341 research outputs found

    Genetic Evidence for p75NTR-Dependent Tetraploidy in Cortical Projection Neurons from Adult Mice

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    A subpopulation of chick retinal projection neurons becomes tetraploid during development, an event prevented by blocking antibodies against p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)). We have used an optimized flow cytometric assay, based on the analysis of unfixed brain cell nuclei, to study whether p75(NTR)-dependent neuronal tetraploidization takes place in the cerebral cortex, giving rise to projection neurons as well. We show that 3% of neurons in both murine neocortex and chick telencephalic derivatives are tetraploid, and that in the mouse ~85% of these neurons express the immediate early genes Erg-1 and c-Fos, indicating that they are functionally active. Tetraploid cortical neurons (65-80%) express CTIP2, a transcription factor specific for subcortical projection neurons in the mouse neocortex. During the period in which these neurons are born, p75(NTR) is detected in differentiating neurons undergoing DNA replication. Accordingly, p75(NTR)-deficient mice contain a reduced proportion of both NeuN and CTIP2-positive neocortical tetraploid neurons, thus providing genetic evidence for the participation of p75(NTR) in the induction of neuronal tetraploidy in the mouse neocortex. In the striatum tetraploidy is mainly associated with long-range projection neurons as well since ~80% of tetraploid neurons in this structure express calbindin, a marker of neostriatal-matrix spiny neurons, known to establish long-range projections to the substantia nigra and globus pallidus. In contrast, only 20% of tetraploid cortical neurons express calbindin, which is mainly expressed in layers II-III, where CTIP2 is absent. We conclude that tetraploidy mainly affects long-range projection neurons, being facilitated by p75(NTR) in the neocortex.Peer Reviewe

    Children´s motor skills in the 21st century classrooms. Analysis of the reality in the galician educational centers and future perspectives

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    Traballo fin de Grao en Mestre ou Mestra en Educación Infantil. Curso 2020-2021A motricidade nas aulas de Educación Infantil xustifícase principalmente pola súa contribución ao desenvolvemento integral do alumnado e pola súa importancia na aprendizaxe dos contidos curriculares. A través dunha investigación de campo, o obxectivo deste Traballo de Fin de Grao foi analizar a realidade do tratamento da motricidade infantil nas aulas dos centros educativos galegos. Neste estudo de tipo descritivo e transversal, partiparon 305 docentes de Educación Infantil da nosa comunidade. A obtención de datos, por medio dun cuestionario Ad Hoc, ofrece información sobre os trazos do desenvolvemento da motricidade infantil, dos contidos tratados e da formación docente. Os resultados amósannos as exiguas posibilidades que ten o profesorado para instruírse neste eido, xurdindo a principal resposta ao ralentizado proceso de mellora do mesmo, así como unha aproximación á realidade que practican nos seus centros. Conclúese coa presentación dun decálogo para a necesaria mellora da motricidade nun futuro próximo, facendo especial fincapé no tratamento da materia e na escasa oferta de formación para a demanda que reclaman os profesionais da educaciónLa motricidad en las aulas de Educación Infantil se justifica principalmente por su contribución al desarrollo integral del alumnado y por su importancia en el aprendizaje de los contenidos curriculares. A través de una investigación de campo, el objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado fue analizar la realidad del tratamiento de la motricidad infantil en las aulas de los centros educativos gallegos. En este estudio descriptivo y transversal, participaron 305 docentes de Educación Infantil de nuestra comunidad. La obtención de datos, por medio de un cuestionario Ad Hoc, ofrece información sobre las características del desarrollo de la motricidad infantil, de los contenidos tratados y de la formación docente. Los resultados nos muestran las exiguas posibilidades que tiene el profesorado para instruirse en este ámbito, surgiendo así la principal repuesta al ralentizado proceso de mejora del mismo, así como una aproximación a la realidad que practican en sus centros. Se concluye con la presentación de un decálogo para la necesaria mejora de la motricidad en un futuro próximo, haciendo especial hincapié en el tratamiento de la materia y en la escasa oferta de formación para la demanda que reclaman los profesionales de la educaciónMotor skills in Infant Education classrooms are mainly justified by their contribution to the comprehensive development of pupils and by their importance in the learning of curricular content. Through field research, this Final Degree Project aimed to analyse the reality of the treatment of children's motor skills in the classrooms of Galician schools. In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, 305 teachers from our community took part. Data collection, employing a questionnaire designed ad hoc, provides information on the characteristics of the development of infant motor skills in schools, the content of the subject and teacher training. The results show us the limited possibilities teachers have for training in this area, thus providing the main response to the slow process of improvement in this area, as well as an approximation to the reality of what they are practising in their schools. It concludes with the presentation of a decalogue for the necessary improvement of motor skills soon, placing special emphasis the treatment of the subject and on the scarce supply of training for the demand demanded by education professional

