2,349 research outputs found

    Enhanced long-range correlations of coherent waves reflected from disordered media

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    4 págs.; 3 figs.We study the intensity angular correlation function of scalar waves, scattered on reflection from disordered media, for the case in which the sample is so small that the speckle pattern does not follow a joint Gaussian statistics, and thus the factorization approximation does not hold. An enhanced long-range correlation is predicted that exhibits two peaks due to coherent effects analogous to those producing the phenomenon of enhanced backscattering of the mean intensity as a result of time-reversal symmetry. © 1992 The American Physical Society.This work was supported by the CICYT under Grant No. PB0278. J.A.S.-G. acknowledges a grant from the MEC.Peer Reviewe

    A system of insolvency prediction for industrial companies using a financial alternative model with neural networks

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    En la literatura contable, encontramos el uso de redes neuronales (NN) para predecir datos de insolvencia del último año financiero antes de la quiebra, con una tasa de éxito inferior al 85%. El objetivo de este trabajo es aumentar el poder predictivo de los modelos de NN para discriminar entre empresas solventes e insolventes, incorporando con este propósito un nuevo conjunto de ratios financieros. Una muestra de alrededor de 500 empresas industriales europeas que se declararon en quiebra entre 2007 y 2009 se enfrentó a aproximadamente 500 empresas solventes, emparejadas entre ellas por año, país y tamaño de activos. Para ello, hemos utilizado cinco conjuntos de datos de entrada diferentes para entrenar las NN. Para cada conjunto de entrada, se entrenaron 20 NN para cada número de neuronas en la capa oculta, desde 1 hasta 50 neuronas, dando un total de 5,000 NN entrenadas. El modelo propuesto predice correctamente el 92.5 y el 92.1 por ciento de las estimaciones del conjunto de entrenamiento y del conjunto de prueba (precisión), respectivamente, utilizando información financiera de dos años antes de la quiebr

    Are Sugar-Reduced and Whole Grain Infant Cereals Sensorially Accepted at Weaning? A Randomized Controlled Cross-Over Trial

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    We are immensely grateful to the primary care pediatricians, Enrique López, Francisco Carrillo, Begoña Pelegrín, Eva María Rodriguez, Matilde Zornoza, María Fuensanta Costa, Antonio Iofrío, Sebastian Lorente, Santiago Carbajo and Gregorio Vicente who actively collaborated in recruiting and monitoring the infants. We would like to acknowledge the support of Isabel Vasallo for the trial monitoring, David Prieto for helping us with the statistical analyses, Fabien Gandolphe for the unconditional support to make this project possible and Romy Jacobs for working on this study during her internship. Lastly, we would like to thank all parents and children who participated in this study.The way infants are fed during the complementary period can have a significant impact on infants’ health and development. Infant cereals play an important role in complementary feeding in many countries. In spite of well documented benefits of a low sugar and high whole grain diet, commercial infant cereals are often refined and contain a high amount of sugars. The aim of the present study was to compare the sensory acceptability, gastrointestinal tolerance and bowel habits of two commercially available infant cereals in Spain with varying sugar and whole grain contents in infants at weaning. Forty-six healthy infants (mean age = 5.2 ± 0.4 months) received one of the two infant cereals containing either 0% whole grain flour and a high sugar content produced by starch hydrolysis (24 g/100 g) (Cereal A) or 50% whole grain flour and a medium-sugar content produced by hydrolysis (12 g/100 g) (Cereal B) in a randomized, triple blind, cross-over controlled trial. Both types of infant cereals were consumed for seven weeks. The cross-over was carried out after seven weeks. Sensory acceptability, anthropometry, gastrointestinal tolerance and adverse events were measured, and results evaluated using a linear regression model. No significant differences were observed between groups in any of the main variables analyzed. Importantly, the long-term health implications of our findings represent a wake-up call for the food industry to reduce or even eliminate simple sugars in infant cereals and for regulatory bodies and professional organizations to recommend whole grain infant cereals.ICEX Invest Spain 201503473FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional)-"Investment Program of foreign companies in R&D activities"-2015, under "Smart Growth Operational Programme" by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Factores que influyen en el establecimiento de bonificaciones fiscales en el IBI para promover sistemas de energía solar térmica en los municipios españoles

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    Los gobiernos locales pueden establecer, conforme al R.D. 2/ 2.004, bonificaciones fiscales de hasta un 50% en el impuesto sobre los Bienes Inmuebles en los que se hayan instalado sistemas para el aprovechamiento térmico o eléctrico de la energía proveniente del sol. En este trabajo se analizan cuales son los factores que influyen en la decisión de los gobiernos de aplicar dicha bonificación para promover la instalación de estos sistemas solares en los edificios mediante la estimación de una regresión logística. Entre estos factores que influyen en esta decisión destacan los factores relacionados la intensidad energética de la zona, con su nivel de presión fiscal, con el stress mediaombiental, con la predisposición de los gobiernos de aplicar políticas medioambientales, con el efecto contagio de municipios vecinos y por último, con motivaciones de índole económico

    Trust-as-a-Service: A reputation-enabled trust framework for 5G network resource provisioning

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    Trust, security, and privacy are three of the major pillars to assemble the fifth-generation network and beyond. Despite such pillars are principally interconnected, a multitude of challenges arise that need to be addressed separately. 5G networks ought to offer flexible and pervasive computing capabilities across multiple domains according to user demands and assure trustworthy network providers. To this end, distributed marketplaces expect to boost the trading of heterogeneous resources so as to enable the establishment of pervasive service chains between cross-domains. Yet, the need for selecting reliable parties as “marketplace operators” plays a pivotal role in achieving a trustworthy ecosystem. Two of the principal blockages in managing foreseeable networks are the need to consider trust as a property in the resource provisioning process and adapt previous trust models to accomplish the new network and business requirements. In this regard, this article is centered on the trust management of 5G multi-party network resource provisioning. As a result, a reputation-based trust framework is proposed as a Trust-as-a-Service (TaaS) solution for a distributed multi-stakeholder environment where requirements such as zero trust and zero-touch principles should be met. Besides, a literature review is also conducted to recognize the network and business requirements currently envisaged. Finally, the validation of the proposed trust framework was performed in a real research environment, the 5GBarcelona testbed, leveraging 12% of a 2.1 GHz CPU with 20 cores and 2% of the 30 GiB memory. These outcomes reveal the TaaS solution’s feasibility and conservative approach in the context of determining reliable network operators

    Understanding local adoption of tax credits to promote solar-thermal energy: Spanish municipalities’ case

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    Spanish local governments may offer, in accordance with Royal Decree 2/2004, tax credits up to 50% in Real Estate Tax for those with installed solar powered thermal or electrical energy systems. This paper analyzes by logistic regression estimation which factors influence the decision of governments to implement this tax credit. Factors included as explanatory variables are related to the characteristics of municipalities, fiscal stress, environmental stress, the environmentally friendly nature of municipalities, the neighboring effect, and economic motivations. Results show that municipalities applying these measures are mostly large in size, with high solar potential, with predominantly collective-housing buildings, with low fiscal stress, mainly rural, environmentally friendly, surrounded by municipalities implementing similar measures and with higher unemployment rates