404 research outputs found
El sílex en su contexto geológico: Un corpus de datos para el Pirineo centro-oriental [Chert in its geological context: A data corpus for the central-eastern Pyrenees]
En este artículo se presentan las características texturales, petrográficas y micropaleontológicas de las distintas silicificaciones que afloran en el Pirineo centro-oriental. Para esta investigación se han analizado más de 300 muestras procedentes de 75 afloramientos primarios y subprimarios. Las descripciones son el resultado de un intenso trabajo de campo desarrollado en la última década en ambas vertientes de la Cordillera Pirenaica. El corpus de datos que presentamos provee detalladas descripciones de la totalidad de recursos silíceos disponibles en este área, facilitando futuras investigaciones arqueopetrológicas desarrolladas en el ámbito geográfico pirenaico. Finalmente, debido a las particularidades que poseen algunas silicificaciones y a su amplia difusión en el registro arqueológico, presentamos lo que hemos definido como dos trazadores litológicos del área pirenaica.Chert in its geological context: A data corpus for the central-eastern PyreneesThe analysis of lithic raw materials from an archaeopetrological perspective is essential if the aim is to better understand human groups who used this resource. Archaeopetrology considers lithic tools as natural and cultural remains, taking into account both natural (e.g. petrographical, micropaleontological, and geochemical) and cultural (e.g. technological, typological and traceological) aspects.We have focused our attention in the Pyrenees Mountain Range, as a specific geographical space, strategic by its location and understood long time ago as a barrier and now as a place of human interaction. This research area is an ideal location for the analysis of lithic raw materials.The Pyrenees correspond to the portion of the Pyrenean chain that extends between the Gulf of Lion and the Bay of Biscay. From North to South three major areas have been identified: the Norpyrenean Zone, the Axial Zone and the Basque Massif and Southpyrenean Zone (Vera, 2004) (Figure 1). For this study, we have analyzed the geological formations with chert located in the Central-Eastern Pyrenees.To achieve our goals, first we consulted the existing geological mapping, to see what formations included chert. Having detected the areas potentially containing chert, a series of field surveys took place. The goal was to detect and describe outcrops and proceed to sampling chert for latter characterize them at the laboratory. To accomplish this research at the laboratory, petroarchaeological methods were applied. These methods use descriptions and classifications from the natural sciences, such as petrology, to characterise, define and name rocks used by past societies. Initially a petroarchaeological characterisation of more than 300 chert evidences recovered from up to 75 outcrops was undertaken. This characterization was done in terms of two scales of analyses. First, a macroscopic examination of the entire set was carried out using a binocular microscope. Afterwards, a petrographic and micropaleontological characterization of those materials was performed by analysing them in thin sections.As a result of the fieldwork carried out, a total of 20 geological formations containing chert were identified: 10 outcropping in the Northern Pyrenean slopes and 10 in the Southern Pyrenean slopes. As it has been said, more than 300 chert evidences recovered from up to 75 outcrops were analyzed, obtaining the results we present below.In this paper we present the 20 geological formations with chert outcropping in the Central-Eastern Pyrenees. The textural, petrographic and micropaleontological analysis of these cherts has allowed us to document different siliceous varieties with a variable knapping aptitude.According to their special features and appearance in the archaeological record of distant sites, two long distance tracers have been identified. These are the Agua-Salenz Formation cherts and the Nankin Formation cherts. Both silicifations possess distinctive features allowing us to define strong differences from a macroscopic point of view (inclusions and micropaleontological content). The presence of these cherts in several archaeological sites located at more than 200 km away from the outcropping area is indicating a long distance exchange (e.g. Agua-Salenz cherts in Belvis Cave or Nankin cherts in Parco Cave) (Sánchez 2015). Consequently, these cherts of the Agua-Salenz Formation and the Nankin Formation can be interpreted as examples of long distance tracers for the Central-Eastern Pyrenees.To conclude, in this study are described the geological formations with chert documented in the Central-Eastern Pyrenees. This data corpus is a helpful tool for other researchers interested in lithic raw materials procurement
Detecting human mobility in the Pyrenees through the analysis of chert tools during the Upper Palaeolithic