    La dramatización como instrumento para el desarrollo de la comunicación en alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se abordan conceptos y características propias de personas que presentan Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), así como sus niveles de severidad, necesidades educativas especiales y adaptaciones curriculares. Por otro lado, se pretende señalar la importancia de la dramatización y la expresión a través del cuerpo, viendo a éste como un todo formado por elementos interconectados. Además, hemos llevado a cabo una intervención, con la que pretendemos averiguar si la realización de ejercicios dramáticos favorece a que estos alumnos sean capaces de mejorar sus habilidades sociales, comunicativas y su desarrollo emocional. Esta experiencia junto a otras tres que mencionamos a lo largo del trabajo, abren puertas a otro tipo de investigaciones aportándoles información a la hora de estudiar si esta técnica es válida y se puede trasladar a todo tipo de alumnos con TEA, así como servir de instrumento para la inclusión de estos en el aula ordinaria.In this final degree project, concepts and characteristics of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are addressed, as well as their levels of severity, special educational needs and curricular adaptations. On the other hand, it is intended to point out the importance of drama in education and expression through the body, seeing this as a whole formed by interconnected elements. In addition, we have carried out an intervention, with which we intend to find out if performing dramatic exercises favors these students are able to improve their social skills, communication and emotional development. This experience along with three others that we mentioned throughout the work, open doors to other types of research by providing information when studying whether this technique is valid and can be transferred to all types of students with ASD, as well as serve as an instrument for the inclusion of these in the ordinary classroom.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí

    Do female motives for enrolling vary according to STEM profile?

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    Contribution: Stereotypes and immediate environment are the reasons for low enrollment of women in STEM studies. Background: The low number of women in STEM degree courses has been the subject of much research, which has found that the lack of female enrollment is not evenly distributed across all STEM studies. In some areas, such as computing, communications, and electrical and electronic engineering (CCEEE), not only has the number of women not increased, it has even fallen. Research Questions: Is there a stereotype for women taking STEM studies? Is this stereotype different between women taking CCEEE and non-CCEEE degrees? What are the main reasons that lead women to enroll in STEM studies? Methodology: A survey was sent to 3699 female students and STEM graduates belonging to the authors’ university in six schools with a lowest level of enrollment, and 1060 replies were received. A qualitative study based on data analysis triangulation was performed. Findings: The women surveyed consider social stereotypes (31.47%) and the immediate environment (14.5%) as the main reasons for the low enrollment of women in STEM studies. Surprisingly, the third reason (11.03%) is that women do not like engineering. New knowledge concerning what motivates female students to enroll in STEM studies, what stereotypes they must struggle against, and the existence of possible differences between CCEEE and STEM but non-CCEEE female students could help policy makers and academia to improve female enrollment in STEM and, in particular, in CCEEE studies.Peer ReviewedPostprin

    On the influence of creativity in basic programming learning at a first-year Engineering course

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    Teaching fundamentals of programming is a complex task that involves the students’ acquisition of diverse knowledge and skills. It is also well known that programming often requires a certain degree of creativity. There are some studies on how to foster creativity with programming, but few studies have analyzed the influence of students creativity on their performance as programmers. In this paper we present the results of a study, with a sample of 89 freshmen engineering students. Our results suggest (p<0.01) that a high level of creativity is correlated with achieving excellence in programming. Creativity is a generic competence which is not currently covered with in most engineering curricula, and we conclude it should be taken into account. Females, diverse thinking student and some disadvantage groups may benefit from a free-thinking environment in the classroom, in particular at their first-year in college.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Cyber-aggression in adolescent couples: a cross-cultural study Spain-Mexico

