145 research outputs found

    Decomposing the impacts of overeducation and overskilling on earnings and job satisfaction: an analysis using REFLEX data

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    This paper uses the REFLEX dataset to test the hypothesis that the generally observed negative impacts of overeducation and overskilling on both job satisfaction and earnings can be attributed to under-utilisation in specific job related skills. We find that the penalties to both forms of mismatch are insensitive to the inclusion of controls for overskilling in a wide range of job specific competencies. The research suggests that the problem of mismatch relates to an inability for fully utilise general or innate ability as opposed to specific areas of acquired learning. The analysis suggests the problem of mismatch can only be effectively addressed by raising general levels of job quality within economies and this, in turn, presents serious challenges for policy

    La influencia de los sindicatos sobre los salarios en España

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    RESUMEN. En la mayoría de los países, los sindicatos se han caracterizado por ser organizaciones que tratan de incrementar las rentas que reciben los trabajadores afiliados al mismo, de hecho, las estimaciones que se han realizado sobre la brecha salarial (wage gap) en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra alcanzan una media superior al 10%. Sin embargo, en España el número de trabajos que aborda este tema es muy escaso. La razón se puede atribuir a las peculiaridades del sistema de negociación colectiva español que hace que el estudio de este tema se encuentre con serias dificultades. En este sentido, este artículo trata de salvar esta cuestión siguiendo los pasos de Lewis (1986), proporcionando una evidencia empírica del incremento salarial que ha causado la presencia de los sindicatos en nuestro país.ABSTRACT. In many countries, unions have been increased rents of their members. In fact, in the United States and England the estimation of union- nonunion wage differencial is over 10%. However, in Spain there are a few studies about this subject. Reasons can be found in the peculiar characteristics of our bargaining system. In this way, this article is an attempt to examine the impact of trade unions on worker remuneration in Spain

    The legal form of labour conflicts and their time persistence: an empirical analysis with a large firms' panel

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    Using a panel of large firms from Spain, we check the relative time persistence of different types of labour conflicts such as strikes, collective conflicts, lockouts and other conflicts with lost working hours but without the previous stated legal forms for labour conflicts. We present random-effects probit estimations comparing observations with each type of conflicts with the same set of observations without any type of conflict. The results show that no legal form labour conflicts do not have long-term persistence (persistence is only in the short-term, from quarter to quarter), and the other types of conflicts suffer short and long-term persistence of confliction at the firm level, corresponds to strikes the higher size of both types of persistence. As short and long term persistence of strikes have almost the same size these results do not support asymmetric information theories of strike

    Understanding executive women´s perspectives on job satisfaction and their different domains

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    This paper studies gender differences in job satisfaction considering job rank (managers, selfemployed and employees) using the Spanish Quality of Life Survey (SQLS) for Spain throughout the period 2006-2010 and the sixth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) prepared in 2015, to test if the so-called "paradox of female contented worker" will extend to all ranked positions. Differences in job satisfaction by gender and job rank are analysed at an aggregated level and in terms of satisfaction with salary, promotion prospects, working hours, flexibility, stability, stress and work environment. Econometric estimations, using ordinary least squares method, are carried out and the results show that being a woman increases job satisfaction at an aggregated level. Occupying higher rank positions and being self-employed also increases job satisfaction. However, interactions for females between high and lowlevel managerial positions have a significant negative influence on job satisfaction. This interaction especially penalizes satisfaction in terms of promotion, working hours, work flexibility and stability

    How Gender-Based Disparities affect Women's Job Satisfaction? Evidence from Euro-Area

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    This paper analyses how gender-based disparities in the Euro-Area affect women's job satisfaction using the EWCS (2015), and the Global Gender Gap Index introduced by the World Economic Forum. Heckman's two-stage estimates show that women have a higher probability of job satisfaction than their male colleagues, which endorses the paradox of the female contented worker. There does not seem to be an equalization of job satisfac-tion as higher educational levels and lower age groups are considered. In those settings where the situation of women is more unfavourable than that of men, the probability for women to be more satisfied at work is lower. Therefore, the adaptive expectations hypothesis, by which individuals would internalize the difficulties they face and, ceteris paribus, would experience greater satisfaction than their counterparts, in this case males, is not corroborate

    Is Women's Job Satisfaction Higher than Men's? Self-Selection, Expectations or Utility Function