The purpose of this paper is to present the preliminary results of PhD research focused on hunter-gatherer groups that occupied the Central and Eastern Pyrenees during the Magdalenian period. This research aims to improve the knowledge we have about those Magdalenian groups, specifically concerning their lithic procurement strategies. The core of the study is based on the lithic tools collected from two archaeological sites - Alonsé Cave and Forcas I Shelter, both in Huesca, Spain-, and in particular those made from chert, because they are both a spatial and a cultural marker at the same time. These cherts have been studied using petroarchaeological methods, and as a result, it has been possible to detect the type of procurement strategies carried out and to guess the relation existing between those human groups and their environment, especially in what refers to mobility strategies
¿De dónde vienen? Aprovisionamiento de rocas sedimentarias silíceas en el yacimiento magdaleniense al aire libre de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida)
Results obtained after the archaeopetrological analyses of lithic tools from the open-air site of Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida) are presented below. Macroscopic, microscopic and geochemical observation permitted recognitionof the textural, petrographic, micropaleontological, as well as mineralogical composition of the exploited cherts. Results confirm that Montlleó was placed at a crossroad area used repeatedly at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic. These results show that geographical barriers did not impede human mobility between both Pyrenean slopes.En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras la caracterización arqueopetrológica de los materiales líticos del yacimiento al aire libre de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida). El estudio desarrolla una observación macroscópica, microscópica y geoquímica para conocer las características texturales, petrográficas y micropaleontológicas, así como la composición mineralógica de los tipos de sílex explotados. Los resultados de este trabajo confirman que el yacimiento de Montlleó fue una encrucijada de caminos transitados reiteradamente al fin del Paleolítico superior, evidenciando la inexistencia de barreras geográficas que imposibilitaran la movilidad entre ambas vertientes del área pirenaica centro-oriental
¿De dónde vienen? Aprovisionamiento de rocas sedimentarias silíceas en el yacimiento magdaleniense al aire libre de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida)
Results obtained after the archaeopetrological analyses of lithic tools from the open-air site of Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida) are presented below. Macroscopic, microscopic and geochemical observation permitted recognitionof the textural, petrographic, micropaleontological, as well as mineralogical composition of the exploited cherts. Results confirm that Montlleó was placed at a crossroad area used repeatedly at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic. These results show that geographical barriers did not impede human mobility between both Pyrenean slopes.<br><br>En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras la caracterización arqueopetrológica de los materiales líticos del yacimiento al aire libre de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lleida). El estudio desarrolla una observación macroscópica, microscópica y geoquímica para conocer las características texturales, petrográficas y micropaleontológicas, así como la composición mineralógica de los tipos de sílex explotados. Los resultados de este trabajo confirman que el yacimiento de Montlleó fue una encrucijada de caminos transitados reiteradamente al fin del Paleolítico superior, evidenciando la inexistencia de barreras geográficas que imposibilitaran la movilidad entre ambas vertientes del área pirenaica centro-oriental
Development of an empirical model for seasonal forecasting over the Mediterranean
Número monográfico dedicado al "18th EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018"In the frame of MEDSCOPE project, which mainly aims at improving predictability on seasonal timescales over the Mediterranean area, a seasonal forecast empirical model making use of new predictors based on a collection of targeted sensitivity experiments is being developed. Here, a first version of the model is presented. This version is based on multiple linear regression, using global climate indices (mainly global teleconnection patterns and indices based on sea surface temperatures, as well as sea-ice and snow cover) as predictors. The model is implemented in a way that allows easy modifications to include new information from other predictors that will come as result of the ongoing sensitivity experiments within the project. Given the big extension of the region under study, its high complexity (both in terms of orography and landsea distribution) and its location, different sub regions are affected by different drivers at different times. The empirical model makes use of different sets of predictors for every season and every sub region. Starting from a collection of 25 global climate indices, a few predictors are selected for every season and every sub region, checking linear correlation between predictands (temperature and precipitation) and global indices up to one year in advance and using moving averages from two to six months. Special attention has also been payed to the selection of predictors in order to guaranty smooth transitions between neighbor sub regions and consecutive seasons. The model runs a three-month forecast every month with a one-month lead time.This research has been supported by MEDSCOPE project, cofunded by the European Comission as part of ERA4CS, an ERANET initiated by JPI Climate (grant agreement 690462.5)
