financial crises. The two-regime Markov switching model has helped to explain the variability of the pair-wise correlation. The first regime contains mostly the financially stable periods, and the dynamic correlations in this regime are explained by macroeconomic variables and other related with monetary policies in Europe and US. The second regime is explained mainly by the Federal Funds rate and the evolution of the Euro/US Exchange rate.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Variant de la carretera C-53 al seu pas per Bellcaire d'Urgell, Lleida

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    El poble de Bellcaire d’Urgell a Lleida, està tallat per la carretera C-53 que passa pel mig. Causa molèsties acústiques i perill per a la població. Fins al moment, han mort 18 persones a aquest tram de carretera. És per això que s’ha decidit fer un estudi sobre una possible variant d’aquest tram de carretera que desviï el trànsit a les afores per tal de que el poble pugui fer una vida més segura, tranquil·la i saludable. Aquest projecte presenta el disseny de la variant amb els encreuaments amb la C-53 i la LP-3322. Per dur a terme l’estudi s’ha utilitzat la cartografia de l’Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya i buscar el traçat més òptim per a la nova carretera. S’ha tingut en compte evitar les expropiacions de vivendes, optimitzar els canvis de rasant i corbes i, respectar la Normativa 3.1-IC de la Instrucció de Carreteres. Un cop decidit el traçat, s’ha procedit a donar coordenades a un seguit de bases a partir d’observacions en estàtic i amb els càlculs en post-procés amb el programa LEICA GEO-OFFICE. Seguidament s’ha fet un aixecament topogràfic de la zona a escala 1/1000 mitjançant la metodologia RTK. Amb les dades obtingudes s’ha creat el model digital del terreny amb el programa AUTOCAD/MDT. El disseny del traçat en planta, en alçat i els encreuaments de la variant s’han realitzat amb el programa ISTRAM-ISPOL en funció de les seccions tipus dissenyades. Posteriorment s’ha calculat el moviment de terres. Per acabar, cal comentar que aquest projecte inclou un estudi del trànsit i del medi de la zona així com un reportatge fotogràfic. També s’hi troben els corresponents plànols que inclouen la senyalització vial i els drenatges

    Insertion of carbon dioxide and isocyanide into tantalum-amide and tantalum-methyl bonds

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    The methyl–amide complex [TaCp*(NtBu)Me(NMe2)] (1a) was isolated by reaction of the chloro–methyl [TaCp*(NtBu)MeCl] complex with LiNMe2. Reaction of the mono-amide compounds [TaCp*(NtBu)XY] (X=NMe2, Y=Me (1a); X=NHtBu, Y=Me (1b), Cl (1c)) with CO2 gives the η2-carbamate derivatives [TaCp*(NtBu)(η2-O2CX)Y] (X=NMe2, Y=Me (2a); X=NHtBu, Y=Me (2b), Cl (2c)). A similar reaction with the di-amide complex [TaCp*(NtBu)(NHtBu)2] (1d) gives the di-carbamate derivative [TaCp*(NtBu){η2-O2C(NHtBu)}{η1-O2C(NHtBu)] (2d). Reaction of the methyl–carbamate (2a) with isocyanide CNAr (Ar=2,6-Me2C6H3) gives the η2-iminoacyl–η1-carbamate complex [TaCp*(NtBu){η2-C(Me)NAr}{η1-O2C(NMe2)] (3a). Formation of the related compound [TaCp*(NtBu){η2-C(Me)NAr}{η1-O2C(NHtBu)}] (3b) was only detected by NMR spectroscopy in C6D6 or CDCl3 whereas the reaction of 2b in hexane gives the η1-iminoacyl–η2-carbamate complex [TaCp*(NtBu){η1-C(Me)NAr}{η2-O2C(NHtBu)}] (3b′). All of the new compounds were characterized by elemental analysis and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy

    WSM : metodología de web scraping para Android y ejemplificación mediante la aplicación UPMDroid

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    En la realización de este proyecto se ha tratado principalmente la temática del web scraping sobre documentos HTML en Android. Como resultado del mismo, se ha propuesto una metodología para poder realizar web scraping en aplicaciones implementadas para este sistema operativo y se desarrollará una aplicación basada en esta metodología que resulte útil a los alumnos de la escuela. Web scraping se puede definir como una técnica basada en una serie de algoritmos de búsqueda de contenido con el fin de obtener una determinada información de páginas web, descartando aquella que no sea relevante. Como parte central, se ha dedicado bastante tiempo al estudio de los navegadores y servidores Web, y del lenguaje HTML presente en casi todas las páginas web en la actualidad así como de los mecanismos utilizados para la comunicación entre cliente y servidor ya que son los pilares en los que se basa esta técnica. Se ha realizado un estudio de las técnicas y herramientas necesarias, aportándose todos los conceptos teóricos necesarios, así como la proposición de una posible metodología para su implementación. Finalmente se ha codificado la aplicación UPMdroid, desarrollada con el fin de ejemplificar la implementación de la metodología propuesta anteriormente y a la vez desarrollar una aplicación cuya finalidad es brindar al estudiante de la ETSIST un soporte móvil en Android que le facilite el acceso y la visualización de aquellos datos más importantes del curso académico como son: el horario de clases y las calificaciones de las asignaturas en las que se matricule. Esta aplicación, además de implementar la metodología propuesta, es una herramienta muy interesante para el alumno, ya que le permite utilizar de una forma sencilla e intuitiva gran número de funcionalidades de la escuela solucionando así los problemas de visualización de contenido web en los dispositivos. ABSTRACT. The main topic of this project is about the web scraping over HTML documents on Android OS. As a result thereof, it is proposed a methodology to perform web scraping in deployed applications for this operating system and based on this methodology that is useful to the ETSIST school students. Web scraping can be defined as a technique based on a number of content search algorithms in order to obtain certain information from web pages, discarding those that are not relevant. As a main part, has spent considerable time studying browsers and Web servers, and the HTML language that is present today in almost all websites as well as the mechanisms used for communication between client and server because they are the pillars which this technique is based. We performed a study of the techniques and tools needed, providing all the necessary theoretical concepts, as well as the proposal of a possible methodology for implementation. Finally it has codified UPMdroid application, developed in order to illustrate the implementation of the previously proposed methodology and also to give the student a mobile ETSIST Android support to facilitate access and display those most important data of the current academic year such as: class schedules and scores for the subjects in which you are enrolled. This application, in addition to implement the proposed methodology is also a very interesting tool for the student, as it allows a simple and intuitive way of use these school functionalities thus fixing the viewing web content on devices

    Algunos métodos para la prosprección de estaño

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    [Resumen] Se hace una síntesis de datos, fundamentalmente bibliográficos, en relación con la geoquímica del Sn en áreas graníticas mineralizadas y con fines primordialmente prácticos para su uso en prospección. El trabajo se divide en dos partes: por un lado se estudian las aureolas de dispersión primarias del Sn en los propios granitoides, y por otro las aureolas de dispersión secundaria en los productos de su denudación[Abstract] In this work a synthesis of bibliographic information concerning to the granitoides geochemistry relation with tin deposits is made for practical purposes in their use in prospection. On the other hand the tin primary dispersion aureoles in the granitic rocks are studied, on the another hand the tin secundary dispersion aureoles are considered in their denudation products