27 research outputs found

    Developmental morphology of ovules and seeds of Nymphaeales

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    閲戞并澶у鐞嗗伐鐮旂┒鍩熻嚜鐒躲偡銈广儐銉犲绯籓vule and seed development in six species of Nymphaeales was examined. In the Cabombaceae the two species studied resemble some extant basal angiosperms by having a hood-shaped outer integument. A micropyle-hilum complex results when the outer integument and derived testa are lacking between the micropyle and the funiculus, thus the hood-shaped appearance. In the Nymphaeaceae the outer integument is annular at an early stage and then cup-shaped though it is semiannular at initiation in Nupar japonicum and Nymphaea alba. The micropyle and hilum are separated by an intervening testa. Developmental data on the formation of the outer integument, from semiannular to hood-shaped vs. from annular to cup-shaped, are useful for inferring the morphology of the outer integument from the relative position of the micropyle to the hilum in seed fossils. The oldest (early Cretaceous) probable nymphaealean seeds had the micropyle-hilum complex, suggesting that the hood-shaped outer integument may be primitive in the Nymphaeales. This needs to be tested by examination of this feature in other groups of basal angiosperms

    AINTEGUMENTA homolog expression in Gnetum (gymnosperms) and implications for the evolution of ovulate axes in seed plants

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    閲戞并澶у鐞嗗伐鐮旂┒鍩熻嚜鐒躲偡銈广儐銉犲绯籘he expression of GpANTL1, a homolog of AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) found in the gymnosperm Gnetum parvifolium, was analyzed by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. GpANTL1 was expressed in the leaf primordia, root tips, and young ovules. In the ovulate axis, expression was detected as four distinct rings around the outer, middle, and inner envelope primordia as well as around the nucellar tip. This pattern of expression is similar to that of ANT in Arabidopsis thaliana. A comparison of the expression of GpANTL1 with that of PtANTL1 in the conifer Pinus thunbergii suggests that the integrated expression of PtANTL1 may have been caused by congenital fusion of the integument, ovuliferous scale, and bract. 漏 2008 The Author(s)

    Expression patterns of class I KNOX and YABBY genes in Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae) with implications for phylloclade homology

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    閲戞并澶у澶у闄㈣嚜鐒剁瀛︾爺绌剁鐢熺墿澶氭鎬у嫊鎱嬪閲戞并澶у鐞嗗閮⊿TM (RaSTM) and YAB2 (RaYAB2) homologues were isolated from Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae, monocots), and their expressions were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to assess hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of the phylloclade in the Asparagaceae. In young shoot buds, RaSTM is expressed in the shoot apex, while RaYAB2 is expressed in the scale leaf subtending the shoot bud. This expression pattern is shared by other angiosperms, suggesting that the expression patterns of RaSTM and RaYAB2 are useful as molecular markers to identify the shoot and leaf, respectively. RaSTM and RaYAB2 are expressed concomitantly in phylloclade primordia. These results suggest that the phylloclade is not homologous to either the shoot or leaf, but that it has a double organ identity. 漏 Springer-Verlag 2007