10 research outputs found

    Traktaty i umowy o nierozprzestrzenianiu broni jądrowej

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    The paper presents an overview of treaties and international agreements on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons that enable the creation of control and verification systems for nuclear materials. Particular attention paid to the NPT and the role of the IAEA.. The following treaties were discussed: Thateloco, Rarotonga, Bangkok, Pelindaba, Guadalajara and Euratom.W opracowaniu przedstawiono przegląd traktatów i umów międzynarodowych dotyczących nierozprzestrzeniania broni jądrowej umożliwiających tworzenie systemów kontroli i weryfikacji materiałów jądrowych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na Traktat NPT i rolę MAEA. Omówiono również traktaty: Thateloco, Rarotonga, Bangkok, Pelindaba, Guadalajara oraz Euratom

    Non destructive Analysis – verification of Nuclear Materials

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono systemy pomiarowe stosowane do weryfikacji materiałów jądrowych w systemie zabezpieczeń.The study presents measuring systems used for verification of nuclear materials in the Safeguards

    Transport of Radioactive Materials

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono różne rodzaje i sposoby transportu materiałów promieniotwórczych zalecane przez wymagania ochrony radiologicznej i międzynarodowe organizacje transportowe.The paper presents various types and methods of transport of radioactive materials recommended by radiation protection requirements and international transport organizations

    Destructive analysis and supporting systems for verification of nuclea materials

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono systemy pomiarowe i wspomagające stosowane do weryfikacji materiałów jądrowych w systemie Zabezpieczeń. Opisano metody pobierania próbek do badań niszczących oraz metody ich analizy. Omówiono systemy wspomagające obserwacyjno-rejestrujące i systemy zamykania – plombowania.The study presents the measurement and support systems used for verifcation nuclear materials in the Safeguards system. Methods of sampling for destructive testing and methods of their analysis are described. Supporting systems monitoring and surveillance as well as sealing systems are discussed

    Reactor supplier for Polish nuclear power plant choice criteria

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono poza techniczne kryteria wyboru dostawcy reaktora dla polskiej elektrowni.The article present other than strictly technical choice criteria for choosing nuclear technology supplier

    Direct analysis of the consequences of failure at the FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI nuclear power plant. Radioactive contamination

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono wnioski z analizy skutków awarii w elektrowni jądrowej Fukushima Daiichi oraz powstałe zagrożenie radiacyjne w jej wyniku.Analysis of cosequences of Fukushima Daiichi Power plant incydent with respect to resulting radioactivity threat is prsented

    Safeguard in Small Modular Reactors – SMR

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe cechy systemu zabezpieczeń w projektowanych Małych Reaktorach Modularnych – SMR. Rozpowszechnienie małych reaktorów jądrowych budzi uzasadnioną obawę przed ewentualnym rozprzestrzenieniem materiałów jądrowych. Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej (MAEA) opracowuje zalecenia dotyczące kontroli tych materiałów w nowo powstających małych reaktorach o bardzo różnorodnych konstrukcjach na etapie projektowania.The paper presents the basic features of the safeguard at the designed Small Modular Reactors – SMR. The spreading of small nuclear reactors gives rise to a well-founded fear of the possible proliferation of nuclear material. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is developing recommendations for the control of these materials in newly developed small reactors of a wide variety of designs at the design stage

    Impact Loads and Crash Safety of the Cockpit of a Composite Glider

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    One major problem associated with gliding is the safety of the crew during landings in the country outside the airfield. The analysis of glider-accident statistics shows that such out-landings may significantly influence the safety. Therefore, of vital importance are the crashworthiness properties of the glider fuselage structure. The subject of the study was the PW-5 glider fuselage made of composites and subjected to high loads typical of glider crashes. The aim was to provide experimental data for validation of a numerical model of the cockpit-pilot system during impact. Two experimental tests with the composite glider cockpit were performed using a typical car-crash track. During the first test the cockpit with a dummy inside was crashed onto the ground at the angle of 45 degrees at a speed of 55 km/h. Accelerations and deformations at chosen points in the cockpit as well as signals coming from the dummy sensors and forces in the seat belts were recorded. The second test was an impact into a concrete wall at a speed of about 80 km/h. The full-scale tests were accompanied by a number of quasi-static and dynamic laboratory tests on samples of composite material. The experimental tests provided valuable results for the parametrical identification of a simulation model developed using the MADYMO software

    Impact Loads and Crash Safety of the Cockpit of a Composite Glider

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    One major problem associated with gliding is the safety of the crew during landings in the country outside the airfield. The analysis of glider-accident statistics shows that such out-landings may significantly influence the safety. Therefore, of vital importance are the crashworthiness properties of the glider fuselage structure. The subject of the study was the PW-5 glider fuselage made of composites and subjected to high loads typical of glider crashes. The aim was to provide experimental data for validation of a numerical model of the cockpit-pilot system during impact. Two experimental tests with the composite glider cockpit were performed using a typical car-crash track. During the first test the cockpit with a dummy inside was crashed onto the ground at the angle of 45 degrees at a speed of 55 km/h. Accelerations and deformations at chosen points in the cockpit as well as signals coming from the dummy sensors and forces in the seat belts were recorded. The second test was an impact into a concrete wall at a speed of about 80 km/h. The full-scale tests were accompanied by a number of quasi-static and dynamic laboratory tests on samples of composite material. The experimental tests provided valuable results for the parametrical identification of a simulation model developed using the MADYMO software

    Impact Loads and Crash Safety of the Cockpit of a Composite Glider

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    One major problem associated with gliding is the safety of the crew during landings in the country outside the airfield. The analysis of glider-accident statistics shows that such out-landings may significantly influence the safety. Therefore, of vital importance are the crashworthiness properties of the glider fuselage structure. The subject of the study was the PW-5 glider fuselage made of composites and subjected to high loads typical of glider crashes. The aim was to provide experimental data for validation of a numerical model of the cockpit-pilot system during impact. Two experimental tests with the composite glider cockpit were performed using a typical car-crash track. During the first test the cockpit with a dummy inside was crashed onto the ground at the angle of 45 degrees at a speed of 55 km/h. Accelerations and deformations at chosen points in the cockpit as well as signals coming from the dummy sensors and forces in the seat belts were recorded. The second test was an impact into a concrete wall at a speed of about 80 km/h. The full-scale tests were accompanied by a number of quasi-static and dynamic laboratory tests on samples of composite material. The experimental tests provided valuable results for the parametrical identification of a simulation model developed using the MADYMO software