59 research outputs found

    Solution of the Skyrme HF+BCS equation on a 3D mesh. II. A new version of the Ev8 code

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    We describe a new version of the EV8 code that solves the nuclear Skyrme-Hartree-Fock+BCS problem using a 3-dimensional cartesian mesh. Several new features have been implemented with respect to the earlier version published in 2005. In particular, the numerical accuracy has been improved for a given mesh size by (i) implementing a new solver to determine the Coulomb potential for protons (ii) implementing a more precise method to calculate the derivatives on a mesh that had already been implemented earlier in our beyond-mean-field codes. The code has been made very flexible to enable the use of a large variety of Skyrme energy density functionals that have been introduced in the last years. Finally, the treatment of the constraints that can be introduced in the mean-field equations has been improved. The code Ev8 is today the tool of choice to study the variation of the energy of a nucleus from its ground state to very elongated or triaxial deformations with a well-controlled accuracy.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Finite-temperature mean-field approximations for shell model Hamiltonians: the code HF-SHELL

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    We present the code HF-SHELL for solving the self-consistent mean-field equations for configuration-interaction shell model Hamiltonians in the proton-neutron formalism. The code can calculate both ground-state and finite-temperature properties in the Hartree-Fock (HF), HF+Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (HF+BCS), and the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) mean-field approximations. Particle-number projection after variation is incorporated to reduce the grand-canonical ensemble to the canonical ensemble, making the code particularly suitable for the calculation of nuclear state densities. The code does not impose axial symmetry and allows for triaxial quadrupole deformations. The self-consistency cycle is particularly robust through the use of the heavy-ball optimization technique and the implementation of different options to constrain the quadrupole degrees of freedom.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, source code repository can be found at http://github.com/wryssens/hf-shel

    Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass models on a 3D mesh: II. Time-reversal symmetry breaking

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    Models based on nuclear energy density functionals can provide access to a multitude of observables for thousands of nuclei in a single framework with microscopic foundations. Such models can rival the accuracy of more phenomenological approaches, but doing so requires adjusting parameters to thousands of nuclear masses. To keep such large-scale fits feasible, several symmetry restrictions are generally imposed on the nuclear configurations. One such example is time-reversal invariance, which is generally enforced via the Equal Filling Approximation (EFA). Here we lift this assumption, enabling us to access the spin and current densities in the ground states of odd-mass and odd-odd nuclei and which contribute to the total energy of such nuclei through so-called "time-odd" terms. We present here the Skyrme-based BSkG2 model whose parameters were adjusted to essentially all known nuclear masses without relying on the EFA, refining our earlier work [G. Scamps et al., EPJA 57, 333 (2021), arXiv:2011.07904]. Moving beyond ground state properties, we also incorporated information on the fission barriers of actinide nuclei in the parameter adjustment. The resulting model achieves a root-mean-square (rms) deviation of (i) 0.678 MeV on 2457 known masses, (ii) 0.027 fm on 884 measured charge radii, (iii) 0.44 MeV and 0.47 MeV, respectively, on 45 reference values for primary and secondary fission barriers of actinide nuclei, and (iv) 0.49 MeV on 28 fission isomer excitation energies. We limit ourselves here to a description of the model and the study the impact of lifting the EFA on ground state properties such as binding energies, deformation and pairing, deferring a detailed discussion of fission to a forthcoming paper.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figure

    Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass models on a 3D mesh: III. From atomic nuclei to neutron stars

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    We present BSkG3, the latest entry in the Brussels-Skyrme-on-a-grid series of large-scale models of nuclear structure based on an energy density functional. Compared to its predecessors, the new model offers a more realistic description of nucleonic matter at the extreme densities relevant to neutron stars. We achieve the former by incorporating a constraint on the infinite nuclear matter properties at high densities in the parameter adjustment, ensuring in this way that the predictions of BSkG3 for the nuclear Equation of State are compatible with the observational evidence for heavy pulsars with M>2MM > 2 M_{\odot}. Instead of the usual phenomenological pairing terms, we also employ a more microscopically founded treatment of nucleon pairing, resulting in extrapolations to high densities that are in line with the predictions of advanced many-body methods and are hence more suited to the study of superfluidity in neutron stars. By adopting an extended form of the Skyrme functional, we are able to reconcile the description of matter at high densities and at saturation density: the new model further refines the description of atomic nuclei offered by its predecessors. A qualitative improvement is our inclusion of ground state reflection asymmetry, in addition to the spontaneous breaking of rotational, axial, and time-reversal symmetry. Quantitatively, the model offers lowered root-mean-square deviations on 2457 masses (0.631 MeV), 810 charge radii (0.0237 fm) and an unmatched accuracy with respect to 45 primary fission barriers of actinide nuclei (0.33 MeV). Reconciling the complexity of neutron stars with those of atomic nuclei establishes BSkG3 as a tool of choice for applications to nuclear structure, the nuclear equation of state and nuclear astrophysics in general

    Progress on Brussels-Skyrme atomic mass models on a grid: stiff neutron matter equation of state

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    We report here the current developments on the Brussels-Skyrme-on-a-Grid (BSkG) atomic mass models. In comparison with our previous models, BSkG3 improves the infinite nuclear matter (INM) properties which opens its applications to neutron stars. The results presented here show that BSkG3 preserve the excellent agreement with experimental nuclear masses and radii, together with fission barriers of actinides obtained by BSkG1 and BSkG2, while the nuclear matter properties are considerably improved.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    The mass of odd-odd nuclei in microscopic mass models

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    Accurate estimates of the binding energy of nuclei far from stability that cannot be produced in the laboratory are crucial to our understanding of nuclear processes in astrophysical scenarios. Models based on energy density functionals have shown that they are capable of reproducing all known masses with root-mean-square error better than 800 keV, while retaining a firm microscopic foundation. However, it was recently pointed out in [M. Hukkanen et al., arXiv:2210.10674] that the recent BSkG1 model fails to account for a contribution to the binding energy that is specific to odd-odd nuclei, and which can be studied by using appropriate mass difference formulas. We analyse here the (lacking) performance of three recent microscopic mass models with respect to such formulas and examine possibilities to remedy this deficiency in the future.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Contribution to the proceedings of INPC 2022, Cape Town, South Afric