233 research outputs found

    Gimnazjaliści w epoce wtórnej oralności. Analiza wybranych wypowiedzi pisemnych

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    The issue of the article concerns the literacy of the young generation of Poles. The author shows how the texts written by secondary school students are changing under the influence of new media, the expansion of visual perception of the world and the universal acceptance of informality in the way of thinking and language use. A particular attention is given to a situational text index and interactivity. The exemplary mate­rial comes from a variety of works written by junior high school students who took part in a nationwide research.The issue of the article concerns the literacy of the young generation of Poles. The author shows how the texts written by secondary school students are changing under the influence of new media, the expansion of visual perception of the world and the universal acceptance of informality in the way of thinking and language use. A particular attention is given to a situational text index and interactivity. The exemplary mate­rial comes from a variety of works written by junior high school students who took part in a nationwide research

    Moja Polska? – dyskursy tożsamościowe w edukacji polonistycznej

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    The aim of the article is to define the essence of national identity of education discourse. Institutional education plays the crucial role to pass on this identity. These institutions are in power to influence young generations attending primary and compulsory schools. This way every student is given the same meaning of different social phenomenon, common cultural patterns and even patterns of interpreting the place of individual in the group – most of all in the nation. This article is devoted to the analysis of the patterns of national identity of different kinds of texts placed in the textbooks and shows topos, myths and symbols shaping this identity. The textbooks analysis proceeds on synchronous and diachronic ground. This analysis shows that currently school education does not have a great impact on the national identity of the young generation and each student shapes his/her national identity through his/her own affiliation of different pa tterns.Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie istoty narodowej tożsamości w dyskursie edukacyjnym. Edukacja instytucjonalna odgrywa kluczową rolę w przekazywaniu tej tożsamości. Szkoły jako instytucje państwowe mają wpływ na całe młode pokolenia obowiązkowo uczęszczające do szkół podstawowych. W ten sposób każdemu uczniowi przekazuje się ten sam sposób rozumienia różnych zjawisk społecznych, wspólne wzorce kulturowe, a nawet wzory interpretacji miejsca jednostki w grupie – przede wszystkim we wspólnocie narodowej. Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie wzorów tożsamości narodowej w różnego rodzaju tekstach zamieszczanych w podręcznikach, wskazuje toposy, mity i symbole kształtujące tę tożsamość. Analiza podręczników przebiega na poziomie synchronicznym i diachronicznym i pokazuje, że obecnie edukacja szkolna nie ma wielkiego wpływu na tożsamość narodową młodego pokolenia, i że każdy uczeń kształtuje swoją tożsamość narodową poprzez własną afiliację różnych wzorców tej tożsamości

    Educational discourse in the processual-cognitive perspective

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    The paper attempts at presenting diversity in discourse research and defining educational discourse in its new cognitive-procesual aspect. The analysis is concentrated on formalized educational discourse undergoing ideological influences through mass, public and government supervised education. For the detailed discussion multiperspective method including critical and rhetorical analysis has been proposed acknowledging the separateness of makro and discursive strategies together with their topoi in the common ideological – cognitive mean

    Kupieckie ogłoszenia prasowe zamieszczane w „Dzienniku Bydgoskim” z lat 1907–1914 – rekonesans badawczy

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    The aim of this article is to explain the specificity of Bydgoszcz merchants’ mercantile discourse at the beginning of 20th century. It was time of rapid industrialization and economic changes. Advertisements not only met Bydgoszcz inhabitants’ needs but also started to create them. However, “Dziennik Bydgoski” documents keeping mercantile traditions. Published advertisements usually refer to an old model of informational announcement that was usually consisted of a specific offer in the form of a list of offered goods. Company owner’s name was the only quality assurance. Another popular form of advertising had a form of a short letter, where the merchant talked directly to their potential clients. Basic strategies used in this kind of advertisement were based on expressing respect to the customer and offering additional service. But the most characteristic feature of mentioned advertisements was appealing to patriotic feelings of customers. Encouraging people to buy in Polish shops and placing ads of Polish merchants was a form of resistance against growing Germanization in Bydgoszcz. This feature of the announcements published in “Dziennik Bydgoski” distinguish them from advertisements printed in Polish newspapers in Polish Kingdom and Galicia

