120 research outputs found


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    Objective: to ground the choice of ships’ ballast water decontamination methods with disinfection substance under the title «Biopag-D».Materials and Methods: for study of methods of ballast water decontamination in preliminary experiment in vitro with selected concentration «Biopag-D», in which disinfectant has a the strong antibacterial effect against the test microorganisms.Results: based on the established concentrations the methods of ballast water decontamination are developed (irrigation of empty ballast tanks, adding the working concentration of the disinfectant in complete ballast tanks and the combined method).Conclusion: the offered methods of ship’s ballast water decontamination with disinfection substance are a new disinfection technology and will assist contribute to the implementation of the international quality standard of ballast water in the Russian Federation

    Теплоснабжение полевого госпиталя, функционирующего в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций

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    The paper considers a possibility to use a heat generator in a heat supply system of a field hospital which is operating under emergency conditions. Comparison of heat efficiency with the data existing in the literature has been done in the paper.Рассматривается возможность использования теплогенератора в системе теплоснабжения полевого госпиталя, работающего в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций. Выполнено сравнение теплоотдачи с уже имеющимися в литературе данными

    Genomic features of resistant <i>Klebsiella pneumonia</i>, isolated from the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric hospital patients

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    Introduction. Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CP-Kp), which are international high-risk clones, have become a problem of utmost importance. CP-Kps, adapting to the hospital environment, evolve into convergent pathotypes. Such variants combine traits of two genetic lineages: multidrug resistant (MDR) and hypervirulent. The pathotypes, along with MDR K. pneumoniae, pose an exceptional threat to young patients during systemic infection. The objective of this study is the detailed molecular genetic analysis of MDR isolates of K. pneumoniae detected during the monitoring of resistant Gram-negative bacteria at the National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health in 2014–2021. Materials and methods. Whole-genome sequencing with a subsequent bioinformatics analysis of eight MDR isolates from the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. Results. MDR isolates belonged to 4 sublineages (SL): SL307, SL395, SL29 and SL1198. In the genomes of 6 pangrug-resistant (PDR) isolates, genes associated with resistance to all categories of antibiotics recommended for Enterobacteriaceae therapy were identified. Plasmids were present in all genomes. In 6 isolates, plasmids contained heavy metal ion resistance operons in addition to antibiotic resistance genes. Prophages within the plasmids were also involved in the transfer of resistance genes. The ST395 isolate from the cerebrospinal fluid belonged to the convergent pathotype in terms of resistance and virulence. Comparison of genomes within SLs revealed recombination events in the K- and O-locus regions and the Yersiniabactin operon. Conclusion. Thus, in a sample of resistant K. pneumoniae isolated from bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid, 6 PDR isolates were detected, one of which belongs to the convergent pathotype ST395

    Active medulloblastoma enhancers reveal subgroup-specific cellular origins

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    Medulloblastoma is a highly malignant paediatric brain tumour, often inflicting devastating consequences on the developing child. Genomic studies have revealed four distinct molecular subgroups with divergent biology and clinical behaviour. An understanding of the regulatory circuitry governing the transcriptional landscapes of medulloblastoma subgroups, and how this relates to their respective developmental origins, is lacking. Here, using H3K27ac and BRD4 chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) coupled with tissue-matched DNA methylation and transcriptome data, we describe the active cis-regulatory landscape across 28 primary medulloblastoma specimens. Analysis of differentially regulated enhancers and super-enhancers reinforced inter-subgroup heterogeneity and revealed novel, clinically relevant insights into medulloblastoma biology. Computational reconstruction of core regulatory circuitry identified a master set of transcription factors, validated by ChIP-seq, that is responsible for subgroup divergence, and implicates candidate cells of origin for Group 4. Our integrated analysis of enhancer elements in a large series of primary tumour samples reveals insights into cis-regulatory architecture, unrecognized dependencies, and cellular origins


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    This article is a result of a research by USUAA and UrFU students during the period from 01.09.2016 to 31.10.2016 in research more than 70 students and 15 building companies had participated. In the research, information about energy saving measures in business and dwelling buildings in Ekaterinburg was collected and analyzed. The article describes developers’ energy saving measures and compares them with leading foreign methods. Forecasts and recommendations for development in the site of the energy efficient real estate are offered.Данная работа выполнена на основании исследования, проведенного студентами УрГАХУ и УрФУ в период с 01.09.2016 по 31.10.2016, в рамках учебного курса УрГАХУ «Энергосбережение в архитектуре», в котором приняло участие более 70 студентов и 15 строительных компаний. В статье описаны результаты исследования и комплексного анализа энергоэффективных мероприятий, реализуемых застройщиками в г. Екатеринбурге, а также приведено сравнение местных энергоэффективных жилых комплексов с передовыми зарубежными аналогами. Предложены прогнозы и рекомендации для развития в сфере энергоэффективной недвижимости

    Экспрессия iNOS и биосинтез метаболитов оксида азота при росте опухолей различного гистогенеза

