6 research outputs found


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    Thousands of fish were seen suddenly dying in the waters of Kuala Indah, Sei Suka District, Batubara Regency. Based on information from the community, the alleged cause of the mass death of fish that occurred on April 24, 2021 was caused by the input of domestic and industrial waste and the explosion of the plankton population. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing mass death of fish through analysis of water quality parameters with physical, chemical and microbiological tests of river, estuary and sea water. The method used to analyze river, estuary and sea water samples is using standard methodstesting, 23rd edition 2017, APHA-AWWA-WEF. Parameter testing includes three physical parameters, the 17 chemical parameters and two biological parameters analyzed were then compared with quality standards according to Government Regulation number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. Based on the research results, the range of index values of water quality ​​obtained is 75-80 and is included in good criteria, so it can be concluded that anthropogenic activities in river, estuary and sea waters are not the cause of mass fish death.   ABSTRAK Ribuan ekor ikan terlihat mendadak mati di perairan Kuala Indah Kecamatan Sei Suka Kabupaten Batubara. Berdasarkan informasi dari masyarakat, dugaan penyebab terjadinya kematian massal ikan yang terjadi pada 24 April 2021 disebabkan oleh masukan limbah domestik dan industri serta ledakan populasi plankton. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab kematian massal ikan melalui analisis parameter kualitas air dengan uji fisika, kimia dan mikrobiologi air sungai, muara dan laut. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisa sampel air sungai, muara dan laut yaitu menggunakan pengujian standard methods, 23rd edition 2017, APHA-AWWA-WEF. Pengujian parameter meliputi tiga parameter fisika, 17 parameter kimia dan dua parameter biologi yang dianalisi kemudian dibandingkan dengan baku mutu sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 22 tahun 2021 tentang  Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kisaran nilai indeks kualitas air yang diperoleh adalah 75-80 dan termasuk dalam kriteria baik, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan antropogenik di perairan sungai, muara dan laut bukan merupakan penyebab terjadinya kematian massal ikan.   Kata kunci : Kematian ikan, kualitas air, antropogenik, Kuala Indah, Kabupaten Batu Bar

    Utilization of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Liquid Waste to Increase Density and Growth Rate of Microalgae Chlorella Pyrenoidosa

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    Microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a microalgae that has the potential to have various roles, especially as a bioabsorbant for organic waste. The growth of the oil palm plantation industry is also directly proportional to the increase in waste generated from the CPO production process, namely POME Waste (Palm Oil Mill Effluent). POME waste has a high nutrient content so that it can be utilized by the microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa. This study aims to utilize POME waste to increase the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Microalgae cultivation had a significant effect on the 1:2 treatment and 1:3 treatment when compared to the control cultivation medium with the highest cell density values ​​of 263(106cells/ml) and 279(106cells/ml) respectively. Injection of POME waste into microalgae rearing media will have an impact on increasing the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa microalgae

    Fish Catch Results Related to Temperature and Chlorophil in Western Waters of Sumatera

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    The western waters of Sumatera are one of the waters that have the potential of coastal and ocean resources. Oceanographic factors that can be related to high productivity in waters are SST (Sea Surface Temperature) and the distribution of chlorophyll concentration. Sibolga waters are geographically quite strategic, because they are located in the Indian Ocean, most of the catch is landed at the Sibolga Nusantara Fisheries Port. This Study aims to understand the trend of fluctuations in fish catches in the The Waters of Western Sumatera, to examine the effect of chlorophyll on fish catches in the waters of West Sumatera. Sea surface temperature and monthly chlorophyll-a concentrations were obtained from the result of the Aqua Modis months in 2021. Monthly data and data on fishing results were obtained from the Sibolga Nusantara Fisheries Port. The composition of catches in the western waters of Sumatera which landed at PPN Sibolga in 2021there three dominant fish species, namely Cakalang (Katsuwonis Pelamis) 11.655.768 Kg, Layang (Decapterus Sp) 4.589.147 (19,95%), Tembang (Sardinella sp) 2.421.523 (10,53%), the variation of fish catch per unit (CPUE) ;anded at PPN 2021. The Highest occurred in may at 3.809 kg/trip and the lowest occurred in November 1.521,58 kg/trip and the average monthly CPUE in 2021 was 5.105,88kg/trip. Monthly variations of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the waters of for 12 months (2021) the lowest temperature occurred in August, namely 26,88 0C while the highest temperature in February was 30,92 0C, the highest consentration was in May of 1,56 mg/m3 while the lowest occurred in March at 0,15 mg/m3


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    Avertebrata air merupakan hewan yang tidak memiliki tulang belakang yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai kerajinan tangan dan makanan, agar tidak menjadi limbah. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada guru di SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Pardamean Kabupaten Simalungun Provinsi Sumatera Utara tentang pemanfaatan hewan avertebrata air dari buku ajar. Pengabdian ini telah dilakukan di Dolok Pardamean, Kabupaten Simalungun dengan metode sosialisasi dan angket. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa banyak guru yang masih belum paham tentang pemanfaatan hewan avertebrata air. Dari pengabdian ini terlihat animo guru sangat tinggi, dan menjadi paham 100% dari hasil angket tentang pemanfaatan hewan avertebrata air setelah dilakukan sosialisasi. Kata kunci: pemanfaatan, hewan, buku, ajar ABSTRACT Aquatic invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone that can be used as handicrafts and food, so as not to become waste. This service aims to provide information to teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Pardamean, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province about the use of aquatic invertebrates from textbooks. This service has been carried out in Dolok Pardamean, Simalungun Regency with the method of socialization and questionnaires. The results of the service show that many teachers still do not understand the use of aquatic invertebrates. From this service, it can be seen that the teacher's interest is very high, and they understand 100% of the results of the questionnaire on the use of aquatic invertebrates after socialization. Keywords: utilization, animal, book, teac

    TSS Analysis (Total Suspended Soil) Using GEE (Google Earth Engine) Cloud Technology in Belawan Waters

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    The TSS research using GEE Cloud Technology in Belawan Waters was carried out from January to May 2021. The analysis was carried out using the Sentinel-2 Satellite. TSS results obtained that the amount is 0,011010879-53,74369064 mg/liter. The content of TSS is spread evenly around the outskirts of Belawan Waters to the Middle of Belawan Waters and has passed the quality standard limit according to the Minister of Environment of Republic Indonesia that means the Harbour area is polluted and improper for drinking water as well as for fish cultivation

    The Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature and Containing Water Chlorophyll-A Distribution Using GEE (Google Earth Engine) Code Technology in Sibolga Waters

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    Research on SST and chlorophyll-a content using GEE Cloud technology in Sibolga Waters has been carried out since February-December 2019. The analysis was carried out using the MODIS AQUA-L3SMI satellite. The SST results showed that it spread evenly from the coast of Sibolga to the sea, which was 28-33 0C and did not fluctuate, while the content of chlorophyll-a spread evenly, from February-April with a value of 0,1-1 mg/m3 varied, namely from June-August, and fluctuations namely in October-December 2019 with an amount of 0,5-2 mg/m3. SST spreads evenly, varies, and fluctuates around the outskirts of Sibolga coastal waters to the middle of Sibolga Waters, which is unsuitable for demersal fish species. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll-a content spreads evenly, varies, and fluctuates. The high content of chlorophyll-a in all waters and the high SST will make a certain type of fish that can live, namely carnivorous fish species. Image data can be used to map SST distribution patterns and chlorophyll-a content in Sibolga Waters