5 research outputs found
Guidance-based quantification of arm impairment following brain injury: a pilot study
- Publication venue
- 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Abnormal force--EMG relations in paretic limbs of hemiparetic human subjects.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Myoelectric silence following unopposed passive stretch in normal man.
- Author
- Angel R.W.
- Angel R.W.
- Angel R.W.
- Burg D.
- Burke D.
- Chernikoff R.
- Davson H.
- DPC Laporte Y.Lloyd
- Evarts E.V.
- Hammond P.H.
- Hansen K.
- Henneman E.
- Higgins JR, Angel
- Hoffman P.
- J D Kocsis
- J Newsom Davis
- Liddell E.G.T.
- Liddell E.G.T.
- Lloyd D.P.C.
- Marsden C.D.
- Matthews P.B.C.
- Phillips C.G.
- R W Angel
- R Eldred E.Granit
- Rymer W.Z.
- S G Waxman
- Sears T.A.
- Sears T.A.
- Sherrington C.S.
- Woodworth R.S.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Neural activity states in different forms of physiological tremor. Facts and hypotheses
- Author
- A. Taylor
- B. McKeon
- B.R. Botterman
- B.R. Botterman
- C.G. Kukulka
- C.N. Christakos
- C.N. Christakos
- C.N. Christakos
- C.N. Christakos
- D. Adam
- D.H. Perkel
- E. Jankowska
- E.E. Brink
- F.J.R. Richmond
- F.J.R. Richmond
- G. Bilotto
- G.F. Inbar
- G.W. Sypert
- H. Clamann
- H. Hultborn
- H. Kranz
- H.-R. Lüscher
- J.E. Swett
- J.E. Swett
- K. Appenteng
- K. Ezure
- K.-E. Hagbarth
- K.S.K. Murthy
- L. Jami
- M.D. Binder
- M.D. Binder
- M.D. Binder
- M.D. Binder
- P.A. Kirkwood
- P.A. Kirkwood
- P.A. Kirkwood
- R. Schwestka
- R. Shiavi
- R.E. Burke
- R.E. Burke
- R.J. Elble
- R.N. Stiles
- R.N. Stiles
- R.N. Stiles
- R.R. Young
- S. Andreassen
- S. Gottlieb
- S. Mori
- S. Mori
- S. Rapoport
- S.G. Nelson
- U. Windhorst
- U. Windhorst
- U. Windhorst
- U. Windhorst
- U. Windhorst
- W. Koehler
- W. Koehler
- W.E. Cameron
- W.E. Cameron
- W.Z. Rymer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pathophysiology of spasticity.
- Author
- 0 Forester
- Andrews C.J.
- Ashby P.
- Bergmark G.
- Brown W.J.
- Bucy P.C.
- Bucy P.C.
- Bucy P.C.
- Bucy P.C.
- Burke D.
- Burke D.
- Cannon B.W.
- Chokroverty S.
- Chou S.M.
- Daniels L.E.
- Davison C.
- Delwaide P.J.
- Denny-Brown D.
- Dietz V.
- Engberg I.
- Fisher C.M.
- Freund H.-J.
- Freund H.-J.
- Fries W.
- Fulton J.F.
- Fulton J.F.
- Giiman S.
- Growdon J.H.
- H Kerr Graham
- Horsley V.
- Hyndman O.R.
- Hyndman O.R.
- Hyndman O.R.
- Kuhn R.A.
- Lassek A.M.
- Lassek A.M.
- Leestma J.E.
- Liddell E.G.T.
- Lindsley D.B.
- Magoun H.W.
- Magoun H.W.
- McCouch G.P.
- McCulloch W.S.
- Meyer J.S.
- Nathan P.W.
- North J.
- Oppenheimer DR
- P Brown
- Peterson B.W.
- Putnam T.J.
- Putnam T.J.
- Rymer W.Z.
- Sachs E.
- Schreiner L.M.
- Shahani B.T.
- Thilmann A.F.
- Thompson P.D.
- Tower S.S.
- Travis A.M.
- Travis A.M.
- Verhaart W.J.C.
- Wagley P.F.
- Walshe F.M.R.
- Walshe F.M.R.
- Woolf C.J.
- Woolsey C.N.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study