8 research outputs found


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    The basement of the study area formed by Crateceous aged gabbros. Over the basement, the rock units span to Cenozoic to Quaternary. The volcanic activity in the region started at Miocene and ended at the end of Quaternary. In this process, the Melendizdağı at first and the Hasandağı volcanites at later were formed. The alluviums and rock talus are the youngest units in the region and were derived from pebbles and sand of volcanic and magmatic origin. The quaternary deposits with high permeability make the aquifer formations of the study area. In tthe investigated area, the aquifers with free pressure made up of tuffs, pebbles, sands and silts around Gölcük (Misli) and through the northwest (Kiledere and its surrounds) the aquifers become pressured as the alluvium interrupted by clay strata. Because of faulting in the Gölcük, Kiledere and Suvermez line, the thickness of the sediments increased at the middle and north of the basin. The underground water map indicates that the water flow from E-SE to W-NW. Since the anions and cation lines of the water are almost parallel to each other in the diagrams the waters are of similar origin. The waters classified as CaCO3 and MgCO3 waters exceeding 50 % carbonate contents. The hardness (stiffing) of the waters are between 18-36 0Fs, while the pH is between7 to 8. Since the EC values are between 456 and 1530 mS/cm, and according to the Standards Institute of Turkey (TSE 266, 1997) and World Health Organization (WHO, 1999) the water is drinkable. For drinkable standards the water in the region is classified as 1st and 2nd quality water while the water according to the Schoeller diagrams can be classified as ‘very good-good and good usage’ for irrigation purposes. The water named as ‘C2S1 and C3S1’ according to the USA Salinity Laboratory. The water is described as carbonate precipitates and the sulphate dissolving water in accordance with saturation indices. The isotopic investigations reveal that the waters are of similar with each other and similar with meteoric origin. The tritium analyses show that the water in the region is feed from higher topography and the underground water percolating at depth.İnceleme alanı içerisinde temeli, Kretase yaşlı gabrolar oluşturmaktadır. Bunun üzerine gelen birimler Senozoyik boyunca Kuvaterner’e kadar devam etmektedir. Volkanik kayaçlardan oluşan bölgede, volkanizma Miyosen’de başlayarak Kuvaterner sonlarına kadar etkinliğini sürdürmüştür. Bu süreçte bölgede önce Melendizdağı ve sonra Hasandağı malzemeleri oluşmuştur. Kuvaterner yaşlı alüvyon ve yamaç dolguları, volkanik ve magmatik kökenli çakıl ve kumlardan oluşan en genç birimlerdir. Yüksek geçirgenliğe sahip Kuvaterner çökelleri ve bazalt lavları akifer birimleri oluşturmaktadır. İnceleme alanında Gölcük (Misli) ve çevresi tüf, çakıl, kum ve siltten oluşan serbest akifer özelliğinde iken, kuzeybatıya gidildikçe (Kiledere ve çevresi) alüvyon, farklı düzeylerinde kiltaşı içermesinden ötürü basınçlı akifer özelliği göstermektedir. Gölcük, Kiledere ve Suvermez hattı boyunca oluşan faylanma nedeni ile sediment kalınlığı orta ve kuzey kesimlerde artmaktadır. Akiferin yeraltısu tablası haritasına göre yeraltı suyu akımı doğu-güneydoğudan batı-kuzeybatıya doğrudur. Bölgedeki suların anyon ve katyonları birleştiren doğruların yaklaşık paralel olması suların kökenlerinin aynı olduğunu göstermektedir. Sular, karbonat sertliği %50’den fazla olan ve CaCO3 ve MgCO3’lı sular sınıfındadır. Suların sertlikleri 18-36 0Fs, arasındadır. pH değerleri 7 ile 8 arasında, değişmektedir. EC değerleri ise 456-1.530 µS/cm arasında olup, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (TSE 266, 1997) ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO,1999) içme suyu standartlarına göre incelenen sular içilebilecek sular sınıfındadır. İnceleme alanındaki sular, Schoeller’in içilebilirlik diyagramına göre 1. kalite ve 2. kalite sular sınıfındadır. Sulama suyu özelliklerine göre “çok iyi-iyi ve iyi kullanılabilir” özelliktedir. Sular ABD Tuzluluk Laboratuvarı diyagramında C2S1 ve C3S1 sınıfındadır. Doygunluk indislerine göre bölgedeki sular karbonat çökeltebilir, sülfatı ise çözündürebilir özelliktedir. İzotop verilerine göre suların birbirleri ile ilişkili ve meteorik kökenli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Trityum analizlerine göre ise bölgedeki sular yüksek kotlardan beslenen derin dolaşımlı sulardır


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    In the Konya area, the Neotethyan assemblage is represented by Late Cretaceous aged Hatıp Ophiolitic Mélange, in where the metamorphic sole rocks crop out as thin slices beneath the sheared serpentinites and harzburgites, and Çayırbağı ophiolite. This study aims to characterize the mineralogical characteristics and chemical composition of the amphiboles in the metamagmatic sole rocks of the Hatıp Ophiolitic Mélange. The main rock types in the metamorphic sole rocks are amphibolite (amphibole up to 90.3 %); epidote-amphibolite (65.3% amphibole); zoisite-amphibolite (amphibole 52.2%) and amphibole-quartzite (amphibole 28.5%) with nematoblastic to porphyroblastic texture. The microprobe analyses of the amphiboles suggest that the amphiboles have crystallized from a wet magma in medium pressure condition (≤ 7 kb), and are magnesiohornblende, pargasite and edenite in composition.  The obtained data also reveal that the Neotethyan assemblage has experienced a regional metamorphism in greenschist facies conditions, which resulted in no chemical changes in the amphiboles


