2 research outputs found

    Lack of Serum Creatinine Decrease After Coronary Angiography Despite Prophylactic Hydration After Routine Coronary Angiography/Angioplasty in Stable Angina Patients - Pilot Study

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    Background/Aims: To prevent contrast induced renal dysfunction a periprocedural prophylactic hydration is applied. Due to dilution it should cause a drop in serum creatinine concentration (SCR). Surprisingly, no reduction in SCR after contrast admission is found in up to 25% of patients as early as 12-18 hours after coronary angiography/angioplasty. This study aims to find a clinical explanation as well as predict circumstances for this phenomenon. Methods: Retrospective clinical and laboratory data was used from 341 patients who underwent elective coronary angiography/angioplasty, received a prophylactic hydration, and had serum creatinine concentration measured prior to, and 12-18 hours after invasive procedure with iodine contrast administration. To exclude an improper hydration due to no creatinine decrease, the number of red blood cells was analysed as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit in blood donations collected during the study time points. Results: The resulting lack of serum creatinine reduction could be explained by dehydration (measured by increase in number of RBC, HGB and HCT) only in 13.5% , 10.8 %, and 20% of cases, respectively. Any form of abnormal glucose metabolism combined with either baseline serum creatinine concentration 86.77 mL/min, or GFR by CKD EPI >80.08 mL/min/1.73 m2, or GFR by MDRD >74.48 mL/min/1.73 m2 were the predictors for no creatinine decrease at outcome. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the lack of creatinine decrease was more often observed among those patients whose initial renal function was better than in the subjects with reduction of SCR. Conclusions: This observation requires further prospective investigation on extended group of patients

    Characteristics of circulating endothelial cells obtained from non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with additional diastolic dysfunction of left ventricle observed in echocardiography

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    Background: Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be used to find new strategies for the early di­agnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The major objective of the project is to broaden knowledge of CEC biology by determining their phenotypic characteristics. The additional aim is to clarify whether on the basis of these information it is possible to identify the origin of CEC release (from various cardiovascular compartments). Methods: Circulating endothelial cells were collected from arterial blood prior to angiography, as well as from arterial and venous blood obtained after angiography/coronary angioplasty, from 18 patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). CECs were quantified by flow cytometry and defined as Syto16 (dye)+, CD45dim/neg, CD31+ and CD146+. The additional CD36+ was establish as a marker of endothelial cells released from small vessels of the microcirculation. Results: The total number of CECs increased significantly after the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in the arterial system. Number of CECs isolated at similar time points (after invasive procedure) did not differ significantly between arteries and veins, but the number of CD36+ CECs after coronary angioplasty was significantly higher in the venous system, than in the arterial system. Conclusions: The number of CD36+ in artery samples obtained after coronary angioplasty (PTCA) had tendency to be decreased (in comparison to the sample obtained before angiography). It was major difference between those who had PTCA performed vs. those who had not