9 research outputs found

    The influence of different intensity treadmill efforts on the sense of rhythm of non-professional runners – pilot study

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how global effort affects the rhythm of multi-joint coordination in the global task. We wanted to examine how this specific kind of fatigue impacts sense of rhythm. Methods: In this study, fourteen non-professsional runners performed two effort trials of different intensity, where speed was set individually according to the speed of running when participants reached lactate threshold. Before and after each effort trial they had to perform the rhythm test. Results: Two-way analysis of variance ANOVA did not reveal significant differences among the variables of pre- and post-effort rhythm test. It is suggested that these results are supported by the application of different movement strategies to compensate for fatigue, and possible motor learning effect of simple timing performance. Conclusions: In our opinion the training workout routine should include cyclic technical exercises after fatigue. Not only to develop and improve energetics of movement, but also to learn and perfect different movement patterns and develop novel movement strategies