9 research outputs found

    Cryo-EM structures of amyloid-β 42 filaments from human brains

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    Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a loss of memory and other cognitive functions and the filamentous assembly of Aβ and tau in the brain. The assembly of Aβ peptides into filaments that end at residue 42 is a central event. Yang et al. used electron cryo–electron microscopy to determine the structures of Aβ42 filaments from human brain (see the Perspective by Willem and Fändrich). They identified two types of related S-shaped filaments, each consisting of two identical protofilaments. These structures will inform the development of better in vitro and animal models, inhibitors of Aβ42 assembly, and imaging agents with increased specificity and sensitivity. —SM

    Age-dependent formation of TMEM106B amyloid filaments in human brains.

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    Many age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, are characterized by abundant inclusions of amyloid filaments. Filamentous inclusions of the proteins tau, amyloid-β, α-synuclein and transactive response DNA-binding protein (TARDBP; also known as TDP-43) are the most common1,2. Here we used structure determination by cryogenic electron microscopy to show that residues 120-254 of the lysosomal type II transmembrane protein 106B (TMEM106B) also form amyloid filaments in human brains. We determined the structures of TMEM106B filaments from a number of brain regions of 22 individuals with abundant amyloid deposits, including those resulting from sporadic and inherited tauopathies, amyloid-β amyloidoses, synucleinopathies and TDP-43 proteinopathies, as well as from the frontal cortex of 3 individuals with normal neurology and no or only a few amyloid deposits. We observed three TMEM106B folds, with no clear relationships between folds and diseases. TMEM106B filaments correlated with the presence of a 29-kDa sarkosyl-insoluble fragment and globular cytoplasmic inclusions, as detected by an antibody specific to the carboxy-terminal region of TMEM106B. The identification of TMEM106B filaments in the brains of older, but not younger, individuals with normal neurology indicates that they form in an age-dependent manner

    Age-dependent formation of TMEM106B amyloid filaments in human brains

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    Many age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, are characterized by abundant inclusions of amyloid filaments. Filamentous inclusions of the proteins tau, amyloid-β, α-synuclein and transactive response DNA-binding protein (TARDBP; also known as TDP-43) are the most common1,2. Here we used structure determination by cryogenic electron microscopy to show that residues 120-254 of the lysosomal type II transmembrane protein 106B (TMEM106B) also form amyloid filaments in human brains. We determined the structures of TMEM106B filaments from a number of brain regions of 22 individuals with abundant amyloid deposits, including those resulting from sporadic and inherited tauopathies, amyloid-β amyloidoses, synucleinopathies and TDP-43 proteinopathies, as well as from the frontal cortex of 3 individuals with normal neurology and no or only a few amyloid deposits. We observed three TMEM106B folds, with no clear relationships between folds and diseases. TMEM106B filaments correlated with the presence of a 29-kDa sarkosyl-insoluble fragment and globular cytoplasmic inclusions, as detected by an antibody specific to the carboxy-terminal region of TMEM106B. The identification of TMEM106B filaments in the brains of older, but not younger, individuals with normal neurology indicates that they form in an age-dependent manner