56 research outputs found
Friction coefficient and wear resistance of a modified polypropylene impregnated with different oils
Wielowymiarowa analiza społeczno-ekonomicznego rozwoju wybranych gmin w województwie mazowieckim
The work reports an application of standardised sums to assess the social and
economic development of some counties in Mazovia Voivodeship in the year 2012. A total
of 37 counties, belonging to 5 subregions according to the NUTS-3 classifi cation, were included
in the study. They represent the following subregions: Ciechanów-Płock, Ostrołęka-
-Siedlce, Radom, Warsaw East and Warsaw West. County towns/cities were excluded from
the analysis. At the fi rst stage, development of the counties located in these subregions was
assessed in terms of population, economic and infrastructure development as well as standard
of life of inhabitants. The second stage encompassed analysis of the counties in terms
of all the criteria within these areas. The study demonstrated substantial socio-economic development
disparities. Counties located in the proximity of the Warsaw agglomeration are
highly developed in social and economic terms whereas those located at the voivodeship’s
boundary are poorly developed with respect to all the areas included in the study.W pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie metody sum standaryzowanych do
oceny rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego powiatów województwa mazowieckiego. Badaniem
objęto 37 powiatów należących do pięciu podregionów: ciechanowsko-płockiego,
ostrołęcko-siedleckiego, radomskiego, warszawskiego wschodniego i warszawskiego zachodniego.
W pierwszym etapie dokonano oceny rozwoju powiatów pod względem: rozwoju
społeczno-gospodarczego, infrastruktury i poziomu życia mieszkańców. Następnie
przeanalizowano rozwój powiatów z uwzględnieniem wszystkich obszarów. Badania wykazały, że między powiatami występują dość znaczące dysproporcje w rozwoju społecznogospodarczym.
Powiaty leżące blisko aglomeracji warszawskiej osiągają wysoki stopień
rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, zaś powiaty ościenne, leżące na granicy województwa,
charakteryzują się niskim poziomem rozwoju we wszystkich badanych obszarach
Multi-trait Analysis of Agroclimate Variations During the Growing Season in East-Central Poland (1971-2005)
The work is based on meteorological data recorded by nine stations of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management located in east-central Poland from 1971 to 2005. The region encompasses the North Podlasian Lowland and the South Podlasian Lowland. Average values of selected agroclimate indicators for the growing season were determined. Moreover, principal component analysis was conducted to indicate elements that exerted the greatest influence on the agroclimate.
Also, cluster analysis was carried out to select stations with similar agroclimate. Ward method was used for clustering and the Euclidean distance was applied. Principal component analysis revealed that the agroclimate of east-central Poland was predominantly affected by climatic water balance, number of days of active plant growth, length of the farming period, and the average
air temperature during the growing season (Apr-Sept). Based on the analysis, the region of east-central Poland was divided into two groups (areas) with different agroclimatic conditions. The first area comprized the following stations: Szepietowo and Białowieża located in the North Podlasian Lowland and Biała Podlaska situated in the northern part of the South Podlasian Lowland. This area was characterized by shorter farming periods and a lower average air temperature during the growing season. The other group included the remaining stations located in the western part of both the Lowlands which was warmer and where greater water deficits were recorded
Applying multidimensional analyses to assess drinking water quality
W pracy przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania metod wielowymiarowych do analizy jakości wody pitnej. Na podstawie wyników trzyletnich badań (2009 - 2011) przeanalizowano parametry fizykochemiczne wody pitnej z 15 wodociągów powiatu łosickiego. Wszystkie wodociągi ujmowały wodę podziemną dobrej jakości, gdyż w badanym okresie zaobserwowano tylko 7 przekroczeń zawartości żelaza, 2 przekroczenia poziomu barwy i 1 przekroczenie utlenialności. Analiza PCA wykazała, że jakość wody najsilniej różnicowały wskaźniki związane z pierwszymi czterema składowymi. Analiza skupień pozwoliła zaś na wyodrębnienie 4 grup wodociągów różniących się jakością dostarczanej wody. Grupę I stanowiły wodociągi, w których woda była twarda, ale jednocześnie zawierała mało żelaza i manganu. Wodociągi z grupy II dostarczały wodę o małej zawartości związków azotowych. Woda z wodociągów grupy III zawierała relatywnie dużo żelaza i manganu, ale jednocześnie była najmniej twarda i charakteryzowała się najniższym wskaźnikiem przewodności elektrycznej. Grupę IV tworzyły wodociągi, które doprowadzały wodę o relatywnie dużej mętności i dużej zawartości żelaza, ale o bardzo niskim pH.In the paper, there were presented the possibilities of applying multidimensional methods to analyse
