198 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we propose a new distance learning system that can adapt to various styles of learning activity. We assume that the system is used in distance classes with multiple live-streaming videos. Our system has functions to change the screen layout to best suit for the current learning situation for each of the participants in a class. The system also has a function to efficiently monitor the behavior of many students at a time. These functions enable us to adapt various learning activities in distance learning classes. We implemented a prototype of the proposed system and evaluated it in experimental classes. We confirmed that our system improved the activities in the experimental classes

    Identification of the basic amino acid residues on the PsbP protein involved in the electrostatic interaction with photosystem II

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    AbstractThe PsbP protein is an extrinsic subunit of photosystem II (PSII) that is essential for photoautotrophic growth in higher plants. Several crystal structures of PsbP have been reported, but the binding topology of PsbP in PSII has not yet been clarified. In this study, we report that the basic pocket of PsbP, which consists of conserved Arg48, Lys143, and Lys160, is important for the electrostatic interaction with the PSII complex. Our release-reconstitution experiment showed that the binding affinities of PsbP-R48A, -K143A, and -K160A mutated proteins to PSII were lower than that of PsbP-WT, and triple mutations of these residues greatly diminished the binding affinity to PSII. Even when maximum possible binding had occurred, the R48A, K143A, and K160A proteins showed a reduced ability to restore the rate of oxygen evolution at low chloride concentrations. Fourier transform infrared resonance (FTIR) difference spectroscopy results were consistent with the above finding, and suggested that these mutated proteins were not able to induce the normal conformational change around the Mn cluster during S1 to S2 transition. Finally, chemical cross-linking experiments suggested that the interaction between the N-terminus of PsbP with PsbE was inhibited by these mutations. These data suggest that the basic pocket of PsbP is important for proper association and interaction with PSII. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: Keys to Produce Clean Energy

    Cancer gene expression database (CGED): a database for gene expression profiling with accompanying clinical information of human cancer tissues

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    Gene expression profiling of cancer tissues is expected to contribute to our understanding of cancer biology as well as developments of new methods of diagnosis and therapy. Our collaborative efforts in Japan have been mainly focused on solid tumors such as breast, colorectal and hepatocellular cancers. The expression data are obtained by a high-throughput RT–PCR technique, and patients are recruited mainly from a single hospital. In the cancer gene expression database (CGED), the expression and clinical data are presented in a way useful for scientists interested in specific genes or biological functions. The data can be retrieved either by gene identifiers or by functional categories defined by Gene Ontology terms or the Swiss-Prot annotation. Expression patterns of multiple genes, selected by names or similarity search of the patterns, can be compared. Visual presentation of the data with sorting function enables users to easily recognize of relationships between gene expression and clinical parameters. Data for other cancers such as lung and thyroid cancers will be added in the near future. The URL of CGED is http://cged.hgc.jp

    Optimization of Hydraulic Retention Time and Biomass Concentration in Microalgae Biomass Production from Treated Sewage with a Membrane Photobioreactor

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    Treated sewage is a promising source of nitrogen and phosphorus in microalgae biomass production for carbon-neutral biofuel and chemical products. In this study, Chlorella vulgaris was continuously cultivated in membrane photobioreactors (MPBRs) under short hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and with different numbers of submerged membrane modules to investigate potential microalgae productivity when treated sewage was used as a nutrient source. Microalgae biomass concentrations were independent of HRT in MPBRs with one membrane module owing to microalgae biomass deposition on the membrane. Installation of an additional submerged membrane module effectively reduced deposition on the submerged membrane, resulting in increased microalgae biomass concentration and volumetric productivity. Growth kinetics suggested that HRT is the essential parameter influencing the volumetric productivity of microalgae under nutrient-limited conditions, and that optimization of the biomass concentration, which depends on the surface/volume ratio of the photobioreactor and initial light intensity, is critical to maximization of the volumetric productivity under light-limited conditions

    D139N mutation of PsbP enhances the oxygen-evolving activity of photosystem II through stabilized binding of a chloride ion

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    植物の光合成初期過程の酸素発生活性を向上させるアミノ酸変異を発見 --光合成・人工光合成の光エネルギー変換効率の向上へ期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-18.Photosystem II (PSII) is a multi-subunit membrane protein complex that catalyzes light-driven oxidation of water to molecular oxygen. The chloride ion (Cl−) has long been known as an essential cofactor for oxygen evolution by PSII, and two Cl− ions (Cl-1 and Cl-2) have been found to specifically bind near the Mn4CaO5 cluster within the oxygen-evolving center (OEC). However, despite intensive studies on these Cl− ions, little is known about the function of Cl-2, the Cl− ion that is associated with the backbone nitrogens of D1-Asn338, D1-Phe339, and CP43-Glu354. In green plant PSII, the membrane extrinsic subunits—PsbP and PsbQ—are responsible for Cl− retention within the OEC. The Loop 4 region of PsbP, consisting of highly conserved residues Thr135–Gly142, is inserted close to Cl-2, but its importance has not been examined to date. Here, we investigated the importance of PsbP-Loop 4 using spinach PSII membranes reconstituted with spinach PsbP proteins harboring mutations in this region. Mutations in PsbP-Loop 4 had remarkable effects on the rate of oxygen evolution by PSII. Moreover, we found that a specific mutation, PsbP-D139N, significantly enhanced the oxygen-evolving activity in the absence of PsbQ, but not significantly in its presence. The D139N mutation increased the Cl− retention ability of PsbP and induced a unique structural change in the OEC, as indicated by light-induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. Our findings provide insight into the functional significance of Cl-2 in the water-oxidizing reaction of PSII

    Reduced glycemic variability and flexible graft function after islet transplantation: A case report

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    To date, studies of patients with islet transplantation addressing intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring profile and the flexibility of the graft islet function under different doses of insulin administration, both of which reflect the real daily life of patients, are quite limited. Here, we report a case of a 46‐year‐old woman who received islet transplantation after kidney transplantation. The patient was followed up over a period of 2 years after initial islet transplantation. Our results show that intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring can be useful for monitoring the reduction of glycemic variability, and suggest the appropriate regulation of insulin secretion from graft islets during mixed‐meal test by using different doses of exogenous insulin administration. Additionally, during the 2‐year observational period, glucagon elevation was detected only at hypoglycemia, whereas the level was within the normal range at normoglycemia or hyperglycemia