54 research outputs found

    An Intermediate-band imaging survey for high-redshift Lyman Alpha Emitters: The Mahoroba-11

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    We present results of our intermediate-band optical imaging survey for high-zz Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs) using the prime focus camera, Suprime-Cam, on the 8.2m Subaru Telescope. In our survey, we use eleven filters; four broad-band filters (BB, RcR_{\rm c}, iâ€Či^\prime, and zâ€Čz^\prime) and seven intermediate-band filters covering from 500 nm to 720 nm; we call this imaging program as the Mahoroba-11. The seven intermediate-band filters are selected from the IA filter series that is the Suprime-Cam intermediate-band filter system whose spectral resolution is R=23R = 23. Our survey has been made in a 34â€Č×27â€Č34^\prime \times 27^\prime sky area in the Subaru XMM Newton Deep Survey field. We have found 409 IA-excess objects that provide us a large photometric sample of strong emission-line objects. Applying the photometric redshift method to this sample, we obtained a new sample of 198 LAE candidates at 3<z<53 < z < 5. We found that there is no evidence for evolution of the number density and the star formation rate density for LAEs with log⁥L(Lyα)(ergs−1)>42.67\log L({\rm Ly}\alpha) ({\rm erg s^{-1}}) > 42.67 between z∌3z \sim 3 and 5.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures, PASJ, Vol.57, No.6, in pres

    Strong Emission-Line Galaxies at Low Redshift in the Field around the Quasar SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2

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    We discuss observational properties of strong emission-line galaxies at low redshift found by our deep imaging survey for high-redshift Ly alpha emitters. In our surveys, we used the narrowband filter, NB816 (lambda_center=8150A with FWHM = 120A), and the intermediate-band filter, IA827 (lambda_center = 8270A with FWHM = 340A). In this survey, 62 NB816-excess (> 0.9 mag) and 21 IA827-excess (> 0.8 mag) objects were found. Among them, we found 20 NB816-excess and 4 IA827-excess Ly alpha emitter candidates. Therefore, it turns out that 42 NB816-excess and 17 IA827-excess objects are strong emission-line objects at lower redshift. Since 4 objects in the two low-z samples are common, the total number of strong low-z emitters is 55. Applying our photometric redshift technique, we identify 7 H alpha emitters at z~0.24, 20 H beta-[OIII] ones at z~0.65, and 11 [OII] ones at z~1.19. However, we cannot determine reliable photometric redshifts of the remaining 17 emitters. The distributions of their rest frame equivalent widths are consistently understood with recent studies of galaxy evolution from z~1 to z~0.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, PASJ, Vol. 58, No. 1, in pres

    Detection of Polarized Broad Emission in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 573

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    We report the discovery of the scattered emission from a hidden broad-line region (BLR) in a Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 573, based on our recent spectropolarimetric observation performed at the Subaru Telescope. This object has been regarded as a type 2 AGN without a hidden BLR by the previous observations. However, our high quality spectrum of the polarized flux of Mrk 573 shows prominent broad (~3000 km/s) H_alpha emission, broad weak H_beta emission, and subtle Fe II multiplet emission. Our new detection of these indications for the presence of the hidden BLR in the nucleus of Mrk 573 is thought to be owing to the high signal-to-noise ratio of our data, but the possibility of a time variation of the scattered BLR emission is also mentioned. Some diagnostic quantities such as the IRAS color, the radio power, and the line ratio of the emission from the narrow-line region of Mrk 573 are consistent with the distributions of such quantities of type 2 AGNs with a hidden BLR. Mrk 573 is thought to be an object whose level of the AGN activity is the weakest among the type 2 AGNs with a hidden BLR. In terms of the systematic differences between the type 2 AGNs with and without a hidden BLR, we briefly comment on an interesting Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 266SW, which may possess a hidden BLR but has been treated as a type 2 AGNs without a hidden BLR.Comment: 9 pages including 6 figures, to appear in The Astronomical Journa