the quality of drinking water. Based on the three year research results (2009 - 2011), analyzed were the physical and chemical parameters of drinking water from 15 water supply systems in the district (in Polish: powiat) of Łosice. Groundwater supplied by all the systems was of good quality as, during the period studied, only 7 cases were reported where the content of iron was exceeded, 2 cases where the colour level was exceeded, and 1 case with the exceeded level of KMnO4 oxidation. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the parameters associated with the first four components impacted the quality of water analyzed most of all. The cluster analysis made it possible to distinguish 4 groups of water supply systems, which differed as regards the quality of water supplied. Group I comprised the systems with hard water and, at the same time, with low contents of iron and manganese. The water systems in group II supplied water with a low content of nitrates. The water in the systems of group III contained relatively high amounts of iron and manganese, but, at the same time, its hardness was the lowest and it was characterized by the lowest value of the electrical conductivity index. Group IV comprised the water supply systems that provided water with a relatively high turbidity level and a high content of iron; however, its pH value was very low
Porównanie odmian ziemniaka jadalnego z wykorzystaniem niektórych metod analizy wielowymiarowej
Yield and quality characteristics of three potato cultivars, that is Aster, Muza,
and Ania, were examined in an experiment conducted in years 1999-2001. Total tuber
yield, starch content, dry matter content, and vitamin C content were determined. Data
analysis was based on multidimensional methods, that is interprofile analysis and cluster
analysis. The levels of both the yield and component contents were different depending
on the cultivar and growth conditions. It was confirmed by means of the profile lines of
the examined cultivars, which had different courses in each year of study. Coefficients of
similarity rc indicate that the profiles of the cultivars were not similar (comparisons were
made between pairs). The most dissimilar were the profiles of Aster and Ania, influenced
by the conditions of the 2000 growth season, as well as of Muza and Ania in the year
1999. Cluster analysis revealed that Muza and Ania formed one cluster (were the most
similar) in the years 1999 and 2000, and Ania and Aster in the year 2001.W eksperymencie przeprowadzonym w latach 1999-2001 badano
plonowanie oraz cechy jakościowe bulw trzech odmian ziemniaka: Aster, Muza i Ania.
Oznaczono plon bulw ogółem i plon skrobi. Z cech jakościowych określono: zawartość
skrobi, zawartość suchej masy oraz zawartość witaminy C. Analizę danych oparto na
metodach wielowymiarowych, tj. na analizie interprofilowej oraz analizie skupień.
Wykazano, że metody te pozwalają na porównanie odmian ziemniaka jadalnego pod
względem ich jakości, w przypadku, gdy analizowanych jest wiele cech jednocześnie.
Analiza profilowa wykazała, że najbardziej podobne były odmiany: Aster i Muza
z sezonu wegetacyjnego 1999 i 2001 oraz odmiany: Muza i Ania z 2000 roku. Analiza
skupień wykazała natomiast podobieństwo odmian Muza i Aster w roku 1999 i 2000 oraz
odmian Ania i Aster w 2001 roku
Multi-trait analysis of agroclimate variations during the growing season in east-central Poland (1971-2005)
The work is based on meteorological data recorded by nine stations of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management located in east-central Poland from 1971 to 2005. The region encompasses the North Podlasian Lowland and the South Podlasian Lowland. Average values of selected agroclimate indicators for the growing season were determined. Moreover, principal component analysis was conducted to indicate elements that exerted the greatest influence on the agroclimate.
Also, cluster analysis was carried out to select stations with similar agroclimate. Ward method was used for clustering and the Euclidean distance was applied. Principal component analysis revealed that the agroclimate of east-central Poland was predominantly affected by climatic water balance, number of days of active plant growth, length of the farming period, and the average
air temperature during the growing season (Apr-Sept). Based on the analysis, the region of east-central Poland was divided into two groups (areas) with different agroclimatic conditions. The first area comprized the following stations: Szepietowo and Białowieża located in the North Podlasian Lowland and Biała Podlaska situated in the northern part of the South Podlasian Lowland. This area was characterized by shorter farming periods and a lower average air temperature during the growing season. The other group included the remaining stations located in the western part of both the Lowlands which was warmer and where greater water deficits were recorded
Application of a Logistic Function to Describe the Growth of Fodder Galega
It was attempted in the paper to describe the growth of oriental goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) growth by means of a logistic function. The studies demonstrated that the function describes empirical data well as the coefficients of determination obtained ranged between 97 to 98%, depending on the growing season. The estimated function parameters indicate that both the plant height and growth rate were conditioned by thermal conditions and moisture during the growing season. Plants had the longest stems in the year 2010 (127.9 cm), and the shortest in 2008 (105.9 cm). The maximum growth rate ranged from 2.12 to 3.97 cm per day in, respectively, 2009 and 2008. Also the inflection point, the point at which plants grew the fastest, depended on the conditions of the growing season
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