1,243 research outputs found
Diseño de la red andaluza de posicionamiento
Las técnicas geodésicas tienen como finalidad el determinar
matemáticamente la forma y dimensiones del globo
terrestre, lo que constituye un requisito imprescindible para
dotar a las representaciones cartográficas de la debida precisión
geométrica. Estas técnicas han conocido un extraordinario
avance en las dos últimas décadas con el nacimiento
de la geodesia espacial, basada en el uso de satélites
artificiales. En tan solo una generación se ha pasado
de usar procedimientos astronómicos y geodésicos para
determinar con precisión la localización de un punto sobre
la superficie terrestre a utilizar una constelación de satélites
artificiales que sirven como puntos de referencia fija en
el espacio, al modo en que se usaban las estrellas desde la
época fenicia
Numerical analysis of the vacuum infusion process for sandwich composites with perforated core and different fiber orientations.
The vacuum infusion is a process usually applied to manufacture large structures of
composite materials, such as wind turbine blades. The specific stiffness and weight ratio
required by these structures can be achieved by manufacturing sandwich composites.
The forecast by numerical simulation of the resin infusion flow is an indispensable tool
to design and optimize the manufacturing process of composite. Present work analyzes
by numerical simulation the mold filling process of a sandwich composites, performed
by fiberglass plies with different fiber orientations and a perforated core. The flow
through a single perforation of the core is analyzed and the influence of the permeability
values of fiberglass on the volume flow through core perforations is determined. In
order to reduce the computing costs, a transfer function to simulate the flow through
the perforations is developed and integrated in the numerical code by computational
subroutines. A 3D numerical modeling of a sandwich composite, in which the flow
through the core perforations is simulated via computational subroutines, is carried
out and experimentally validated.The research work presented in this paper has been carried out under the project
"Automation of the global manufacturing process for wind turbine blades (AQ–BLADE)"
IDI‐20110154, financially supported by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
(CDTI) from the Spanish Government
Numerical anlysis of the vacuum infusion process for laminated composites with different fiber orientations.
The vacuum infusion (VI) is a process usually applied to manufacture large structures of composite materials, such as wind turbine blades. Present work analyzes the macroscopic resin
ow through a laminate of fiberglass plies with different orientations, during the filling stage of the VI process to manufacture two different pieces. The pressure inside the mold, velocity
vectors and the resin inlet mass flow are studied through a 3D numerical modeling
under non-steady conditions validated experimentally. The numerical model simulates each ply of the laminate like an individual porous media and takes into account the stacking sequence of the laminate. The influence of the permeability values of the distribution media and the fiberglass laminate
on the evolution of resin infusion is analyzed. The numerical model reproduces the effects of the stacking sequence and race-tracking on the resin flow front.The research work presented in this paper has been carried out under the
project "Automation of the global manufacturing process for wind turbine
blades (AQ{BLADE)" IDI{20110154, nancially supported by Centro para
el Desarrollo Tecn ologico Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Government
Aerobic Energy Expenditure and Intensity Prediction During a Specific Circuit Weight Training: a Pilot Study
During circuit weight training (CWT), workloads, index of intensity as well as estimation of energy expenditure (EE) have been under estimated. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate physiological variables and gender related differences, including intensity prediction and EE, during CWT at different intensities. Twenty six subjects were assessed in a CWT, fourteen men and twelve women. The CWT program was performed at six different intensities, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 85% of 15RM. Seven exercises made up the circuit: sitting bench press, leg press, lat pull down, shoulder press, hamstring curl, biceps curl, and triceps cable push downs. A polar heart rate monitor and a portable metabolic system were used to measure heart rate (HR), intensity measured relative to the HR reserve, cardiorespiratory variables, EE and EE relative to muscle mass (EEMM). Differences between genders were observed at the following variables: HR, intensity measured relative to the HR reserve (in percentage), VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, aerobic EE and EEMM. The EE was significantly higher in men during the six intensities, but differences did not exist for EEMM from 70% to 85%. In addition HR, load and body weight were used to predict intensity and two gender specific equations were obtained for men and women [I (%) = 57.265 + 0.512HR - 0.696HRmax + 1.035 Loadavg + 0.188 Body Weight (R2=0.92; SEE=4.9%) for men; I (%) = 4.036 + 0.412HR% + 1.667 Loadavg (R2=0.79; SEE=7.7%) for women]. Thus, we conclude that gender related differences are present during CWT for EE, even when expressed relative to muscle mass, in addition HR, work load and body weight can estimate the intensity during CWT
Disidencias sindicales, vecinales y eclesiales en Cartagena
In this article it is narrated and the activity of commented upon how, why and what did the local associations in Cartagena before and after Spanish Transition. Such associations were disseminated through the neighborhoods, but around some parishes and religious communities. The area of working-class priests was of a manifest importance here. Cartagena appears as a very signaled Spanish territory. The personal and structural changes represented a way of being Church. Liberation theolo- gy, Pastoral and Political, was an essential field. En este artículo abordamos los principales trabajos que sobre el asociacionismo antifranquista se han ocupado de Cartagena y su comarca poco antes de la muerte de Franco y en los meses posteriores. Presentamos cuatro estudios que se ocupan del tema desde el punto de vista del movimiento de base eclesial, político y sindical. Destacamos el ámbito de los curas obreros y la teología de la liberación. Pastoral y Política eran entonces dos ámbitos interconectados.