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    ABSTRACT: This paper examines the paradox between high relative levels of job satisfaction and the characteristics of women's jobs compared to men's in Spain. Three hypothesis are considered: i) the existence of a selection bias when participating in the labour market; ii) of the presence of adaptive job satisfaction; and iii) the existence of differences related to preferences of different nature to strictly labour issues. The study shows that, although having lower working conditions, women are more likely to be satisfied at work than men are. This paradox persists regardless of the inclusion of a great range of variables of different nature (objective and subjective), the age group and educational level under consideration. The Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition suggests that women's preferences are actually influencing the differences in job satisfaction. However, it is not demonstrated that these differences disappear as age decreases or educational level increases. The probable existence of a "glass ceiling" that prevents women from having access to posts of greater responsibility and higher wages could cause that women who actually reach them are more satisfied than their male colleagues. As the labour market and society become more equal, this paradox might dilute

    Diferencias salariales entre empresas públicas y privadas. El caso español

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    El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en estudiar las diferencias salariales de los trabajadores españoles teniendo en cuenta la propiedad de la empresa, es decir si ésta es pública o privada. Se trata por tanto, de comprobar si las diferencias observables de salarios entre empresa pública y privada se deben a las características propias de los trabajadores o bien a la diferencia en el pago de determinadas características. Para ello utilizamos la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial de 2002 que proporciona información sobre la empresa, además de información salarial y características propias del trabajador. La metodología utilizada es un análisis paramétrico, en el que se recurre a la descomposición de Oaxaca para analizar las diferencias salariales, que se complementa con uno no paramétrico conocido como matching. Los resultados confirman que no hay evidencia de que exista una prima salarial en la empresa pública

    Nuevas tecnologías y valor del tiempo en el transporte de viajeros

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    En esta investigación se elabora un modelo original que permite obtener diferentes valores del tiempo de viaje y analizar como influyen las nuevas tecnologías en tales valores. Se proporciona un modelo teórico más general que los tradicionales, cuyo principal resultado es que el valor del tiempo de viaje, en presencia de nuevas tecnologías, es en términos generales inferior al correspondiente valor sin la presencia de tales nuevas tecnologías

    Perspectivas lingüísticas, literarias y científico-tecnológicas

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    Este monográfico recoge iniciativas transversales sobre educación multidisciplinar para la igualdad de género. Proseguir con ellas es clave para el bien común. La educación es el camino para tratar de construir un mundo más justo donde no sea posible que la violencia machista esté instalada de manera estructural en las sociedades; donde las cifras de víctimas, tanto las que lamentablemente han perdido la vida como las que sufren violencias como maltrato físico o psicológico,agresiones sexuales, acoso o trata con fines de explotación sexual, entre otras, no aumenten cada día. Las resistencias que nos encontramos en este empeño son enormes por lo que es importante seguir transfiriendo estas contribuciones para una sociedad igualitaria y digna.Haba Osca, J.; Sánchez León, N.; Sevilla Pavón, AM. (2021). Perspectivas lingüísticas, literarias y científico-tecnológicas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/179098EDITORIA

    Experience and results after the implementation of a radiology day unit in a reference hospital

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    Hospitals; Radiology (Interventional); Surveys and questionariesHospitals; Radiologia (intervencionista); Enquestes i preguntesHospitales; Radiología (Intervencionista); Encuestas y cuestionariosBackground Interventional radiological procedures have significantly increased in recent years. Most of them are minimally invasive and require a short hospitalization, mainly done in other non-radiological units nowadays. Limited bed availability and high occupancy rates in these units create longer waiting lists and cancellations. The aim of this retrospective study is to assess the creation and functioning of a Radiology Day Unit (RDU) and evaluating its outcomes. For this purpose, data about interventional procedures and its complications, incidents, patient safety, quality and satisfaction rates were collected from May 2018 to December 2020, and posteriorly analyzed to evaluate its implementation. Results During the assessed period, 3841 patients were admitted into the RDU, with a net increase of 13% and 26% in the second and third year, respectively. Procedures performed by the Abdominal Radiology section were the most frequent (76–85%) followed by Interventional Vascular Radiology and Thoracic Radiology. Complication rates were low (1.5%) and most of them were self-limited and managed in the own department. Waiting lists were significantly reduced, from 2 months to 1 week in case of procedures performed by the Abdominal Radiology section. Patient satisfaction was higher than 80% in all the items evaluated with a global satisfaction of 93%. Conclusion The RDU in our hospital has become a vital section for the management and post-procedure caring of patients undergoing interventional procedures in the Radiology Service with low complication rates and overall high levels of quality and patient safety, allowing the reduction of waiting lists and occupancy rates