    The Intermediate-band Dropout Method: A New Method to Search for High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We propose a new method to search for high-redshift galaxies that is based on an intermediate-band dropout technique rather than the usual broad-band dropout one. In this method, we use an intermediate-band filter whose central wavelength is longer than 7000 \AA. This new method makes it possible to distinguish both very late-type stars such as L and T dwarfs and dusty galaxies at intermediate redshift from real high-zz Lyman break galaxies. The reason for this is that such interlopers do not show strong intermediate-band depression although they have very red broad-band colors that are indicative of Lyman break galaxies. Applying our new method to imaging data sets obtained with the Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope, we find a new sample of Lyman break galaxies at z≃5z \simeq 5.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, PASJ, Vol.57, No.2, in pres

    A Subaru Search for Lyman-Alpha Emitters at z=5.8 with an Intermediate-Band Filter

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    We present the results of a survey for Ly-alpha emitters at z ~ 5.8 using a new intermediate-band filter centered at lambda_c = 8275 AA with Delta-lambda_FWHM = 340 AA (i.e., the spectroscopic resolution is R ~ 23) with a combination with a traditional narrow-band centered at lambda_c = 8150 AA with Delta-lambda_FWHM = 120 AA (R ~ 68). Our observations were made with use of the Subaru Prime Focus Camera, Suprime-Cam, on the 8.2 m Subaru telescope in a sky area surrounding the high redshift quasar, SDSSp J104433.04-012522.2 at z=5.74, covering an effective sky area with ~ 720 arcmin^2. In this survey, we have found four Ly-alpha-emitter candidates from the intermediate-band image (z \~ 5.8 with Delta z ~ 0.3). Combined with our previous results based on the NB816 imaging, we discuss the star formation activity in galaxies between z ~ 5.7 and z ~ 5.9.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Clinicopathological characteristics of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis resulting in a totally locked-in state (communication Stage V)

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    In the present study, we performed a comprehensive analysis to clarify the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that had progressed to result in a totally locked-in state (communication Stage V), in which all voluntary movements are lost and communication is impossible. In 11 patients, six had phosphorylated TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (pTDP-43)-immunoreactive (ir) neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), two had fused in sarcoma (FUS)-ir NCI, and three had copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1)-ir NCI. The time from ALS onset to the need for tracheostomy invasive ventilation was less than 24 months in ten patients. Regardless of accumulated protein, all the patients showed common lesions in the pallido-nigro-luysian system, brainstem reticular formation, and cerebellar efferent system, in addition to motor neurons. In patients with pTDP-43-ir NCI, patients with NCI in the hippocampal dentate granule neurons (DG) showed a neuronal loss in the cerebral cortex, and patients without NCI in DG showed a preserved cerebral cortex. By contrast, in patients with FUS-ir NCI, patients with NCI in DG showed a preserved cerebral cortex and patients without NCI in DG showed marked cerebral degeneration. The cerebral cortex of patients with SOD1-ir NCI was preserved. Together, these findings suggest that lesions of the cerebrum are probably not necessary for progression to Stage V. In conclusion, patients with ALS that had progressed to result in communication Stage V showed rapidly-progressed symptoms, and their common lesions could cause the manifestations of communication Stage V.ArticleACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA COMMUNICATIONS.4:107(2016)journal articl

    Subaru Spectropolarimetry of Mrk 573: The Hidden High-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Region inside the Dusty Torus

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    We report on the result of our high quality spectropolarimetric observation for the narrow-line region in a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 573, by the Subaru Telescope. The polarized flux spectrum of Mrk 573 shows not only prominent scattered broad Hα\alpha emission but also various narrow forbidden emission lines. We find that the measured polarization degree of the observed forbidden emission lines is positively correlated with the ionization potential of the corresponding ions and the critical density of the corresponding transitions. We discuss some possible origins of these correlations, and then we point out that the correlations are caused due to the obscuration of the stratified narrow-line region in Mrk 573 by the optically and geometrically thick dusty torus, just similar to the previous study on NGC 4258.Comment: 10 pages including 8 figures, to appear in The Astronomical Journa

    A survey of NB921 dropouts in the Subaru Deep Field

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    In order to search for high-redshift galaxies beyond z=6.6z = 6.6 in the Subaru Deep Field, we have investigated NB921-dropout galaxies where NB921 is the narrowband filter centered at 919.6 nm with FWHM of 13.2 nm for the Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. There are no secure NB921-dropout candidates brighter than zâ€Č=25.5z^\prime = 25.5. Based on this result, we discuss the UV luminosity function of star-forming galaxies at z>6.6z > 6.6.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, PASJ, Vol.57, No.5, in pres