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    The dynamics of the production of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites: nitrites, nitrates, volatile nitrosamines and iNOS expression was studied in mice with subcutaneous transplanted, spontaneous and chemical- induced tumors. Tumor growth was accompanied by increased production of nitrites + nitrates in tumors or their release with urine that not dependent on tumor histotype. The total concentration of nitrites and nitrates in tumors reached micromolar levels characteristic of nitrosative stress. The ability of peritoneal macrophages + monocytes to generates nitrites was suppressed at the stage of intensive growth of the Lewis lung carcinoma, which may indicate a decrease in the cytotoxic properties of immune cells. The possibility of formation in the Erlich carcinoma of volative N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrosodiethylamine compounds with pronounced carcinogenic properties was demonstrated. A positive expression of iNOS was revealed in some areas of lung carcinoma at all investigated time points using the immunohistochemical method. The lungs metastases were not stain or weakly stained. This may indicate selection of the cells with a low activity of iNOS migrating in the lungs.Изучены в динамике образование метаболитов оксида азота (NO): нитритов, нитратов, летучих нитрозаминов, а также экспрессия фермента – индуцибельной NO-синтазы (iNOS) в экспериментах на мышах c подкожно перевиваемыми, спонтанными и химически индуцированными опухолями. Выявлено повышенное образование нитритов + нитратов в опухолях или их выделение с мочой при росте опухолей независимо от их гистологического типа. Суммарная концентрация нитритов и нитратов в опухолях достигает микромолярных уровней, характерных для нитрозирующего стресса. Способность перитонеальных макрофагов + моноцитов генерировать нитриты подавляется на стадии интенсивного роста карциномы легких Льюиса, что может указывать на снижение цитотоксических свойств иммунных клеток. Показана возможность образования в опухолях карциномы Эрлиха летучих N-нитрозодиметиламина и N-нитрозодиэтиламина – соединений с выраженными канцерогенными свойствами. С использованием иммуногистохимического метода выявлена положительная экспрессия iNOS в отдельных участках опухолевой ткани карциномы легких на всех контролируемых сроках роста опухолей. Иммуноокрашивание отсутствовало или было слабым в метастазах легких. Это может свидетельствовать о селекционном отборе клеток с низкой активностью iNOS, мигрирующих в легкие

    Анализ эффективности использования различных типов рекуператоров в нагревательных печах металлургического производства

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    The paper considers an operation of a metallic recuperator under conditions of heat exchange surface drift with scale and soot deposits. It has been shown that after one-year of its operation heat transfer factor decreases by 100–200 %. The paper contains recommendations for selection of a metallic recuperator.Рассмотрена реальная картина работы металлического рекуператора в условиях заноса поверхности теплообмена окалиной и сажестными отложениями. Показано, что по истечении первого года его работы коэффициент теплопередачи снижается на 100–200 %.Даны рекомендации по выбору металлического рекуператора

    О целесообразности использования вихревого теплогенератора при реализации теплоснабжения объектов, работающих в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций

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    The paper reveals an expediency (at sufficient efficiency of power transfer coefficient) of a BH-type vortex heat generator while realizing heat supply for an object operating in an emergency situation.A methodology is proposed for conducting an experiment pertaining to heat transfer from a heating device to heat atmosphere.Показана целесообразность (при достаточной эффективности коэффициента преобразования энергии) вихревого теплогенератора типа ВН при реализации теплоснабжения объекта, работающего в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций.Изложена методика проведения эксперимента, касающегося теплоотдачи от нагревательного прибора к обогреваемому воздуху

    Peculiarities of the influenza viruses circulation and their properties during 2018-2019 epidemic season in Russia and countries of the Northern Hemisphere

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    Objective. To identify the drift variability of influenza viruses during the period of epidemic rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in the period 2018-2019. The biological and molecular-genetic properties of epidemic strains isolated in certain territories of the Russian Federation were studied and compared with data from the countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Materials and methods. A range of laboratory diagnostic methods has been applied, including immune fluorescence, RT-PCR, sequencing, methods for determining sensitivity to influenza drugs and receptor specificity. Results and discussion. The proportion of influenza viruses was as follows: A (H1N1) pdm09 - 53 %, A (H3N2) - 46 %, B - about 1 %. Cases of severe acute respiratory infections have most often been associated with influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 virus. According to antigenic properties, isolated strains corresponded to the properties of vaccine viruses (A/Michigan/45/2015 - by 99.6 % and A/Singapore INFIMH-16-0019/2016 - by 86 %). The heterogeneity of influenza A virus strains population was revealed as regards individual mutations in hemaglutinin. The influenza B virus population was equally represented by both evolutionary lines (B/Victoria and B/Yamagata-like). Receptor specificity was favorable for the course and outcome of the disease. Among 70 studied epidemic strains, no strains resistant to anti-neuraminidase drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir, were detected. The article presents WHO recommendations on the composition of influenza vaccines for the countries of the Northern Hemisphere for 2019-2020, provides data on cases of human infection with avian influenza viruses A(H5N1), A(H5N6), A(H7N9) and A(H9N2)

    Промышленный унифицированный рекуператор на базе модульных элементов «Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0 (типоряд М-I и М-II)

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    The paper proposes a fundamentally new modification of cast iron recuperative heat exchanger assembled on the basis of the following modules: «Silal» M-I 115x460x860-05 and «Silal» M-II 230x460x860-1.0.It is shown that such recuperative heat exchanger does not have the disadvantages which are inherent to presently applied recuperators.Предлагается принципиально новая модификация чугунного рекуператора, собранного из модулей («Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0).Показано, что такой рекуператор лишен недостатков, которые присущи используемым в настоящее время