Reassessment of the economic impact of popular festivals of tourist projection through metadata from mobile telephony: Calp, an example of application
Los estudios de impacto económico se han venido basando tradicionalmente en metodologías
clásicas como el análisis input‑output
o diferentes tipologías de multiplicadores. La irrupción de las nuevas
tecnologías y la posibilidad de captación y explotación de grandes volúmenes de datos (big data) brinda
nuevas posibilidades para el análisis de estos eventos. Este artículo presenta una aplicación pionera de estas
metodologías, reestimando el impacto económico generado por dos fiestas populares de un destino turístico
consolidado, Calp (Alicante), a través de metadatos provenientes de la telefonía móvil. Los resultados revelan
que mediante estas técnicas innovadoras se afinan los impactos evitando los riesgos de sobreestimación
asociados a las técnicas clásicas de análisis económico.Economic impact studies have traditionally been based on classical methodologies such as input‑output
analysis or multipliers. The emergence of new technologies and the possibility of capturing and
exploitation of big data offers new possibilities for the analysis of these events. This article presents a
pioneering application of these methodologies to two popular festivals of a consolidated tourist destination,
Calp (Alicante), using metadata obtained from mobile phone devices. The results reveal that through these
innovative techniques the impacts are refined avoiding the risks of overestimation associated with the
classical techniques
Social networking and microblogging: educational innovation in higher education
Cada día nacen nuevos sitios web destinados a crear y gestionar redes sociales, a crear grupos o comunidades, a mantener el contacto online con personas conocidas o con los conocidos de estos últimos, a compartir conocimiento, experiencias, música, fotografías, entre otros. Estamos viviendo un gran fenómeno social que está revolucionando la manera de comunicarse y de interactuar con los demás, puesto que se están originando nuevas formas de interacción social, hasta ahora jamás producidas, donde se desencadena una red de contactos e intercambio virtual y dinámico entre personas, grupos e instituciones que tienen intereses y necesidades comunes (Bettinson, 2009; Espuny et al., 2011). Este fenómeno es provocado principalmente por las llamadas «redes sociales virtuales y el microblogging». Pero, ¿qué son exactamente las redes sociales virtuales?, ¿qué las diferencia de las redes sociales meramente físicas?, ¿qué ventajas e inconvenientes puede conllevar su uso? y por supuesto, ¿cómo podemos aprovechar esas ventajas en los diferentes contextos formativos?. En este artículo se presentan distintas experiencias educativas realizadas por tres docentes de la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Extremadura, que puede servir como marco de reflexión y acción en la praxis e innovación educativa que pueden servir de reflexión, ejemplo o de punto de partida para todo aquel docente que busque en las redes sociales la oportunidad de innovar en su práctica educativa.Nowadays, new websites are created everyday. They are devoted to creating and managing social networks, create groups or communities, to keep online contact with acquaintances and the acquaintances of the latter, to share knowledge, experiences, music, photographs, etc. Thus, we are witnessing a great social phenomenon, a true revolution in the way of communicating and interacting with others, owing to the fact that new modes of social interaction, unknown before, are emerging, whereby new networks of contacts and virtual and dynamic exchanges surge among individuals, groups and institutions sharing common interests and needs (Bettinson, 2009; Espuny et al., 2011). This phenomenon is mainly triggered by the so called «virtual social networking and microblogging». However, what exactly are virtual social networks?; what is it that differenciate them from mere physical social networks?; what are the advantages and drawbacks their use can entail?, and above all, how can we make the most of them in regular and virtual teaching? Hereby will be explained different teaching experiences carried out by three lecturers from the University of Extremadura that should serve as a reflexion, experience sharing or starting point for those practitioners that are looking for innovation in the social networking area
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