New data on chert catchment analysis in inland Iberia during the Late Pleistocene
In this paper, we present the first results obtained after new fieldwork and laboratory studies of chert catchment sources during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in inland Iberia, a region that has been traditionally depicted as marginal and sparsely populated during the last glacial due to its harsh ecological conditions compared to the coastal areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Our main aim is to determine the mobility strategies and social networks of the last Neandertals and first modern humans settled in inland Iberia and neighbouring regions, and eventually test the hypothesis that the last glacial human settlement in the Iberian hinterland was more dense and complex than previously thought. In this study, we focus on the cherts exploited at two archaeological sites: the Peña Cabra and Peña Capón rock shelters. These sites are located in the southeastern foothills of the Central System range, in the province of Guadalajara (Spain), and they have yielded a sequence of human occupations from the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic, respectively. To obtain a detailed picture of the mobility patterns and catchment strategies of the hunter-gatherers settled at these sites, our fieldwork focussed on identifying chert outcrops that could have been frequented and exploited by them. After two field seasons, 22 chert outcrops from eight geological formations were identified and more than 300 samples were collected and analysed. We conducted textural, micropalaeontological, petrographical and geochemical analyses, with the aim of comprehensively characterising the various rock resources available in the study area. Results have shown that different siliceous varieties were available in the area surrounding the sites and both Neandertals and modern humans could have provisioned there. Also, they suggest the potential existence of a network connecting the Tagus and Ebro valleys, but this is a working hypothesis to be tested with future research.European Research Council (ERC)Agencia Estatal de Investigació
The chert workshop of Tozal de la Mesa (Alins del Monte, Huesca, Spain) and its exploitation in historical times
In 2012, during a field survey to locate primary outcrops of cherts in the Carrodilla Mountain Range (Huesca, Spain), abundant remains of chert-knapping were found next to nodular cherts in primary and sub-primary position from the Garumnian limestones. Chert knapping evidences were discovered in Tozal de la Mesa mount, near the town of Alins del Monte (Huesca, Spain), in the first prepyrenean foothills of the province of Huesca.In order to define the features of the workshop and to determine their limits, in 2015 we conducted a field survey. Due to these works, it has been possible to define the perimeter of the chert workshop as well as to collect abundant lithic remains of chert and other rocks (e.g., ophites) that may have been directly related to chert exploitation.In this paper we are going to present the results obtained after the textural, micropaleontological, petrographic and mineralogical characterization of these cherts as well as the results of the techno-typological and traceological analyses. Moreover, we will define the features of the chert workshop and its functionality.The first approach to contextualize the recovered materials of Tozal de la Mesa workshop area has allowed determining an exploitation of the Garumnian cherts that has lasted until the late nineteenth century according to some recovered products (e.g., pottery) and to oral sources
Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae): frutal de reciente cultivo en Cuba
Se registra por primera vez en Cuba Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae), especie oriunda de América del Sur que forma parte del grupo de los guayabos ácidos. Se emplearon métodos propios de la botánica, como el trabajo con colecciones, el uso de catálogos especializados, la descripción e ilustración científica. Se discute la utilidad del fruto maduro para la alimentación humana, la acción fungicida y antioxidantes de extractos obtenidos de sus ramas y hojas, así como el potencial uso de la misma como porta-injertos de cultivares comerciales. Se ofrece una clave analítica para diferenciarla de taxones afines presentes en archipiélago cubano
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