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    The natural rocks used today as well as in the history for a variety of purposes were a subject of different alteration, weathering and deterioration conditions. These conditions are strictly controlled by environment and nature of rock varieties (marble and stone). This study is a first approach to understand the relation between some geological features and behavior against salt (Na 2SO4) decay of Moroccan marbles and stones. For this purpose, widely used four dolomitic limestones, two crystalline limestones, one limestone and one basalt sample (total 8) were chosen from Morocco. Extra attention paid to choose locations being a representative of all Moroccan country. The carbonate samples (limestone and dolomite) consist of mainly dolomite and calcite with micritic and sparitic cement. The sole, non-carbonaceous sample is basalt of Khenifra containing mainly plagioclase and pyroxene. In general, both bulk-dry and powder density values of the studied rock samples are homogeneous. The limestone of Bir Jdid has the highest (10.81 %) effective porosity and dry weight loss value (4.61 %). The loss on ignition value of the Khenifra basalt has the lowest value with 1.26 %. The loss on ignition values are also relatively uniform. The obtained data indicate that outdoor uses (especially in coastal areas) of limestones of Bir Jdid and dolomitic limestones of Taza are more risky than the others


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    The basement of the investigated area is Silurian-Cretaceous aged basement rocks. The basement rocks consists of phillite, schist, quartzite, limestone, dolomite, spilite, diorite, gabbro, diabase and serpentinite. This basement is overlined unconformably by Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene aged Sille formation, Yalıtepe formation, Ulumuhsine formation, Küçükmuhsine formation, Lower Pliocene aged Yürükler formation and Upper Pliocene-Quaternary aged Topraklı formation. Sille formation consists of red conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone, deposited in alluvial fan and braided stream environments. Yalıtepe formation contains cream, brown stromatolitic limestone formed in a shallow lake environment. Ulumuhsine formation is made by cream, limestone, clayey limestone, clayey limestone-mudstone alternation, mudstone, marl, dolomite, nodules and bands of chert-bearing, fossils-bearing limestone deposited in a shallow and open lake environment. Küçükmuhsine formation formed in a shallow and open lake environment consists of tuffite. Yürükler formation overlies conformably and unconformably in local Ulumuhsine and Küçükmuhsine formations, and contains conglomerate, and caliche nodulled mudstone deposited in alluvial fan and braided Stream environments. All these lithologies is overlined unconformably by Upper Pliocene-Quaternary aged Topraklı formation. Topraklı formation consists of conglomerate deposited in alluvial fan and braided stream environments. Neogene basin in the region have characteristics of an intra-mountain basin, time to time controlled by tectonics


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    İnceleme alanında en altta Bolkar grubuna ait Dedeköy (Üst Permiyen) ve Gerdekesyayla (Alt-Orta Triyas) formasyonları yer alır. Dedeköy formasyonu; dolomitik kireçtaşı ve mermerlerden oluşur ve taban dokanağı inceleme alanında gözlenmez. Dedeköy formasyonu üzerine uyumlu dokanakla fillit, dolomitik kireçtaşı ile kalkşist ardalanmasından oluşan ve kireçtaşı olistolitleri kapsayan Gerdekesyayla formasyonu gelmektedir. Bolkar grubu üzerine uyumsuz olarak konglomera ve kumtaşıyla başlayan, kumlu kireçtaşı, killi kireçtaşı ara tabakaları kapsayan kumtaşı-şeyl ardalanmasından oluşan Halkapınar formasyonu (Üst Paleosen-Orta Eosen) gelmektedir. Halkapınar formasyonu içinde andezit, bazalt ve diyabaz daykları ile bunlara ait bloklar da yer almaktadır. Halkapınar formasyonu üzerine uyumsuz olarak konglomera ve kireçtaşlarından oluşan Kepeztepe formasyonu (Üst Miyosen-Alt Pliyosen) gelir. Bu birimdeki kireçtaşları genellikle stromatolitik olup stromatolitlerin gelişiminde Schizothrix sp., Phormidium sp ve/veya Scytonema sp. gibi alg cinsleri etkili olmuştur. Tüm bu birimler üzerinde ise Kuvaterner yaşlı akarsu çökelleri, yamaç molozları ve alüvyonlardan ibaret genç oluşuklar açılı uyumsuz olarak yer almaktadır


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    In the study area the Upper Permian aged Dedeköy formation and the Lower-Middle Triassic aged Gerdekesyayla formation, both belonging to the Bolkar group, found in the mustbottom of the region. Dedeköy formation is made dolomitic limestone and crystalline limestone. The base of this unit in the study area is not exposed. But, it is conformably overlain by the Gerdekesyayla formation. The Gerdekesyayla formation consists of phyllite, dolomitic limestone alternation with calc-schist and some limestone olistoliths. The Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene aged Halkapınar formation unconformably overlies the Bolkar group. Halkapınar formation starts with conglomerate and sandstones and it comprises sandy and clayey limestone strata, although it is mainly made of sandstone and shale interlayers. Diabasic dykes and stocks can also be found in the Halkapınar formation. The Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene aged Kepeztepe formation unconformably overlies the Halkapınar formation. Kepeztepe formation is made up of conglomerate and limestone. In this formation,the of this limestones are useually stromatolitic, and the formations of this stromatolitic limestones govermed by some algae, such as Schizothrix sp., Phormidium sp. and/or Scytonema sp. The Quaternary aged stream sediments, talus deposits and alluvium unconformably overlies the older units in the region