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    El desarrollo de medidas válidas de la agresión en la pareja adolescente por medio de sitios de redes sociales y la mensajería instantánea es todavía escaso. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la equivalencia factorial de un ins-trumento de medida del control, la intrusión y los celos en línea en parejas adolescentes de España y México. Los parti-cipantes fueron 530 adolescentes con experiencia sentimen-tal (223 españoles, 51.57% chicas; 307 mexicanos, 49.35% chicas) y una edad media de 15.82 (España) y 16.30 (Méxi-co). Los análisis multigrupo mostraron una consistente equivalencia factorial de la escala. Las tasas de prevalencia fueron superiores al 70% en ambos países. Los adolescentes mexicanos obtuvieron una mayor puntuación en el control que los españoles, y los chicos mexicanos fueron más intru-sos que las chicas. Los resultados enfatizaron la equivalencia cultural de los constructos y las similitudes entre países en el comportamiento agresivo en línea de los adolescentes.Th e development of valid measures of adolescent dating aggression through social network sites and instant messages is still scarce. Th e aim of this study was to analyze the measurement invariance of an instrument assessing on-line control, intrusiveness and jealousy among adolescent couples in Spain and Mexico. Participants were 530 ado-lescents with romantic experience (223 Spanish, 51.57% girls; 307 Mexicans, 49.35% girls), mean aged 15.82 (Spain) and 16.30 (Mexico). Multi-group analyses showed a consistent factorial invariance of the measure. Prevalen-ce rates were higher than 70% in both countries. Mexi-can adolescents scored higher in control than Spaniards, and Mexican boys were more intrusive than girls. Results emphasized the cultural equivalence of the constructs and similarities between countries in adolescents’ aggressive online behavior

    Visualization of pathological changes in retinal layer thickness using optical coherence tomography

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    [Abstract]: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides high-resolution cross-sectional images of biological tissues. Biomarkers such as the thickness of retinal layers can be used for the evaluation of several diseases such as glaucoma or multiple sclerosis. In this work, we create the thickness profiles of healthy and pathological eyes using a statistical model and developed a methodology to compare the thickness profiles of OCT images with the models and visually inspect the abnormal areas. This approach allows for a quick assessment of the retinal layers health, assisting clinicians and easing the diagnostic burden.This research was funded by Government of Spain, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades, Government of Spain, RTI2018-095894-B-I00 research project; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain through the research projects with reference PID2019-108435RB-I00, reference PDC2022-133132-I00 and TED2021-131201B-I00; Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Xunta de Galicia through the Grupos de Referencia Competitiva, grant ref. ED431C 2020/24; Emilio López Varela acknowledges its support under FPI PID2019-108435RB-I00 project.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/2

    Marketing digital y la venta del Restaurante El Trébol, provincia de Paita, Piura, 2021

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    El presente estudio, se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre el marketing digital y la venta del Restaurante El Trébol, Provincia de Paita, Piura, 2021. La investigación tuvo un diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo y fue de tipo básica alcanzando un nivel correlacional. La población estuvo formada por 120 clientes del restaurante, obteniendo una muestra de 88 clientes, tras la aplicación de un muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos se recolectaron con la aplicación de un cuestionario de escala Likert, obteniendo como resultados que el marketing digital se ubica en un nivel regular, de acuerdo con la percepción del 65.9% de los clientes; mientras que, la venta se ubica en el mismo nivel, según el 51.1% de los encuestados, lo que demuestra que aún hay aspectos que mejorar dentro de las estrategias de marketing digital para incrementar el número de clientes. Asimismo, el análisis inferencial, permitió aceptar la hipótesis de la investigación con una significancia = 0.000 < 5%. Por lo tanto, se concluye que, existe una relación positiva entre el marketing digital y la venta del Restaurante El Trébol, alcanzando un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de 0.667 que muestra una relación considerable

    Modelización regional de eventos extremos de cambio climático sobre la Península Ibérica: periodos secos y duración de las estaciones

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXII Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Alcobendas (Madrid), del 28 al 30 de mayo de 2012.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto regional CLIMANCHA (2010-2013, POII100255-8836, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla–La Mancha). Los datos de los RCMs pertenecen a los proyectos europeos PRUDENCE (FP5, contrato EVK2-2000-00132) y ENSEMBLES (2004-2009, 6th EU Framework Programme, GOCE-CT-2003-505539) y la base de datos observacionales Spain02 al proyecto nacional ESCENA (2008-2011, Secretaria de Estado de Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, ref.200800050084365)