    Niezgoda i dialog

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    Między uniwersytetem a szkołą. Jak przygotować studentów specjalności nauczycielskiej do współczesnego kształcenia językowego

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    The purpose of this article is to show the role of the university in the transfer of knowledge and to prepare future teachers to transfer this knowledge at school. This is an extremely important problem due to contemporary cultural and social changes causing very dynamic language changes. The methods used to describe the language are changing as well. The language education model is already anachronistic in Polish schools because it doesn’t respond to this evolutionm which is why universities must prepare future teachers to react to changes on their own.The purpose of this article is to show the role of the university in the transfer of knowledge and to prepare future teachers to transfer this knowledge at school. This is an extremely important problem due to contemporary cultural and social changes causing very dynamic language changes. The methods used to describe the language are changing as well. The language education model is already anachronistic in Polish schools because it doesn’t respond to this evolutionm which is why universities must prepare future teachers to react to changes on their own

    Ważny temat – lingwodydaktyka

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    Wspólnota norm czy rozchwiany indywidualizm? Trudny dylemat współczesnego kształcenia językoweg

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    The aim of this article is to show the tension between collectively accepted tradition and individualism of choices. This issue has been presented as an example of issues related to the language standard. On the one hand, the linguistic norm codifies and perpetuates linguistic phenomena, thus contributing to the maintenance of traditional social ties. On the other hand, it is the object of contestation of language users, and, under their influence, it gradually changes. Everyone can decide what language to use. The importance of traditional authorities has decreased under the influence of the media. It seems, however, that institutionalized education still plays and may still play a key role in gathering the dispersed linguistic awareness and build around it a community open to various forms and ways of communication.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie napięcia między zbiorowo akceptowaną tradycją a indywidualizmem wyborów. Problematyka ta została przedstawiona na przykładzie zagadnień związanych ze standardami językowym. Z jednej strony norma językowa kodyfikuje i utrwala zjawiska językowe, przyczyniając się w ten sposób do podtrzymania tradycyjnych więzi społecznych. Z drugiej strony jest przedmiotem kontestacji użytkowników języka i pod ich wpływem stopniowo się zmienia. Znaczenie tradycyjnych autorytetów zmalało pod wpływem mediów oraz przemian zachodzących w strukturze wykształcenia. W obecnej sytuacji każdy może zdecydować, jaki język uważa za poprawny. Wydaje się jednak, że edukacja zinstytucjonalizowana nadal odgrywa i może nadal odgrywać kluczową rolę w gromadzeniu rozproszonej świadomości językowej i budowaniu wokół niej wspólnoty otwartej na różne formy i sposoby komunikowania się

    Simple ecological trade-offs give rise to emergent cross-ecosystem distributions of a coral reef fish

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    Ecosystems are intricately linked by the flow of organisms across their boundaries, and such connectivity can be essential to the structure and function of the linked ecosystems. For example, many coral reef fish populations are maintained by the movement of individuals from spatially segregated juvenile habitats (i.e., nurseries, such as mangroves and seagrass beds) to areas preferred by adults. It is presumed that nursery habitats provide for faster growth (higher food availability) and/or low predation risk for juveniles, but empirical data supporting this hypothesis is surprisingly lacking for coral reef fishes. Here, we investigate potential mechanisms (growth, predation risk, and reproductive investment) that give rise to the distribution patterns of a common Caribbean reef fish species, Haemulon flavolineatum (French grunt). Adults were primarily found on coral reefs, whereas juvenile fish only occurred in non-reef habitats. Contrary to our initial expectations, analysis of length-at-age revealed that growth rates were highest on coral reefs and not within nursery habitats. Survival rates in tethering trials were 0% for small juvenile fish transplanted to coral reefs and 24–47% in the nurseries. As fish grew, survival rates on coral reefs approached those in non-reef habitats (56 vs. 77–100%, respectively). As such, predation seems to be the primary factor driving across-ecosystem distributions of this fish, and thus the primary reason why mangrove and seagrass habitats function as nursery habitat. Identifying the mechanisms that lead to such distributions is critical to develop appropriate conservation initiatives, identify essential fish habitat, and predict impacts associated with environmental change